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Our Governments are Operating in Breach of Trust
American Voice Radio - 03/11/11

Transcribed by Liz Patton

“Government is an unnecessary evil. Human beings when accustomed to taking responsibility for their own behavior, can cooperate on a basis of mutual trust and helpfulness.”

That quote comes from Fredrick Woodworth.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It's a pleasure to be here once again. And I will be your host for the next hour.

Well it's good to be back, folks. I've had a month off. I actually had 5 weeks off. I had an extra week because I kind of got lost in video editing and kind of forgot which week it was, to be honest. And I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support during my time of absence, and to thank you all for the very many emails that I received. I'm sorry that I simply haven't had time to answer most of them, but I do read all of your emails and I do appreciate the sentiments that you offer me.

And I suppose having said that, I should spend a little bit of time on some of the news of the last month, for the last 5 weeks while I've been absent, and we'll deal with all the negative stuff first, and that way we can move on to some more positive stuff for the latter half of the show.

And what an interesting year it's been so far, folks. We've had all sorts of trouble going on in the Middle East. We've had the uprisings that have happened of course in Tunisia. And then we had the uprising in Egypt. Now we have an uprising in Libya. It really is good to see the people coming into their power and standing up to these governments, though of course, a lot of it does seem to be orchestrated. The situation in Egypt definitely seems to be orchestrated. We've had Mubarak leave the country, but of course his deputy prime minister Suleman and the head of the military are currently in control of the country, so really the country is in the hands of the same people that it was in the hands of prior to the uprising. There is simply a different puppet figurehead at the helm. Very interesting that Mubarak once deposed and moved to another country, seemed to lapse straight into a coma. And how very convenient and extremely well timed it would seem to be.

The situation in Libya seems to be getting worse by the minute with Gaddafi bombing his own citizens and ordering the military to use live ammunition against the citizens of the country. One must really question the moral fiber of the military in Libya in regard to their willingness to fire upon their own countrymen. It has been very nice to see at least a few fighter pilots have refused to open fire on their own citizens and have defected to Malta and possibly other places. And it also seems very interesting and very telling that among the global outcry and condemnation of the actions of President Gaddafi in Libya, there are reports surfacing that Israel is thinking of sending support to Colonel Gaddafi. It would appear that Israel actually supports the killing of the Libyan citizens, which is probably not that surprising for a state such as Israel, which has of course displayed a ruthless disregard for human life throughout its entire short but very oppressive history. And to confirm that, one really only needs to look across the border into the situation that Israel has created in the Palestinian territories, most especially in Gaza.

We've seen some incredibly brutal scenes throughout the entirety of these uprisings. Especially in Egypt where we have witnessed government vehicles and police vehicles driving over groups of citizens at high speed, at times literally swerving to drive through a particularly crowded area at speed, which very clearly indicates the absolute disregard for human life that these people hold. I very much hope that the Egyptian people continue with their marches and continue with their united stand against the government until an entirely new group of people are appointed. Obviously no one who is in the political arena in Egypt at the present time should be appointed to rule the country or run the country, because any of the people involved in government in Egypt at the moment are all complicit in the crimes of Egypt.

Egypt has a very well known and very well documented history of brutality against the citizens of not only its own country, but of any human beings really. Egypt is of course one of the countries that the United States sends people it has illegally arrested with its rendition program. It sends them to Egypt to be tortured, because the pain, suffering and hardship that the United States government wishes to inflict upon these people would be illegal in any of the United States territories, so it sends these people to Egypt. The very people who are documented in carrying out these atrocities and carrying out this torture against the citizens the United States government kidnaps and sends to the country, are of course the very same people who are currently in charge of the country now that Mubarak has been deposed. So that should be a little bit of a sign of the need of the people to continue their stance of non-compliance against the government. So it is very much to be hoped that the wave and the momentum of the uprising does not falter until real and effective change is implemented for the people of Egypt.

We are also seeing very similar situations happen currently in Libya where it would appear that the government actually knows no bounds in what it is prepared to inflict upon the citizens of its country in its attempt to maintain the brutal control that it has always had over the citizens. And it would be very good to see a global groundswell and a global stance of support for the people of Libya in their quest for freedom from the Gaddafi regime.

But again folks, it's very important that when you look at these situations, that you see them for what they are, because it's very likely that a lot of these situations are being implemented by western forces in order to simply depose regimes that don't support the global implementation of a one world government in order to install a new world order sympathizer who does. We've seen this many times before, folks. And the best way to remove a regime that you don't want, is to start a groundswell among the people and have the people remove that government for you. We saw this way back in Iran in 1954 with the CIA staged coup that ended up in the overthrow of President Mosaddeq, simply because he wanted to privatize Iran's oilfields and did not support the continuation of the milking of the country’s resources by Britain.

And folks, this is also of course if the conflict in Libya is even as big as we are being told by the media. There is no internet access in Libya at the moment, so it's very hard to get information from people on the ground. And all of our governments, and of course the world media, have been well known in fabricating stories and of staging false flag events in order to invade other nations.

An interesting thing that was pointed out to me by a friend of mine, is that there is a picture that appeared on a Reuters news service of a protestor who is apparently mourning the many people who have been killed by the Libyan government in the last few days and standing next to a picture on the wall displaying all the faces of the people who have been killed. Only if one looks carefully at the picture, there is a large date emblazoned on the top of the picture of 6-29-1996. So one might of course speculate how many people have actually been killed and how much truth there is in the entire Libyan story. Perhaps the whole thing is simply an excuse for western intervention into a conflict that doesn't really exist. We can never be certain folks, simply because of the track record of the mainstream media, and a picture really does speak a thousand words. Western regimes certainly do have a history of staging these type of events, so it's very necessary to step back and look at these events holistically and simply see how things unfold.

One thing that is very certain in all of these cases is that one very much needs to take anything presented by the mainstream media with a very large grain of salt. Actually we probably should make that a teaspoon of salt, folks. Well, actually I think a bucket of salt may be better. Actually folks, just to be safe I think one should probably purchase a controlling interest in a very productive salt mine before believing anything that's told to them by the mainstream media simply due to their track record.

And the events that we've seen unfolding this year in the world are certainly not limited to political events, folks. We've seen some pretty wild weather situations happening. We've seen an earthquake in Christchurch in New Zealand. There has of course been speculation whether this was HAARP, simply because this was around 6.3 and HAARP earthquakes are usually 6.3 to 6.4. There was a report that someone mentioned seeing some rainbow colors in the sky similar to what was seen over China and what was seen over Brazil before the HAARP quakes there, but there has been no photographs to confirm this fact, so again this is only speculation. I did actually have a friend in Japan at the same time as the Christchurch earthquake, and they reported a small earthquake in Japan at the same time.

The instances of birds, fish and animal deaths also seems to be continuing. A report surfaced on Wednesday morning here in Australia of millions of anchovies, mackerel, sardines and other small fish that were found washed up dead on Redondo Beach in California just south of Los Angeles. And apparently there were millions of these dead fish. It was said to be about to be a foot deep on the surface, literally choking the waters in and around dozens of private boats in Kings Harbor marina. Of course the authorities have said it was a natural event. They concluded that the fish died from oxygen deprivation after being driven by a storm. Of course, one may speculate that it may have actually been caused by the contamination that is now seeping out of the Gulf of Mexico, or it could also have also been caused by more electromagnetic interference and a continued shifting of the poles. The entire electromagnetic field of the planet is actually dropping, folks. The magnetism of the planet has been dropping significantly for quite a while now, and I very much suspect a magnetic reversal of the north and south pole is quite eminent. The earth has of course experienced these magnetic pole reversals a great many times in the past, and there is no reason to assume that we will not see more of these reversals in the future. Magnetic pole reversals are in fact quite a regular event, folks.

Something else we have seen this year which has been quite noticeable and quite worrisome, is the continued lack of intelligence that's been demonstrated by various governments around the world, not the least of which has been demonstrated by the Australian government here. I was invited onto a breakfast show in Sidney a couple of weeks ago to talk about some legislation that is proposed to be introduced here in Australia which will seek to ban all plants that contain any substances from which DMT can be manufactured. And folks, this is an incredibly worrisome thing, because what we find when we look at nature is that DMT is found in all plants. It is literally the antenna that plants and nature itself uses to interact with itself. It's the medium that plants use to interface with animals and that animals use to interface with plants. And DMT is actually a very, very simple molecule. It is actually only two enzymatic steps from tryptophan. Tryptophan is of course, an amino acid that is found in all life. So DMT can be manufactured from virtually anything, folks. If the government is going to attempt to ban plants that contain DMT, what they are going to have to do is ban nature. And I actually called on the radio show for a psychiatric evaluation of the Australian government, and I stand by that and I would like to reiterate that again here today. I would suggest that any politician who seeks to ban the substances in plants is not in control of their faculties and should be immediately removed from office. In fact, by even proposing this type of legislation, these people are simply demonstrating the level of insanity that they actually suffer and that they are willing to inflict upon the rest of the world.

It is probably to be expected from the Australian government. The Australian prime minister has repeatedly demonstrated her lack of compassion, her lack of sanity and her willingness to simply be a barefaced liar. Ever since she got to office she has back-flipped on virtually every election promise that she has made. And when looking at things holistically, it's become very obvious that the prime minister of Australia, Julia Gillard is quite literally guilty of stealing the Australian election on false promises; every single one of which she has since gone back on. The woman is obviously a complete disgrace to the office and should be removed from power immediately and held accountable for her actions. And her government's move to now ban nature can only be classed as one of the most serious environmental offenses that has ever been suggested by any elected official anywhere in the world.

People really do need to start looking at these governments in the correct way, folks. And this goes for the Australian government, it goes for the American government, the British government; virtually any elected government that allows its citizens to remain enslaved to a corrupt monetary system, for example. What people need to understand about governments is that people of all of our countries are literally the grantors of power to our elected governments, and the governments are simply the trustees of that power. And we the citizens expect these governments to keep that trust and to hold that power and to run things properly and in the best interest of we the people who are the beneficiaries of the power that we grant to the government. But every one of these governments continues to enact corrupt legislation which removes the rights from the people, we who entrust that power to them. So every one of these governments is literally in breach of the trust that is granted to them by the people. Remember folks, these are governments supposedly elected of the people, by the people and for the people, but they are simply the trustees of the power that we grant to them, and they are all in breach of trust, folks. We need to look at things in that way and from that perspective. And we need to hold these governments accountable for their continual breaches of trust.

You get some people that come to power, and they wish ban nature, I mean, what is that all about? And then we see moves by the American government to ban organic farming with introduction of bills such as HR875, the introduction of corrupt gestapo-type agencies such as the TSA who insist on either sexually assaulting or irradiating people who go through airports. And now I've heard that they wish to branch the TSA out to include all forms of transport. Bus stations. They wish to have roadside checks. I mean, this is blatant gestapoism, folks. And it is breach of trust.

We need to realize that we do not have to do anything these government officials say. And some of the people who need to realize it the most are the police, because we the people really do need the police to stand up and start doing the right thing, rather than simply enforcing which ever piece of corrupt legislation is handed to them by whichever criminals happen to be in charge of the government at the time. Because that seems to be all the police do these days. We need to realize the police is actually the police service. It's not the police force, it's the police service. And what they are doing is essentially a disservice. So we need to rectify this situation. And of course it has to be done peacefully. There is no good in trying to have any violent revolution, it's not going to work. We need the people to become aware of what is happening, to look at things in a different way, realize that these governments are simply the trustees, and so are the police. The trustees of the power that we grant them through the power that we grant to the government. And we need to start holding these people accountable. We need to start realizing that they are just people, and the police themselves need to understand they are people, and what they are oppressing are their brothers and sisters. And they are doing it in order to support a criminal cabal that is in charge of all of our governments, all of which are acting in breach of trust.

I really believe we do need to change our perspective folks, and start looking at things in this way, and realize the position that these governments are actually supposed to hold within society, which is not that of ruler ship, but rather one of trusteeship.

I don't know, folks. I wish I could simply stop talking about government corruption. I wish I didn't have to deal with it on almost every show. But every time I think the government couldn't possible become more corrupt and couldn’t possible do anything more insidious or more stupid than what they have already done, they seem to excel themselves and strive and indeed reach vast new levels of psychopathic and sociopathic behavior, such as that which we are currently seeing from the Australian government with their move to ban nature.

They truly never cease to amaze me, folks. And I suppose I really should expect it. I mean, Julia Gillard herself, the Australian prime minister, this sociopathic lunatic has enacted 6,000 pieces of legislation since coming to office. And she's only been in power for about a year or 18 months. I guess that's just what psychopaths do, folks. And so I suppose I should expect her to act in this psychopathic fashion. One thing I will give her is 10 points for consistency as the level of insincerity she has demonstrated since coming to office has certainly been nothing if not consistent.

And of course, it's certainly not localized to the Australian government, folks. We can see this sort of behavior from most governments around the world, most especially from the American government. President Obama for example has repeatedly demonstrated himself to have a brutal disregard for human life, and this can be clearly seen in his latest executive order he signed last Monday, which intends to create a formal system of indefinite detention for those held at the US military prison in Guantanamo Bay. The executive order says that this will involve prisoners who continue to pose a significant threat to national security. And this comes more than 2 years after Obama vowed to close the detention center. But with this new order that claims to recognize the reality that some Guantanamo detainees will remain in US custody for many years, if not for life, then it would seem to be impossible to ever close the center. And of course some of these people may well pose significant threats to national security simply because they are innocent people that have been arrested, placed in essentially what is a concentration camp and have undergone torture for many years. So if they weren't terrorists, then it's reasonable to assume that when they get out of the prison they would probably become terrorists or will want to seek some sort of recompense for having their life stolen and being tortured by the corrupt lunatics that run the United States government. This is a very clear sign of Obama's lack of humanity and the fact that the man is a deranged psychotic, and of course as is the prerequisite for all successful politicians, Obama is also a barefaced liar, the same as the prime minister of this country.

It is an unfortunate prerequisite in our modern political system folks, that in order be a successful politician, one must be able to tell the most blatant and brazen of lies without ever having the slightest amount of remorse for the damage that they are causing to peoples lives in doing so. And this is why it is pointless to enter the political arena and attempt to change the system yourself from within. Because in the first instance, if you are not a barefaced liar then you are not going to get anywhere anyway, and plus once you enter into the system you are forced to abide by its rules. And the system itself is inherently corrupt. So anybody that enters the system and tries to play the game according to their rules is instantly corrupted by default.

It's a dysfunctional system, folks. It doesn't work. And as I have said to you many times before, the system itself is simply a meme. It is simply an idea they program into peoples minds the idea that this is the way the world is. But it isn't folks. It is simply the way it is designed to be. And it's a system that only actually exists on paper and only continues because of peoples belief that the system itself is real. But it's not. It's just a meme. Just an idea. And many people are waking up to this. There are protests happening all around the globe. Not just in the Middle East. We are seeing huge uprisings in Ireland. We are seeing uprisings in England.

It was nice to see the recent arrest of a judge in England by the citizens. Of course, the police refused to do their job and arrest the judge, which gives a clear indication of who the police actually work for and what their job actually is, and that is to protect government and not to protect people or actually uphold the law. What the modern police are trying to do is actually support criminals in government and defend elitist corruption unfortunately. I am sure there are many good police officers out there, but they are simply losing their perspective of what their job actually is. And all they really do these days, as I said, is defend the elitists who are destroying the world and destroying the lifestyle of the humans within the world.

And look, don't get me wrong about police officers either, folks. I mean, there are a lot of police officers that do do a lot of good things, and they do have a lot of bad stuff to deal with. And many police officers will always say to you, in times of trouble who is the first person you are going to call. And they are right, it is usually a police officer. So they are doing all these things to protect society in other ways, but what they are failing to realize is that the reason all of this crime that they have to deal with in the first place, is again because of the system itself. The system that the politicians at the top allow to be this way. I mean, most crimes, apart from crimes of passion, which I believe people have a misunderstanding of reality. So you can almost blame a crime of passion on education, because people aren't educated enough in reality. But that’s another story. Most of the crime that police officers deal with; most crime actually comes because people are in a state of shortage. The only reason they are in a state of shortage is because of the money system that these governments perpetuate. So that's the way the cops need to be looking at things. They need to see the system for what it is as well. It is such a corrupt system and it is designed to get more and more corrupt and become more and more efficient and simply feed itself, that it just absolutely needs to change. It absolutely has to be stopped now while the ship of state is still steerable. Because pretty soon, if we let it go, it won't be.

But I think it's all changing. To be honest, I really do think that 2011 is going to be a year of change. I really do believe that this year people are going to be true to themselves, and they are going to choose to stand in their power and claim their life and the world back. I think everything has been building to this point, and I think that this may well be the year that great things happen.

We're about at break time here I think, folks. So I'll leave it there for now. We'll go and have a break. It's been wonderful coming back and spending some time with you today. Thank you very much for sharing the time with me and for listening. And I will speak to you again in a few minutes.

Welcome back, folks. Now before the break, I was saying that I believe that 2011 is going to be a year when people stand up for themselves and stand in their power and basically claim reality back as the property of the human race rather than the property of governments, because we are really living in a government and corporate reality at the moment, folks. We need to be living in a more human reality. With that in mind, and with that attitude, I believe there are protests and mass marches and things staged in England and hopefully around the world on the 26th of March this year. There’s a clip that I've got posted on the Crow House by Charlie Veitch and the Love Police calling for mass marches and withholding of taxes and all sorts of things starting on March 26th. And I would really like to start to see people doing this. We need to have a united act of non-compliance, folks. We really do. It needs to be global. We need to be able to stand in our power and tell the governments that enough is enough. And as I've often said, I'm not interested in violent revolution. I don't even wish to put these people in jail. I'd like to hold them accountable and leave them to go fend for themselves. They can go live in the suburbs or something.

But the point is, that if we are going to have any type of system running this world at all, then we need to have a system that is run by honest people. And we are simply not getting that with this system, and there is no way to get that while operating within the parameters that this system provides for us. The parameters don't work. It's a dysfunctional system right from the ground up. There is nothing that can be done within the system. But we need to realize that we've all been in this trance. We've all been enslaved to this meme; this fake monetary system. This fake legal system. This oligarchical group of global politicians who now rule us. And we are basically being used to feed this oligarchy. And they are doing it in such a way that possession of the entire planet is going to these people. So we need to stand up as a people. We need to institute new government in all of our nations and we need to work about a method of redistribution of the planets wealth. There is no reason for anybody anywhere on this planet to be in a state of shortage or in a state of homelessness. And all of the oligarchs that own all of these vast tracts of land all around the planet – well folks, all of these people have got these vast tracts of land, they have taken possession of these vast tracts of land through fraudulent means. It doesn't matter whether what they've done is legally correct, because the legal system is fictional. What matters is whether it is morally correct. What matters is if what they have done serves the planet best and serves the human race best. And what you'll find when you look at things this way, it doesn't. It serves their private interests the best. And they have used a fraudulent, dishonest and biased system that has been constructed by giving themselves to achieve the ownerships of all of these vast amounts of earth in the first place. So the ownership is invalid, because it does not serve the earth, it does not serve the human race, it does not serve creation at all.

We've put up with this because we've perceived this meme to be real. We've perceived this whole legal and social system to be real. We've taken the attitude in life of 3D Monopoly. We really think we're living in a game of Monopoly and that life is about acquisition and being better than other people. Its about keeping up with the Joneses, having the latest technology, attending the right clubs, wearing all the right clothes and trying to stay young forever through plastic surgery and body enhancements. People are spending their time in the acquisition of all of this stuff that means nothing, and they are missing out on life, they are missing out on the people around them, and they are missing out on their connection to reality.

But there are a lot of things going on in the earth at the moment that are helping people wake up to this connection to reality. I've often spoken about this human cavity resonance rising. Some people have said this is not true, that it isn't rising. Some people say it is. And who knows what's true? I have no way of measuring the resonance myself, but what I know is what I feel in my body, and I have felt a huge raising of frequency in my body. And this is been happening for a long time, and I believe it's been happening with everybody, and the consciousness of the planet is literally changing because of this rise of frequency. I know it's there because I feel it. And everything else is changing in this reality as well. Even the planet is changing, and people are changing with it. People are beginning to understand what reality is. They are beginning to understand that there is a lot more outside visible life.

Recently on a number of shows you've heard me talk about DMT. You've heard me talk about it earlier on the show today, simply because I am very concerned at the governments move to ban this stuff. You can't ban nature. I meditate a lot and I have this incredible connection with reality during my meditations. And the antenna that is in reality that helps reality communicate with itself is the DMT molecule that's found in all plants. This is literally like a chemical antenna that reality uses to communicate with itself. And it's in your body anyway. It's always active in your body. It's produced in your spine. It floods in your body through your pineal gland during meditation. I believe it is actually produced in your lungs, someone posted to me recently that is the actual source of it. It is all through your body all the time. DMT is what activates when you dream. If you didn't have DMT active in your body, you wouldn't see in color. If they would remove plants that contain this antenna, it would change reality itself. It would change the way birds and bees interact with reality. And most importantly, which is what I believe their goal is, is that it will change the way that human beings interact with reality in realms that they can't perceive. The removal of this antenna from nature will essentially be the lynchpin. It will be the key that is needed to completely disconnect man from nature, and to issue forth the era of the trans-human.

“Yes folks, we can give you an IQ of 300 now. All you have to do is undergo this modification.” Of course, they won't tell you that you've probably got an IQ of around 2,000 anyway, but they have reduced it through their education system and through the chemical enhancement of your body already. See what they have done folks, they have subjected the entire race to all this chemical bombardment and electromagnetic bombardment. Television, bad education, everything that they've done. And look, you are full of fluoride and all of these things anyway, so your pineal gland is blocked off. Your DNA is only 3% active. And even in that impaired state, they have bombarded the human race with chemicals and with food additives and with electromagnetism, and they've got people to the point where they are so disconnected from reality, and the average IQ of most countries is falling dramatically, because the education system is getting more and more simplified. Dictionaries contain half the words they contained 100 years ago.

So they are reducing people to the point where they are losing their connection to everything. Then they can offer you connection which will be implants, modifications, microchips. All of these sorts of things which will create the type of connection you are supposed to have to reality, only it will be this clunky digital version of it. Whereas if they were simply to allow the human race to be who and what it is and strive to reach its fullest potential, then all of these things would be available to us anyway, and they would be available in a much purer and a much more natural form.

You know, that is probably the one thing that disturbs me the most about this whole thing folks. And it's the main reason that I do what I do and I speak out the way that I do, is the amount of trouble that this group of people has gone to to ensure that the human race is never able to reach its full potential. The human race is capable of wonderful things and the connection that we could have to reality around us and to each other is amazing once you've experienced it. And it's there for all of us. It's there for all of us to simply realize. And all we have to do is start acting in empathy to each other. Start doing the right thing. See the system for what it is. You know, it would be so easy, folks. So easy to change everything about this world if people simply woke up to what reality is.

So let's make a change, folks. Let's all start at home and make a change this year. Let's start looking at things differently. Let's start standing up for who we are, and standing in who we are, being who we are, knowing that we are free. Let's start helping people around us. Let's start having community meetings. We are actually going to start the community meetings again here in my town of Byron Bay. We discontinued them about September of last year, but they are probably going to start them again next week, folks. So that's something else you can do.

Have community meetings and invite council members to your meetings. Tell them what's going on. Put it on them. Say, “Do you wish to be part of the solution or do you intend to continue to be part of the problem, because we are making change. We brought you to this meeting not to negotiate with you or present our wishes or our requests to you. We've brought you here to tell you the direction that humanity is now taking. We realize that all you governments are simply acting in a breach of trust and we intend to call you on it, and we intend to replace you with trustworthy people if you fail to fix the situation the world is now in.”

I mean, it's no good beating around the bush with these people, folks. As I've said, you can't expect them to change the system from within the system. You can't approach them for change or petition them for change, because the system itself won't allow the change. Even if the politician has the best of intentions, he will start submitting his proposals and all of these things, go through the red tape, and the system itself will not allow the change. So people need to understand that the system is just an idea. It's just a meme and only exists on paper. And they need to circumvent the system and simply implement the change that they want themselves. We have the power to do so. We've just forgotten that the governments are simply trustees of the power we give them, that they are very obviously misusing. We need to fix that situation.

And get into those gardens, folks. Really, you've got to plant gardens. There has been a massive loss of food all around the planet this year. We've lost so much here in Australia due to floods. America has lost most of its breadbasket due to unusually cold weather. There has been huge fires in Russia wiping out most of the food over there. There has got to be huge food shortages this year, folks. So get out into your gardens and get yourself a supply of food, because it's going to be one of the most valuable commodities you have. And you need to know that you are eating good food, so you need to start growing your own organic gardens. I know I've been harping on that for about 2 years now, but it really is an important issue, folks.

So the bottom line is – there is a lot of things you can do. You can do all of the community things that I've just suggested. Have meetings, grow gardens, be true to who you are is one of the most important things you can do. And know that change is coming, but in order for it to happen you have to participate in that change. You have to be the change that you want to see in the world. You have to be free folks, before you can help others become free. You have to know that you are free yourself. And you are. You really are free. It's just that you've been taught that you are not. You've been taught to believe that you are under the jurisdiction of those you have bestowed your trust upon. We trusted these people, folks. We elected them to positions of trust. We expected them to uphold that trust, to uphold our security, to make the world a better place, and yet every single problem that we face in this society, every single problem that we face anywhere in the world, is solely because of the leaders who control the various countries and the various governments, the various banking systems and money systems and corporate interests around this world. Every single problem. And most of it can be traced to government. Even more than the corporate entities. Even more than the banking cartels. Well, I suppose that's kind of a tricky way of saying that it because it is the banking cartels who control the government, but that is simply because of the monetary system. The government itself – if we had honest government in all of our countries, then we could change the world. And that means creating an entirely new form of government. We can have a democracy, sure, but we've never seen pure democracy. We've never seen true Communism. We've never seen true anything in this world. We've seen a corporate version of all of the above. But what we've never truly seen is real freedom. We've seen an illusion of freedom for a little while, but it was simply done in such a way as to lull the world into a false sense of security, get it enslaved to a corrupt monetary system so what we perceive freedom to be was the freedom of choice of purchase, when really that's not what freedom is at all. It's just a corporate illusion of what freedom is.

But I believe we can be free, folks. I believe we can return the human race to what it should be and put it back on the path it should be on. We can return to nature and we can still keep our technology if we want. When you understand the real connection you've got to nature, when you understand the real connection you have to reality, the technology loses its attraction. Trust me on this. It just does. Because the connections that we have once our higher senses kick in is pretty amazing. It's a whole new world. And there is so much to learn and so much to experience in these higher realities that we are capable of, then modern technology just pales in insignificance. Technology only seems attractive to people now because they have this inner craving for something more, because they know there is something more than what they are experiencing, but they don't know what it is, so the system itself provides them with cheap imitations of what their experience could be if they were simply allowed to become who and what they are and live to their fullest potential, move into their higher energetic states. And I know all that probably sounds like some spiritual or new age mumbo jumbo to some people, but it's not, folks. It's really not. It's just a different way of looking at reality.

And all I can do on any of these shows is offer you my perspective on what I see before me. Tell you about the experiences that I've had. Things that have worked for me. I don't have any agenda except I don't want to see the world that this oligarchy is attempting to create ever to be created. And even if it is created, which it will be if people don't stand up and do something about it. But even if it is, I don't ever want to be one of the ones who has to look back on life and say, “I did nothing,” because I know I'm not here in this life at this particular time to do nothing. I know that I'm here for a reason. And I think that everybody who is here at this time is here for a reason. I think this is a very significant time in history, and I believe that the human consciousness is about to undergo a great change. In fact, it is already undergoing change, folks. Even the fact that we can talk about the energetic universe, the holographic universe. Even this type of knowledge indicates that human consciousness is rising, simply because it is able to grasp these types of concepts. And also the fact that this type of information is becoming common knowledge among many, many people. And so I believe that this truly is a very, very special time in history. And I believe that everybody that is alive at this time is here to experience this transition. And there are many people here to help with this transition. I think many people have chosen to be here at this time to help with this transition and to help humanity see the unique opportunity that is being provided for them through this transitionary period. And it's an opportunity for humanity to reconnect; to reconnect with self, and to fully come back into the power that it once had. And once people do wake up to the true nature of reality and they see the simplicity of this matrix that we're in, then they themselves start waking up other people around them, because it's so simple to see the matrix once you know it's there. And once you do know it's there, its also impossible not to see it. Once you fully wake up, folks, it truly is impossible to ever go back to sleep.

And enough people are becoming aware of it now that I think that this is where we are going to see the change. I think this is going to be a big year, folks. As I said, I really do think there is going to be a huge wave of positive application of these principles this year. I can see huge global movements starting. I really do feel that they are going to be non-violent movements, which is a wonderful, wonderful thing to see. The only violence has traditionally come from governments anyway. But if we get enough people standing up and standing in their power to address these issues, then the police and the military will also eventually see the sense of what the people are saying and there will be no violence. We just need the strength of numbers, and we can change the world. We simply have to stand up in unity and do it. We can do it in one day, folks. We can virtually change things in one day. Stop the whole system and change the world in one day, if we chose to do it that way. But I think this is going to be the year, folks. I believe that 2011 is going to be a very interesting year indeed.

Well look, we are getting close to the end of the show again here, folks. It really has been a pleasure coming back to talk to you on the air again. I apologize for the extra week that I took off. I've just had a hell of a lot on. I've had a lot of different projects I've been working on. The film is still at least another 2 months away from completion, time permitting. And I'll keep plodding along with that in the way that I have been .

I'd like to put another plug in here for orgonite as well, folks. I've been having a lot of positive experiences around this place with the amount of orgonite that I've got in the house. People have been sending me orgonite. I've seen it make a big difference to other people that I've given pieces to. And I really do recommend that you look into getting some or making some. If you go to the Crow House forums and you log on to the energy work board, you can find a couple of threads about orgonite. There is a poster there who goes by the name of Monsoon. You can talk to him about it, and I'm sure he will point you in the right direction. But I have been noticing a very difference in the energy around the place and even with the plants that are growing around the house. I've actually had to put a barrier up against my door to stop the animals coming into my house. I've had bandicoots and wombats and echidnas and snakes, you name it, try to come in and say hi to me all the time. It's quite remarkable, really. And there has also been a noticeable decrease in chemtrailing in the area. Even when they lay the chemtrails they don't seem to take over my cabin. They just seem to not really hold in the sky here, which has been quite remarkable. I'm not sure whether the orgonite has anything to do with that, but it's a good thing to see anyway. So I would really recommend looking into getting some for yourself or at least making some for yourself. Every little bit helps, folks and if you can get something that you just have sitting around helping your energy field, then I'm all for it. I'm only saying this because I really have noticed a difference in my own energy and just in the energy of the cabin, and I also have quite a number of people comment on it when they come over to visit me.

Well look, that's about it for me for the day, folks. As always, I would like to thank you for listening and thank you for the support you've shown to the Crow House. Thank you very much for spending the time with me today. I'll look forward to next week. Take care until then.

In Lak'ech.