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Seeing Through the Meme

American Voice Radio - 01/28/11

Transcribed by Liz Patton

“We cannot, by total reliance on law, escape the duty to judge right and wrong. There are good laws and there are occasionally bad laws. And it conforms to the highest traditions of free society to offer resistance to bad laws and to disobey them.”

That was said by Alexander Bickel.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It’s a pleasure to be with you once again.  And I will be your host for the next hour.

And folks, this is going to be my last show for the next month.  I’m going to have a month off the radio after this one, because I just have a great deal of stuff to catch up on, a great deal of things to do. I really would like to attempt to get the new film finished. And I’ve just got a lot of stuff on, folks. It’s just very difficult to find the time to do the shows at the moment. I think I actually have a couple of interviews on other stations that are coming up in the next month, so there will very likely be stuff that gets posted to the CrowHouse and YouTube occasionally during the month, but I really do need to catch up on a few things.  

I would like to put out a call here at the start of the show for any creative types who would like to be involved in any projects with me. I’m after graphic artists, comic book artists, web designers, flash programmers, 3-D animators and those sorts of things. Anybody creative really. Anybody who would like to put a little bit of time into a project. Please bear in mind of course, that everything that I do is not for profit, and everything that I will be putting out and releasing from these projects will be put out on the net for free, so there’s no financial reimbursement to be offered. But if you would like to be involved and at least have your name on the project and do something to help humanity, well then the offer is there. I would very much like to hear from you. You can contact me via through the contact page, or you can contact me via my YouTube channel or even send me a message through Facebook. Either way, I’m sure the message will get to me.

Now, over the last couple of shows that I’ve done, I’ve been attempting to present you with a different way of looking at the system. And instead of looking at the component parts within the system, the different organizations and the different people who run the organizations, to actually look at the system itself and see it for what it is. And what I’ve been attempting to describe it to you as, is an energetic life form (a meme) and help people to understand how it actually functions, why it actually functions and what it truly is and why it’s so difficult to address the problem of this social and legal matrix that enslaves society by attacking its component parts or fighting its component parts, and how what is actually needed is for people to see the meme for what it is and to simply stop feeding it, by which I mean stop giving it your energy, because it only survives because of the energy that we the people chose to give to it.

Now when you can begin to see the system in this manner, and to see it for what it really is, then it starts to become obvious how it works. You begin to see how it functions. How everybody who goes through the education system is actually indoctrinated into believing the meme is real and into believing what their life is about is supporting this meme and helping it become more efficient. It’s almost like the system itself is almost like a parasitic entity, like a psychological parasite, a psychological virus or a consciousness virus that has caused human consciousness to believe that the social, legal and economic matrix that actually enslaves society is real, and that their success in life depends on how more efficient and how more functional they make this organism and upon how high they climb certain social and corporate ladders. And these social and corporate ladders can only really be climbed by making this system more efficient. So it’s been designed to feed itself, and the food that it consumes to do this is human energy. It’s the energy that the people themselves put into making this system work and making it more and more functional, and thus, making it more and more dehumanized.

You see, even with our education system folks, in as far as the way people measure success, then gratification can really only be achieved through left brain pursuits, but taught to strive and to succeed and to make things more efficient. To make things better and better and better. And this would allow you to climb higher on the social and economic ladder. The higher you climb on this ladder the more stuff you get to collect. And the more stuff you collect, the more famous people you are able to hang out with.

It’s this really weird kind of structure that we’ve got; what we aspire to and what we perceive to be successful. But as I have said to you before, once you obtain these successes and you reach these goals that you have set for yourself, what you find when you get there is ultimately yourself. Nothing else has changed except for the stuff you have around you. And you usually have a lot more stress in your life, because now you have a lot more stuff to worry about. But that is the type of success that we crave. That is the type of left brain gratification that we crave as a society in general.

And this is the way any parasite operates. This psychological parasite, the meme that controls the human race itself; it causes that which it takes its food from, to crave the food that the parasite desires. This is the way it works. The parasite will always cause the host to crave what the parasite needs. And what the parasite needs is for people to aspire to left brain activities and to success in the form of personal gain.

And when you have this mentality instilled within the population, and then you make sure that everything about that society runs on money, and that the money is always in a state of shortage, because it’s based on interest bearing debt; only the principal is ever created, and not the interest. This thereby enslaves society to this system. They need to collect this paper. They need to strive for more left brain success in order to get more paper, because the more paper they have, the more security they’ll have within the system. But as more and more people strive and more and more people get like discarded like used waste, which is almost what the lower echelons and lower income earners in our society are viewed by society, as more and more people get spat out the side of this machine as the machine becomes more efficient, then those at the top that have spent their lives accumulating paper, eventually they get spat out as well, because the money supply works that way. It just starts at the bottom and it gets rid of the so-called riffraff first, and then it gradually goes up the food chain, until eventually all that is left within the system is enough people to ensure that the system runs to its ultimate peak and perfection. The only other people that are left are those who stand outside the system. And those people are the people who issue the money into the system.

Can you see how all this works? And the system itself; it only functions, it’s only able to do this, it’s only able to make itself more efficient, because of the people themselves who operate within the system that only operate and seek left brain aspirations and left brain goals. And they only seek more efficiency. They only seek personal gain. And you can’t blame them for being this way, because these are simply the people who have been the most indoctrinated through the system; through the education and social systems that they’ve been exposed to. They are victims of the subculture that has been created for them, to lead them down exactly path they have been led down, and to believe that they need to obtain the very goals that they have obtained.

So that’s the problem you see, folks. The problem is the system itself. Sure, there are a lot of corrupt component parts within the system, but the real problem is the system itself. And it’s only able to continue, it’s only able to make itself more and more efficient the way that it does is by the energy that people give it. And this is why my message from day one on the radio and day one in all of my films had been for a mass movement of global noncompliance to this system. Because noncompliance - peaceful noncompliance and solidarity of human spirit is really the only thing that is going to change the direction that the human race is currently heading.

I believe for the best way for any of this to be achieved is for people to gain a better understanding of reality, because having a better understanding of reality will help people remove fear from their lives. And it is only through the removal of fear that any type of unity or solidarity is ever going to occur.

Now more than ever in mans history, in Earths history, in the history of human consciousness; now more than ever it is imperative that people gain an understanding of the two spectums of energy that control humanity, mainly love and fear. And that they remove fear from their lives. And always operate from a space of love. And again, I am not talking about touchy feely anthropomorphic love. I am not talking about 5 minute hugs and smiling at everybody and then talking about them behind their back once they’ve left the room, the way a lot of people are. I’m not talking about any type of fake spirituality or any love and light mentality at all. I am talking about a deeper understanding of reality and a true acknowledgment of the connection that people have to each other.

When I look at someone I see myself. Anybody, I see myself having that experience. I treat every person as I would want to be treated in that situation. And I really attempt to look at things holistically, and always operate from my heart, and always follow the path that my intuition indicates to me that I should be following. As I said folks, it is as simple as following the path of dharma and doing the right thing in the right way at the right time for the right reason. Always staying within the one law. And as I have often said on several occasions, to be the type of friend that you would want to have as a friend and treat everybody in that way. If you do this it will make an incredible difference to your life. It certainly has to mine. And imagine if the entire world simply started to operate by those guidelines.

Now over the last few years, we’ve seen what has appeared to be the introduction of a very totalitarian system that is being imposed around the globe. But in reality what we are actually seeing is the machine that’s always been there simply becoming more visible. Because the tighter the control gets, the more visible the machinations of the meme become. And I’ve been saying since the beginning, that the way to address this is through noncompliance to the system. And I’ve been suggesting that the best form of noncompliance is to put yourself in an energetic state of love and build community around you. As I’ve said on many shows, how you could start having these neighborhood movements and start improving your own neighborhoods, start improving your own building. Wherever you are, you can do something to start improving the neighbors where you are. And the best way to start doing that is to give to your neighbors, breaking down the barriers with your neighbors and start helping each other.

You see folks, because everything about the system that we are currently enslaved to is exactly the opposite of all of those things. And there is a reason for that. Because if we have common unity in the community, if we do support our neighbors and we do support each other and we do look at each other as ourselves, then we can change the whole thing. And by doing this; by creating a culture of giving and an attitude of giving and an attitude of self-empowerment, an attitude of equality, we can simply by a matter cause, create an entirely new meme. We can create an entirely new way of looking at society. An entirely new way of looking at reality.

And look, I’m not suggesting that we all jump on board the Venus Project or anything like that. I’m saying we need to change our way of thought. I’m not suggesting any alternate society at all; I’m suggesting fixing the society that we have here right now. It’s all very well to wish to build new societies and futuristic cities and things, but we need to have a way of getting to that point to begin with, and the only way we can do that is by fixing the communities that we have now. Besides, what about the people who simply don’t want to live in the city? Personally, I couldn’t live in any of the cities I have seen proposed by the Venus Project, simply because I am not a city guy. I prefer to live in the country. I mean sure, I can see the merit of the designs by Jacques Fresco’s cities, but it’s simply not where I would want to live. and it’s not the type of society I would personally want to live in.

I mean, I can definitely see the merits of robotizing a lot of production. I can definitely see the merits of removing human consciousness from the clutches of a monetary system. I can certainly see how that would be beneficial. As far as ownership as it is presented within the Zeitgeist Movement; I mean sure, I can understand from a spiritual perspective and a realistic perspective that there can never really be any true owners of everything, simply because of the nature of reality and our temporary place within it. But within a social structure; within a social structure of any kind, then the whole no ownership thing really is a little weird. Because within any type of social structure people are going to want to own things. I mean, people like to have their particular brand of whatever. They like to have their shoes, and say “they’re my shoes.” They like to have their guitar and say, “that's my guitar.” People are always going to want to own things. I can’t see that there is anything wrong with having land provided for people by the state. Lands and apartments wherever they want to live provided to them by the state. That’s the way I think it should be. But as far as ownership goes, well people are going to want stuff. They want stuff to have around. It’s their stuff. Ladies like to have their own dresses and their own jewelry. Guys like to have their own cars. They like to work on their cars. They have fun with these sorts of things. So I would say if that type of society was introduced, there would be a lot of fine tuning that would be needed.

But again, I don’t see the need to build an alternate society. I see much more of a need to wake up the society that we have now, to simply help people see things from a different perspective, help them see the meme that they are all enslaved to and how artificial it is. and to see the system for what it is. That’s all it would really take. I don’t know, call it true education, folks. I think if people were honestly educated in the true nature of reality and were given the opportunity to freely express themselves to their fullest potential instead of being economic slaves to a corrupt system, I think that we would have a vastly different world and I don’t think we would have any of the problems that we currently face. And I think that true and honest education aimed at both sides of the brain; both left and right, would probably really be all it would take to achieve this. You see folks, once we introduced a true and honest education system, and once we’ve done some positive work on the community that we currently have, and we’ve worked to help people open their minds and gain a clearer understanding of the true nature of reality, then the societies in which we live and reality itself will change for the better simply by matter of cause. We won’t need to build any alternate type of society. We can simply let this one evolve in the direction it should evolve, and the direction in which it would evolve if people were not forced to live their lives enslaved to a corrupt privately run monetary system, and if people were simply educated in the true nature of reality, and in their true connection to other people and to the planet that we live on.

This is the way to free humanity. And it’s the only truly workable way to free humanity. And if people could just get their heads out of their TV sets, I would suggest that would also be the simplest way to free humanity. If people simply stopped what they are doing and took the time to look around, to simply look at society for what it is, and look at the world for what it is.

Don’t turn away from the shadow. Look at all the damage that the human race is doing to itself and to the planet that we live on. And how all of this damage is perpetuated by this meme and held in place by our governments. And how the glue that’s used to hold it in place and to keep it in place and to keep society distracted from ever looking, is the money supply.

And now that more and more people are waking up to this, and more and more people are beginning to see that something is terribly wrong with the way the world is run. Now that more and more people are choosing to face this shadow that does exist in the world, we are seeing mass panic by the government. We are seeing media, the television and the newspapers and everything that they can throw into action to suppress the flow of this information. We’ve seen stuff like the Wikileaks affair. Like the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, which has served to vilify the truth movement. To vilify anybody who speaks out against the government.

I also saw a recent report of a man who was vilifying David Icke in regards to the Gabrielle Giffords and Jared Lee Loughner case. I refer of course to Mark Potak from the Southern Poverty Law Center, who was actually being interviewed in regards to the Sovereign Citizens movement. People who are attempting to claim their rights back from the corrupt government that has removed their rights. And he was very much vilifying these people and he was suggesting basically that any of these people who stood up against government corruption was basically a lunatic, and a thief and all sorts of these things he was calling these people. I did notice that he had a little bit of a eye problem on the show as well. So those of you who are interested in these eye problems and who collect data on eye problems that people seem to have, then you might want to look into this Mark Potak interview. And the interview is entitled, Potak and Sanchez Attack Sovereign Citizens. But I digress.

Now as I said a little bit earlier, when you look at modern history, it becomes extremely apparent that this totalitarian system is being put in place and its making itself very visible. We’ve had a lot of people warning us about it for years. But there has also been a lot of people crying wolf. And those sorts of things make it very difficult for people to ever take it seriously, because they’ve been cried wolf at so many times. The FEMA camps, the this, the Swine Flu, Codex Alimentarius, all of these things. And as soon as the public becomes aware that something really bad is being put in place, like something like Codex Alimentarius, then the system itself just pulls it back a little bit so it doesn’t get implemented on time. That’s why it’s very dangerous to give people deadlines and say “look this is going to happen. The money system is going to crash in June”, or whatever. You can never predict an absolute date so there are always people crying wolf. With Codex for example, what we’ve seen is the implementation of a lot of Codex guidelines that have come in other areas by other means, not the blanket implementation of Codex Alimentarius. We’ve seen bills such as S510 and bills such as HR75. Different food bills, different genetic modification food bills. Different types of agricultural bills. All of these things that have served to gradually compound the entire system, make it form efficient, head it down that line so that eventually it will all be run by Codex guidelines and we’ll find that Codex Alimentarius has been implemented but we didn't realize it because it wasn't this blanket thing that coming over the horizon like a hailstorm. What it is, is the gradual introduction of all these smaller bills which when combined cover all the Codex guidelines. And they do that with everything. They do that with everything. Everything that they do all these little compartments that come together and eventually they become so efficient and so intertwined that they can be run under the one banner. And this is traditionally how it’s done. And that’s why it’s very dangerous to cry wolf. What is really needed is for people to look and see the system for what it is and see how it functions. Because once you understand how it functions you can disengage yourself from it simply by connecting with those around you.

But, I think it’s break time here, folks. So I’m going to have to leave it there for now. We’ll come back and talk a little bit more after the break. Thank you very much for spending this time with me today. And I’ll speak to you again in a few minutes.  

And welcome back, folks. Now, there can be no doubt that we are at a real turning point in history. In virtually all aspects, a turning point in social evolution, in economic evolution, in conscious evolution, and judging by what’s going on around the globe, also in planetary evolution. Things are just changing. All of the seasons this year are completely different to any year that I’ve ever seen. All of the animals are doing incredibly strange things. We’ve had enormous amount of animal deaths and bird deaths and fish deaths around the planet. The poles skipping all over the place. We’ve got some really, really interesting things going on on Mother Earth at this present moment in history. And along with that, we are seeing an unprecedented evolution in human consciousness. An unprecedented change in the way the human species is collectively thinking and collectively viewing reality. There is still of course many people who are asleep. There are still many people who are locked within the social and economic matrix. But the amount of people that are waking up to the true nature of reality, and the amount of people that are waking up the reality of the meme that controls human consciousness truly is unprecedented.

Many people are starting to ask the obvious questions. Why is life so hard? Why do I have to pay to be alive? Why do I have to spend my entire life working my fingers to the bone and have nothing? Where does it all lead? Where does it all go? How is the human race doing anything productive? How is the human condition in any way improved by living within the societies that we are having structured around us? Is this what life is about?

And in asking these questions, many people are of course coming up with the obvious answers. And that is that this is not what life is about, and there is no reason why anyone should pay to be alive. In fact, there is no reason why anyone on this planet, anywhere on this planet should be in any state of hardship at all. There is no reason why everybody on this planet should not be in a state of abundance and why the planet itself should not also be in a state of abundance. And of course, the only thing that causes poverty. hardship or shortage on any part of the planet is the money supply, because we do have a world of abundance. And the only thing that prevents people from having access to that abundance is because people are kept in a constant state of shortage, due to the imposition of a money supply upon the people and peoples manufactured dependence upon a money supply.

And again, it isn’t money itself that is the inherent problem. The problem is that the money that we use is issued from a private bank and it’s based on interest bearing debt. So every dollar that’s in circulation has interest attached to it, and the interest is simply never created. And the real problem there seems to be with people is attempting to get peoples head around this. If  people can simply just get it into their head that every dollar that they have in their wallet or in their bank was actually issued by a private bank and each dollar has interest attached to it. And the interest is never produced. So that’s what keeps society in a state of shortage. That’s what causes inflation.

People are always borrowing more money, because everyone is always in a state of shortage, because the money itself has interest attached to it. It’s a private scam. It’s a big pyramid scheme, and eventually transfers all wealth into the hands of those who issue the money. That's why I go on about it so much, folks. And that’s what powers the meme. That's the mechanism that keeps everybody on the treadmill. Keeps everybody in left brain. Training people to make things more efficient. Or to get yourself more famous. Or to climb to the top of the corporate ladder. Because if you do this then you collect more paper. If you’ve got more paper then you’re in more of a state of security. But it’s only because the paper that you collect has interest attached to it.

If we eliminate the interest on money, straight away we could change the entire world, because suddenly no one would be in a state of shortage. And shortage is what causes all the problems. It’s what causes 90% of crime. It’s what causes most of the wars. Most of the animosity between nations. It’s all about shortage. And the shortage is manufactured. It doesn't exist. It’s simply the way the meme keeps people distracted, keeps them on the treadmill and so everybody works to make the system better for themselves so they can obtain more paper.  

And it isn’t just people. It isn’t just society in general. It’s also done on a national scale. The system will work to get more and more nations enslaved to debt. Create more and more shortage on a national level. This gives you the ability to start more wars and to take over the resources of other nations, simply because of the competitive nature of the world. And the only reason the world is competitive is because of this shortage of paper. And yet the only reason there is a shortage of paper is because it is a privately run system. You’d think that people would be able to see a little bit of a problem with this, folks. And they really is a problem with this system. And to illustrate the problem, all you have to do is stop and look around.

But again, as with all problems in all their disguises, in all their aspects, what this actually represents is an opportunity. And that is the opportunity for growth, and the opportunity to fix the problem.

There is no doubt that some type of evolution is happening. There is no doubt that great changes are happening both upon the earth and to the human spirit. The rise in energy, the rise in frequency that is happening is tangible in its effects on the human body. It’s something you can virtually feel if you are open to such things. And there is also an enormous amount of interference that is happening around the planet. Whether this is coming from HAARP, whether it is coming from solar storms or the changing earths magnetic pulse. Whatever is causing this, there is certainly what could almost perceived as a lot of static in the air. A lot of static energy around to be having the effect of blocking a lot of peoples connection to source. Of blocking a lot of the creativity of people. A lot of the emotional aspects of peoples lives. Many people are having relationship troubles. Many people are having difficultly in writing. Difficulty in playing their instrument. Difficulty in painting. Difficulty in expressing themselves generally. And it’s happening on a global scale. It’s been happening for a while and it’s still happening.

I’ve been attempting to explain to people that understanding that this is occurring is 80% of the battle. Once you understand that you are suffering a state of electromagnetic imbalance, that there is something in the flux that is upsetting people and that is throwing peoples balance askew, that truly is 80% of the battle. Once you are aware of this, this veil of static between you and source, you can literally pull back the veil. You can start loving those around you, and by doing so you can reconnect yourself. The problem is simply realizing that the veil of static is there, in order for you to then be able to pull it back. And I know that sounds probably incredibly esoteric to some people, but that’s the best way I can think to describe it.

We as a species are indeed facing a time of great change and a time of great trials on this planet. A lot of people are being tested. And now more than ever is the time that the human race needs to maintain its energetic state, to stay in a positive love based energy. The Mayans call the period, The Period of Definition. They refer to this period as being the when the human consciousness will collectively manifest the next stage of reality. This of course is true for any period through history when you really think about things holistically, but it seems to be especially true for this period of transition that we are currently heading into or passing through.

The Period of Definition according to Mayan teachings I believe, goes from September 23, 2010 til October 18, 2011. And understanding how important this period of definition actually is to the evolution of human consciousness, it is very understandable why we would see such bizarre events happening all around us and why we would be subject to this electromagnetic static; this test of our energy, if you will. But as I said, half of the battle is realizing what’s going on, and realizing that it’s there.

When one looks around and sees the nature of all the attacks that the human race is being subject to both electromagnetically and the chemtrails and the food additives, the water additives, television, the government and social system, everything that we are subject to. It becomes obvious that there really is a huge shadow in the world and now reaching the point where humanity is going to be required to make a choice. And the choice is going to be whether to stand up and collectively face the shadow and create a new reality of freedom and abundance, or whether to allow the shadow to consume the human consciousness. Essentially the choice that we will be faced with is the choice between love and fear.

Personally through my understandings, through my meditations and through my research, I have come to the conclusion that the easiest way to remove fear from your life and be able to stand and address the shadow, is to gain a true understanding of reality. And so that is what I have attempted to bring to people on these programs.

Now whether you believe in my perspective of reality - the energetic universe that I talk about. The holographic universe. Or not. Whether you place any credence in Mayan teachings and their version of what this transition will be through this period, or not. Whether you simply what we believe are facing are problems with our governments, problems with the banking systems and the imposition of a police state around the globe, and whether all of this other stuff is a distraction, it really doesn't make any difference. Because whichever one is happening, it all represents a period of transition. And through any one of the transitions that I’ve just mentioned, again the most important thing through the transition is going to be the choice between love and fear.

If this is a period of transition to a higher consciousness as many believe, and you are going to want to be in a state of unconditional love through that change. And all unconditional love is, is a removal of fear. You don’t want to be in a state of fear when you make the transition. You need to see it for what it is, and simply go with the ride and treasure the experience.

If it’s going to be a transition into a police state, as many people would have you believe, again it’s going to be a choice between love and fear. And the only thing that is going to allow the imposition of a police state is if people remain in fear. Even with what’s going on at the moment with the TSA and the FDA and the FCC and all of the things that Adolf Obama seems to be implementing, what is require for all of these things to work is the compliance of the people. The only reason that people would even think of complying with these ridiculous pieces of legislation, is because of fear. And that might be justified in a personal sense if you are one of a small group of people who happen to be standing up against all this. But if you expel the fear that you have within you that prevents you from going out and taking this information to your greater community in an eloquent and peaceful and non fearful way, then you will generate the community support that is needed to collectively stand up against all of this corrupt legislation. And that's how the legislation will be nullified. But again, it’s removing fear all the way down the line, because essentially folks, the only thing that prevents people from talking to others about this is fear of what others may think.

It doesn't matter what other people think of you. What they think of you is their issue. It’s not your issue unless you choose to take that reality onto yourself. I don’t. I don’t care what people think about me. That’s their issue, it’s not mine. So I don’t let other people’s opinions of me effect what my opinion of myself is, or what my opinion of reality is. I think it’s very important to know when you are taking someone else’s opinion of reality on as your own opinion of reality. Because we tend to do this thing quite often. And this is both negative and positively, folks. When there’s people who tell you they don’t like you and they attack you and they belittle you. A lot of people tend to let that effect them because they will take that energy onto themselves. They will take that opinion on and will make it part of their reality.

And it’s the same with if you get lavish praise heaped upon you. Many people  take that to heart and will make that part of their own reality. And this is when false ego will take over and they will start feeling that they are better than others. If you can see praise from others as simply an appreciation and connection, then you can look at things in a completely different way. The praise that I receive from people, I humbly accept as a connection to themselves. And that’s what praise should be viewed as. I really believe that if you can make someones life easier because you are in the world, that should be all the praise that you really need, is to see that persons life become easier and to see the fruit of your efforts in the positive nature that that person then envelops.  From my perspective, that is the best praise and the most rewarding feeling that I have ever experienced. And you should never be too afraid or too proud to accept either help or praise from another, because when such a thing is offered to you, then you honor the giver by accepting that which is freely given.

Folks, it’s only going to be by accepting that which is given and by giving to those around you that we are ever going to pull the human consciousness out of the quagmire that it’s in. The way we do this is by eliminating fear from our psyche. The way we do this is by following our dharma; doing the right thing in the right way at the right time for the right reason. Following the one law - the law of service to the creation. Service to the creation, including service to others and including service to the self. Service to all. If everybody was to live their life in service, we could literally change things overnight.

And we are fast approaching the period where we are going to realize the necessity in adopting this attitude. When systems do begin to break down. When money systems begin to break down. When food systems begin to break down, as we are facing the very real possibly here in Australia, having most of our crops wiped out in severe flooding that’s covered almost half of the country. We are soon going to realize the importance of having a culture of giving, and having a society based on service. Because by putting ourselves in a state of service is the only way we are going to make it through. And when I refer to service folks, as I’m sure you all know, I am talking about service to the creation. I’m not talking about serving others at the expense of the self. I’m talking about service to the whole of the creation. I’m talking about doing the right thing by everything. Doing the right thing in the right way at the right time for the right reason. And following the path of the heart. The path of the heart is to give unconditionally to the environment in which it lives, but never at the expense of the self. Because giving at the expense of the self is not truly giving to the creation.

Well, it seems that we are getting close to the end of the show again, folks. It certainly has been an interesting ride, talking to you all over the last 28 months or so. And we certainly have covered a lot of ground together.

I think that 2011 is going to be a particularly interesting year. I think it’s going to be a particularly important year. And a lot of what the outcome of this year will be will be determined by the energetic state of the population through this period.

On another note, I do have a lot of projects on this year. And I will repeat now my call for any creative people. Artists, graphic artists, 3-D animators, people who work with flash. Any type of creative people who feel like being involved in any of these projects. It doesn’t matter when you live in the world. We can always hook up on line and do things that way. So if you are one such person, it would be great if you could contact me through the website.

Again, I would like to thank all the people who have supported me for the last 28 months, since I’ve been doing these radio shows. All the people who have contributed financially to help keep the website going and help spread the information contained in the website. All the people who have subtitled my films and made transcripts of my films in various languages and posted these all over the Internet and sent me copies of the transcripts so I could post them on TheCrowHouse, and copies of the links to the subtitled versions so I could post all of them. All the people who have posted torrents of my stuff. I’ve seen torrents of the entire 2010 radio series and probably the entire 2009 series as well, they are all available as mp3 torrents. I’ve seen my stuff literally viral all over the internet. And the support that people have shown in spreading this information has been very, very humbling and very gratifying. And I very much appreciate the effort that everybody has gone to to help wake up this human consciousness from its collective slumber. Because that really is the goal of all of the stuff that I do. It really is the goal of pretty well everyone that I know.

A lot of people may be involved in this whatever you want to call it, the truth movement or the global awakening movement, or the global consciousness movement, or whatever you want to call it. A lot of the people that are involved in it seem to do it so for personal gain or personal glory or for monetary reasons or for whatever. But there are a lot of us out here who don’t do it for any of those reasons. There are a lot of us out here who do it simply because it needs to be done. Someone simply has to do it. And there are many people who can seen the truth of this and who understand the necessity of getting this type of information out to the public. And I feel very fortunate to have attracted many such people. And I feel very fortunate and very humbled by the fact that my words have been given consideration by so many.

I do know that we can make a difference through this change. I do know that the human race, the human consciousness is capable of creating any type of reality we wish to create. We have a collective potential that is virtually unlimited if we would simply apply ourselves and simply understand our true potential and put our collective spirit and our collective consciousness into action. And I know that we will do this. Eventually I know that it will happen. And my purpose through all of this is to hopefully help make this transition a smooth one and to help people understand the need to apply the correct type of energy to any transitional period.

I know that anything is possible, folks. And that all we really have to do is to want it badly enough. Because when we want it badly enough, it will simply happen by default. We’ll make it happen with our collective will for it to happen.

Well, it’s been a real pleasure talking with you again today, folks. And yes, as I mentioned at the start of the show, there will be no radio shows through February this year. You can expect to hear from me again around about March 4th, if everything goes according to plan, though I really do have a great deal to do. So it’s not really going to be having any time off at all, it’s simply going to be a focusing of attention on one or two projects instead of the myriad of projects I am attempting to focus on now and thus getting none really done. I’ve always had this problem, folks. I’ve always wanted to do too many things at once, and thus nothing ever gets done. So I’m going to try and focus my attention a little bit and hopefully turn 2011 into a very productive year. And again, anybody out there who has any of the skills that I mentioned, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to be involved.

And on a local level, we will also be recommencing the community meetings again very soon. Very likely sometime in February. So if you are someone who lives in proximately to where I am, please don’t hesitate to contact me to gather the details of those meetings. But they will definitely be commencing again soon.

We are most certainly facing a very challenging period ahead, my friends. And personally I revel in the challenge. I find it stimulating, I find it invigorating, and I find it a wonderful opportunity for personal growth and for the growth of the human species as a whole. I don’t think humankind will pass up the opportunity that it is being presented with. In fact, I know that we won’t. I know that eventually humankind will take up the challenge, we will face the shadow and we will create a much better world. All of the opportunities are there for us to do it. And in fact, we’ve never had such golden opportunities presented to us virtually on a silver platter, as it were, on any time previously in our history. I think that is another thing that is very important for people to understand about everything that we face.

The only thing that prevents us from taking up the challenge at this stage is the fear that is human consciousness. It is very difficult for people to get out of this fear even on a day to day level in dealing with their peers, their parents, their friends, their relations, the people that share their work environment with them and just people around them in general. But many people are beginning to see the power that they have, and they are beginning to see how easy it is to let go of this fear. At least many people are becoming aware of when they are in a state of fear. And this is also happening on a global scale. Many people are realizing who and what they are. And many people are seeing the need to embrace their full potential. And that is a very comforting and very gratifying thought.

Well, it’s been a pleasure talking to you again today, folks. I will look forward to speaking with you again in March. And I thank you very much for spending this time with me today. Thank you very much for listening to the show. Thank you very much for all the help that you’ve given me. Any contributions that you can make over the next month to help this project at all, are very appreciated. And I will look forward to speaking with you again when I come back on air.

Take care until then. Remember to stay in the correct energetic state. And I will speak to you upon my return.

In Lak’ech.