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Observations On Society
American Voice Radio - 03/25/11

Transcribed by Liz Patton

“And what is a good citizen? Simply one who never says, does or thinks anything that is unusual. And schools are maintained in order to bring this uniformity up to the highest point. A school is a hopper into which children are heaved while they are still young and tender. They are in there, pressed into certain standard shapes and covered from head to heels with official rubber stamps.”

And that was said by Henry Louis Mencken.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It's a pleasure to be with you once again. And I will be your host for the next hour.

Well, interesting times in the world today, folks. It just never seems to cease, does it? We still have the situation unfolding in Japan, Very very difficult to get any information regarding Japan at this present time. All we seem to be getting is the same rehashed and incredibly vague news reports. And meanwhile we have what is virtually all out war happening in Libya. Western forces have of course, as I mentioned last week, imposed a no fly zone over Libya, so that they can fly in but nobody else can. And they have proceeded to send at least 112 Tomahawk missiles into Libya as well, in order to free the people. Of course, this is why they are bombing the hell out of Libya and not bombing the hell out of Gaddafi, because they wish to free the people. Of course, the best way to free them it would appear under western standards, is to kill them.

Very notable, the 112 Tomahawk missiles that have been sent in there; I mean there is probably actually more by now, but the point is each one of these missiles actually has a warhead that contains 140 pounds of depleted uranium. So what they have essentially done is, they have pumped over 4000 pounds of depleted uranium into Libya, thereby subjecting Libya to weapons of mass destruction, which will continue to kill indiscriminately for many thousands of years to come, because that's what depleted uranium does. It is a weapon of mass destruction that kills indiscriminately and it has a half-life of around 4.5 billion years. So when one is to question the sanity or the insanity of the American, British and French leaders, then it's really is an open and shut case folks, as their willingness to use depleted uranium warheads upon civilians in order to free them is a very demonstration of psychotic nature of the leaders of all of these countries. I mean folks, lets look at it realistically. You don't go and kill people in order to free them. There is no way you can bring peace to a country by making war upon the country. If you have a problem with the leader of a country because the leader of this country is oppressing and killing his people, you don't go and bomb the country and kill more people in order to free them from being killed by their leader.

It's almost like going in there and saying, “Hang on Mr. Gaddafi. We don't like you killing your people, so we're going to do it for you. And when we're finished we're going to blame you for it and we are going to kill you too.”

That's kind of what it's doing. Let's look at it. The people in Libya may well be living in a very oppressive regime in the hands of Gaddafi, but you don't kill them to free them. It doesn't make sense. Western governments are essentially saying, “Look, you are using fighter jets and shooting at your people. That's not good enough. We're going to bomb them and shoot Tomahawk missiles into the midst of them.”

If you have a problem with Gaddafi, you go after Gaddafi. You don't bomb the civilians of the country, and you especially don't bomb the country with depleted uranium. Because by doing so, all you are doing is unleashing a weapon of mass destruction upon the people, which will kill thousands and thousands and thousands of people, and it will continue doing so for thousands and thousands and thousands of years.

By doing what is being done to Libya at this present time by western forces, regardless of whether Gaddafi is oppressing his people or not, the leaders of all the countries involved and the UN countries who support it are carrying out what is essentially an act of environmental vandalism and mass murder that will stain the earth for centuries to come. And it's simply not acceptable. Regardless of what your political opinion is of the situation, the fact that these rulers are unleashing this upon the world...I mean, who the hell do these people think they are!? Mr. Obama, who the hell do you think you are!? And the president of France, the Prime minister of England; I mean, who do these dickheads think they are? How do they think that they have the right to pollute the earth in this manner and kill thousands and thousands upon thousands of people for generations to come in the name of protecting anything? These people are obviously lunatics, folks. They are completely and utterly insane and they should be removed from office immediately, and so should anybody that supports them. This is not the government that we employ to act in our best interests. And not only do these people fail to act in our best interests, they fail to act in the best interests of the planet. In fact, they seem to go all out as much as they can to destroy the very fabric of this planet and to destroy the human race completely. Because all of this release of depleted uranium around the world in all of these wars is going global, folks. The whole planet is becoming contaminated with depleted uranium because of the actions of these psychopathic lunatics that we have running these countries.

And it's time we fix it, folks. It's up to us. We are the custodians of freedom in the world today. Don't look to the government. The government isn't going to save you. America and the western forces aren't going to save Libya. In fact, they are going to destroy Libya. And this is being done by the same corporate cartel that is running the rest of the planet, folks. This corporate cartel has control over all of our countries via the government. And so we need to institute honest government. We need to route out this corporate control, this fake monetary system, and this need to pollute and destroy the earth. We need to route this out of government, folks. We need to institute honest governments and it's time that the people stood up and did it. It really is. And the police really need to wake up to themselves and come to the party on this as well, because they have to live on this planet too, and they're not going to have a planet to live on if they allow their governments to continue along this psychotic path that they are currently treading.

And that's exactly what it is, folks. There is no other way you can view these decisions made by the leaders. Well, the decisions that are presented to them and that they carry out. I don't personally believe any of our leaders actually make any decisions for themselves. Well, it certainly doesn't seem that way, anyway. It seems like the decisions are made by those who control all of our leaders. But they use our leaders to influence the government and they use the government to influence the people and the global situation. So that's why we the people need to institute honest government. It would be a lot better this way folks, because I have never met anyone from any nation who actually wanted a war. The ones who want wars are only ever the bankers and the leaders. So when these people declare a war we should simply not show up, folks. They can throw their war, but if nobody comes then there's not much they can do about it.

I mean everything that’s going on in the world today, it can just be overwhelming when you look at it. It truly can. If you are a feeling, caring person then often all you have to do to reduce yourself to a state of tears is to pick up a newspaper and truly look and see the injustice and the inhumanity that man is prepared to carry out against man and to realize that the source of every single problem that we face in the world today is mankind himself. We are and have always been the source of every problem this earth has ever faced. I mean sure, we get earthquakes and volcanoes and the occasional meteor impact, but the earth recovers from that more than what it recovers from what we do. The earth simply adjusts to the change. Yet even with earthquakes and whatever, we simply perceive these things as disasters because of what they do to us. We don't really care about what they do to the earth. We don't care about what we do to the earth. We only really care about what happens to us. And yet we treat the rest of reality (I mean as a species in general. And I am very much generalizing here) we treat the rest of reality as if it is all there for us, and we can do exactly what we want to it. But if anything in reality ever hurts any of us, we see it as this terrible disaster.

It's a very interesting dynamic and a very interesting observation when you truly understand what mans place in reality is and then you look at the way we attach values to things and what we attach our values to. Personally, what I believe what we should attach value to..well, I believe we should attach value to life itself. I believe that we should attach value to the experience. And we should attach this value in all of life’s experiences.

I was talking to someone the other day and I was explaining to them that everything in their life is perfect. Everything that's happening in the world is perfect. And this might seem like a strange thing to say, but it's all perfect because it's the experience that we are supposed to experience, each of us of is supposed to experience everything that we do experience. And through this experience we get offered choices all the way through it. We get offered opportunity’s to choose one path over another path. And the experience that we have is wholly dependent upon the choices that we make. And there may seem to be outside interference with this at times, but if you really trace it back, you usually find that even if there was an outside influence to any particular event, it's very often a series of choices made beforehand that brought you to that point anyway. So ultimately it usually comes down to a choice that we made for ourselves somewhere along the line.

And you can put this on a broader stage and look at it from a broader perspective as well. Because when you look at all of the problems that we face in the world from the things that our governments do and the from failure of humanity itself to address the corruption and the insanity of our governments, this is happening because of a choice again that we made. Because what society has done collectively (and I am generalizing again here) but our entire social structure and the citizens within this social structure have chosen fear instead of love. We've chosen fear of the guys across the water, the guys behind the other fence and we've chosen fear of our governments. We've chosen fear of each other and fear of ever facing ourselves. We seem to have this great fear of everything around us. We're totally caught up in this fictional system. We run around chasing paper all day in order to pay to live here on this planet. And we destroy the planet in order to gain this paper so that we can pay to be here. It's a pretty bizarre sort of a setup, but that's a lot of what's going on.

And the way all this is run is through the mechanism of government. And I'm not saying we don't need government. What I'm saying is that we need honest government. Because government as it exists in its current form today, are simply mechanisms that are there to simply promote state-ism and to promote division and to enslave the population of each specific county to a system of debt. And this debt that we are constantly kept in is also to a large extent is what keeps this civilization in a state of fear even when there is no wars, or natural disasters or police brutality going on. It just keeps us in a state of fear because we are always worried about whether we have enough paper to survive. And the fear starts to spill over into virtually all aspects of our lives and we begin to feel disconnected. We begin to feel all alone. We begin to feel frail. We begin to search for that which we believe may make us whole. And it does truly effect us on all levels, folks.

Unfortunately, even a lot of relationships these days are chosen again from fear. Very often a fear of facing ones self, a fear of being alone, when really nobody is alone. A fear of the incompletion that so many people feel within themselves. In modern relationships it's very common for people to look for what they perceive to be the missing part of themselves or that which they find to be inadequate about themselves. They look for a quick fix or a repair for this situation in a partner in which they see these traits as being strong. Then they get into the relationship and they seek to use that other person to patch up their own inadequacies. This is unfortunately what a large number of modern relationships are, and a kind of dependency soon develops between the two. And you find couples that are mixed up in a relationship that contains a little bit of want, a little bit of need, desire, lust, dependency, control. And this all gets wrapped up into one little bundle and people call it love. And then when they fail to mold their partner into the band-aid that they need to fix themselves, then very often relationship problems ensue.

And I'm saying this because I've seen so many couples around me break up in the last couple of months. Like at least 5. And I've received emails from other couples who also seem to be going through something similar.

But what I am essentially saying here is, very often we tend to get into a relationship in order to find solace or comfort or closure or wholeness for the parts of ourselves that we perceive to be inadequate. I mean, not all the time folks, but very often this is what modern people do. They perceive themselves to be incomplete and so they look to complete themselves in others. It's like we are seeking a patch for our soul. We constantly spend our lives trying to find the other half of ourselves that will make us feel whole and complete, and we look for completeness in another person. But the question is - why would a person who felt incomplete in themselves perceive themselves to even be able to find these qualities in another person?

Personally, I've found that the best form of relationship is a relationship in which you are free to be who and what you were born to be. And you are free to live the life and feel the feelings that you want to live and that you want to feel, and whose only desire for their partner is to help that partner excel at being who and what they are, and to help their partner reach their fullest potential.

What each person in creation is essentially experiencing is their path through life. Now that may sound rather obvious at first, but people very often don't grasp the importance of it. When you enter into a relationship with someone, you are sharing a path through life with that person and their path through life is just as important and just as beautiful as your path through life. To me, a relationship rather than being a search for that which we perceive to be missing in ourselves, would be more functional as a shared resonance of harmonious frequencies. Two frequencies who resonate with each other and who empower and protect and care and want the most for each other and will help the excel other at being who and what they are, that will help each other excel at life itself, and whose dedication will be not only to their own life, but also to helping their partner to reach the heights that they would hope to reach for themselves and who will not be in fear of their partner reaching those heights, even if they fail to reach the goals that they set for themself. And that's fine to do folks, because very often the goals that we set for ourselves are unattainable. Or even when we reach these goals we find that the gains that we thought we would make were simply not to be had.

When I was a young child I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. And my answer was, “Outrageously happy.” You see, my goal in life folks is to be happy and to help as many people around me as I can. My goal in life is to make reality better by my existence in it.

So if you have a relationship with anybody else and your goal in that relationship is to be happy and whole within yourself and to strive to help your partner become happy and whole within themselves, then you can accomplish amazing things. And this is not to strive to make your partner excel at what you believe they should excel at, but is in fact to help them be themselves to the fullest.

The best, the most productive, the most fruitful and the most beautiful of all relationships, is a relationship that consists of two people, two frequencies who have absolutely no fear for the heights that the other may reach and the experiences that the other may experience. Because that's what true love is. It's the removal of fear. And this includes the fear of facing our own inadequacies. Fear of allowing other people to reach their fullest potential. And very often, also fear of allowing ourselves to reach our fullest potential.

Now earlier I was saying that everything in your life is perfect. Even the bad parts. Now what I mean by this folks, is that when you come into the world all you bring into the world with you is the resonant frequency that is yourself. And ultimately all you take from the world when you leave it is the resonant frequency that is yourself. And that frequency is here to gain the experience in life that is you. All through this experience we are offered choices. Whether we realize it or not, we are all offered choices. If we take a wrong choice and bad things happen, we are gifted with an opportunity for growth. We are gifted with an opportunity to understand why these things have happened to us; why our life took the direction that it did. And even if we end up in a bad place, even if we end up in a situation were we end up dying, what it all comes down to is how we deal with the experience.

I personally am not in any fear of death. I have no fear of death whatsoever. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to me within this 3-D hologram, this 3-D matrix, this 5 sense reality in which we live. There is absolutely nothing in this reality that can be done to me which puts me in a state of fear. Even were I to be taken from this reality, I'm not in fear of that. I'm not in fear of what comes after. I would not be sad if I died. I'd be dead. What would there be to be sad about? I wouldn't be here anymore, so it would be very difficult to be sad. I would imagine that the people who love me, the people who care about me, the people who may miss me may experience sadness at my death, but I wouldn't be there, folks. I wouldn't be experiencing that sadness because I'd be dead. And I'd except that my time here is done. I would accept that time here is now over and I'd be moving on to a new experience. No fear, folks. No fear.

And even when you look at it on a global stage, the world is in a pretty bad state. But it's all perfect, because it's providing the human race with the perfect opportunity that the human races obviously needs to stand up and to deal with the problem. To stand up and come into their power. To address the situation that we find ourselves in. Because it could very easily be addressed simply by people changing their perspective of reality and by simply standing up and standing in their power by knowing who and what they are and who and what we are capable of.

We are very powerful beings, folks. And we could accomplish a great deal if we would only realize the potential that we have.

But I think it's pretty well close to break time here, folks. So I'll leave it there for now and we'll go and have a break. Thank you for spending this time with me today. And I will speak to you again in a few minutes. And as always, thank you very much for listening.

Welcome back, folks. Now before the break, I was talking about relationships and I was talking about how very often within relationships people become dependent upon their partner, and in doing so they often prevent their partner from being themselves to their fullest potential. And by doing so, we find that we prevent ourselves from being ourselves to our fullest potential, because we become dependent upon someone else to fill up those parts that we perceive to be missing from ourselves. And as it happens in the microcosm, it also happens in the macrocosm, because you can see that this is the way our society works as well. Perhaps that's where we get it from. Or perhaps our society is simply a reflection of our failure to find the power within ourselves.

Our governments impose rules and laws and legislation which prevent humanity from being all that they can be and prevent individual people from being themselves to their fullest potential.

Now some people may listen to this and say, “Well, they are psychopathic people out there. There are murderers out there. And if they were to be themselves to their fullest potential, then we would have a lot of violence and a lot of dead people around.” And this is a good point. But you've got to understand as well that most people who commit crime, even crimes of passion, crimes of lust; these people do so because of deep deep insecurities that are embedded within themselves. Unless it's simply a biological imbalance and misfiring neurons in the brain, which just causes someone to be a psycho. But you'll find that most of these problems that people develop are because they have a misconception of reality. And this has been presented to them all through their lives. It happens as soon as they are born. They're influenced by their parents, by their siblings, by the educational system, by the social situation they are born into. There is a large numbers of contributing factors. But again, you look at all of these contributing factors and you realize that all these factors only actually exist to begin with again, because of a misconception of reality.

See folks, if human beings were allowed to reach their fullest potential, and if human beings learned at an early age the connection we actually have to each other, then people would view each other and they would view the world very differently, and they would therefore interact with the world very very differently. And this is what I mean when I say that all problems exist because of a misconception of reality. The people that have constructed this system; the people within the system who totally operate in left brain and they work within the system, they work every day to make the system more efficient, more efficient; these people only do this because of a misconception of reality, because of the education system. You see, we are taught from a very early age that education is everything. 'You've got to get educated. Education, education, education.' But what we are never told is that all of the education we are given is directed solely to the left hemisphere of the brain. And humanity will only ever operate in balance when both hemispheres are used to their fullest potential. And the more educated a person gets in the current education system, because this eduction system is directed solely at the left brain, they get within the system and they work to make the system more efficient, and they simply refine the matrix and refine the prison that humanity lives in. And essential they do this folks, because they have a misconception of reality, because they are only viewing reality through the understanding of one side of their brain. But there is a whole other side to their brain that operates within a completely different way. And when balance is obtained between these two sides of the brain, then a persons perception of reality completely changes.

And folks, whoever is running the show here, they are certainly clever, because it isn't just that the education system is directed solely at the left brain, there are also steps that are taken to close down the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is about 100 million external fibers that connect the left brain to the right brain. This enables both sides of your brain to communicate with each other. But it would seem that many of the food additives and the electromagnetism and a lot of the things that we are subject to as a society, many of these things are designed to close off the corpus callosum so there is no connection or very little connection between the left and right brain. And I believe this has been done deliberately.

A lot of our food and the genetically modified food that we're being fed these days, the chemtrails, a lot of these things as well, are also designed to keep our bodies inactive. To keep our DNA shut down. To keep our pineal gland closed, to make sure that our body is producing very miniscule amounts of substances like DMT, which is actually produced in the lungs and stored in the spine and released through the pineal gland into our body all of the time. In normal circumstances if we were living in a natural environment and our DNA was active, this is what would be happening all the time. We would have a lot of higher senses working. But there is all sorts of biological agents and electromagnetic agents that seem to be at work in the world to ensure that our DNA and then our body and therefore our consciousness remains in the inactive state that it's currently in. And as we've seen recently with the move by the Australian government to ban all plants from which DMT can be manufactured, you can see now the governments know people are waking up to the fact that their bodies are shut down, and waking up the fact that this antenna that exists within plants is actually a communication device that's actually an interface. They are going all out to try and ban these substance and ban any plants that contain this interface, which folks, we will find is all plants. So they are essentially attempting to ban nature as much as possible to prevent people from ever being able to communicate with it, to prevent people from ever being able to activate their bodies and activate their DNA and allow their higher senses to come online.

And this isn't any New Age fantasy, folks, this is simple biology. If you look at your body and you look at your DNA and you start looking at substances like DMT and realizing that it's as common as tryptophan in all living things, and it's an interface, and you start joining the dots and start putting 2 and 2 together, and you can see what's happening here folks. And as the vibrational frequency of this entire solar system and everything around us is rising, which it has been since the 1980's, things are all starting to come alive. All these higher senses are starting to come online. People are gaining completely new perspectives of the world. New perspectives of reality. It's all starting to come online, and so the governments are working overtime. They're working 25 hours a day to prevent humanity from ever waking up. And that's why all these additives are in the food. That's why we are seeing so much legislation to ban organic gardens, to bring in genetic modified foods, the chemtrails that they are spraying from planes has been accelerating massively. We're seeing huge releases of depleted uranium and nuclear reactors being subject to earthquakes and all sort of things, releasing as much radiation into the air as possible. The new bombing raids on Libya where they’re just dropping depleted uranium everywhere. I mean, they are doing everything they can from any type of conscious evolution from happening on this planet.

And essentially why it's happening and how these governments are in a position that allows them initiate all of this stuff is because they have kept humanity in a state where humanity is unable to reach its fullest potential. And we've got this very very timid humanity at the moment that is too scared to stand up to the governments, that is to scared to stand in their power. They are living in fear. They will allow the world to turn into what it is being turned into simply because of their fear at ever standing up and standing in their own power and saying, “No. We will not allow this to happen.” And doing it in the right way folks. Like I said, I will stand up to these people and simply say “No. its not going to happen.” But I don't want to kill them. I'm just not going to go along with what they're doing. Its as simple as that. We don't need any violent revolution. We don't need any violence. We don't need any bloodshed. All we need to do is to stand in our power and say, “No. We are going to take the world in another direction.”

There are a lot of people in the world like Gandhi said that you must be the change that you want to see in the world. People have said, “Change yourself, change your energy, change your heart and you will change the world.” And this may seem like a strange way of looking at things to a lot of people. They think, “Well I can sit here and just be in love and light and I'm not going to change the world. Nothing is changing around me.” But if you can realize that other people are yourself, we are all each other and all in this together. If you can view every other person and interact with every other person as yourself and treat them as you would be treated, then that's how you do it folks. Because if the whole community does it, suddenly all the wars will stop. All the corruption will stop. All the violence will stop. All we have to do is treat other people the way we would be treated ourselves.

I've often said that there is only one law to all creation. And that is the law of absolute unconditional love and service to the creation. Service to the creation is service to all. Service to others as yourself. Service to yourself as others. Service to the creation is treating others with respect. Loving them as much as you love yourself and certainly loving yourself as much as you love them. Because it's all one creation.

All you have to do to put yourself into this state, all you have to do to interact with reality in this manner is to remove fear from your life. Stop being in fear of other people. Stop being in fear of yourself. Stop being in fear of expressing yourself. Stop being in fear of helping someone be themselves to the greatest of their potential, And stop being in fear of being yourself to the greatest of your potential. Be proud of who you are. Love who you are. Love the fact that you are privileged enough to experience whatever it is you're experiencing. Express yourself. Don't be afraid to talk to people. Don't be afraid to tell the truth to people. But don't do it from a state of fear. You can tell people about the world situation. You can tell people about everything that's going on, but do it from an empowered state. Be happy that you know what's going on. And if the other people around you don't understand it and they think you're nuts, that's fine. It doesn't matter. Just be happy in the fact that you know what's going on and continue along.

I mean, you've gotta understand that most of the world is asleep. And you can't blame them for being asleep, because that;s what the system is designed to do. But you can look at your own progress. You can mark your own progress by the situations that you find yourself with those around you.

Are people telling you that you're nuts? Are people telling you that you're a conspiracy theorist? Are people telling you that you're no fun anymore because you don't want to watch TV or go the football anymore? If they are, then you're on the right track, folks. This is what its like waking up. People will tell you that you are not the person you used to be. People will tell you that you don't fit in with their perception of what reality is supposed to be anymore. And all of these things are a clear demonstration that you are very much on the right track to waking up, and you are heading in the direction that you should be heading into, because you are staring to view reality with both sides of the brain.

Very often waking up comes in four stages, folks. When you begin to see what's actually going on around you, the first stage is wonder. You just can't believe that you missed it all. The second stage is usually anger. The third stage is loneliness and fear. And the fourth stage is a clear understanding and a deep feeling of satisfaction and fascination within yourself.

I look at the world around me folks, and I am just fascinated in it every day. Sure I still see a lot of people that are completely asleep. I see the desperate situation humanity is facing at the hands of the psychotic lunatics that are running the planet, but I still find it fascinating. I don't find it something to fear because I know that this is simply an experience that I’m having. And I know that the more negative these people make it, then the more of humanity is going to wake up. My only real concern is that when people do wake up they get locked into the anger stage and they don't allow themselves to get to the fascination stage. And that's why I try to bring these shows to people, because you don't reach the fascination stage until you start understanding what reality is and you start understanding and clearly seeing how easy it would be to turn everything around by simple noncompliance. Realizing the system is all fictional. And that's also why I suggest to people that it's not a good idea to bring this information to people from a position of fear. You need to lead by example. People need to see that you are a better person, that you are a more fulfilled person and that you are a happy person. Life is fascinating to you because you have this information.

See once you really get down to it, folks. Once you really do understand what reality is, it is quite literally fascinating. The whole thing is fascinating. Even the human drama and the drama that human consciousness seems to so readily subject itself to. It's all fascinating to me. I can't believe that people do these things to themselves. Even when I see couples fighting, as I said I've seen at least 5 couples break up very recently and even when I see them fighting, it's a misconception of reality. They are not allowing themselves to be who and what they are. And they are trying to mold their partner into what they believe their partner should be. They aren't allowing their partner to be who and what they are.

I see relationships as a union of two frequencies that are both walking their own path through life. You can almost think of a relationship as being a ladder. You have two paths that run parallel to each other. Between the two paths are the rungs that connect the two paths together. If the ladder is sturdy and the paths remain true, then you can climb this ladder to infinite heights of consciousness. But once one frequency starts to control the other frequency, the paths become too conjoined and convoluted, and the ladder fails. And there is nowhere to then string the rungs between the two paths, so the relationship and each frequency and each path fails to climb any higher.

It's very important to be supportive of the one who you share your life with. If you choose to share the path of life with someone else, it's very important that you support their path by allowing them to walk their path. You don't actually have to control it for them. They will walk it for themselves. But you have to allow them to be themselves to the fullest of their potential. And you have to be yourself and be true to yourself to the fullest of your potential. Because ultimately all you have when you leave this earth is the resonant frequency that is yourself.

So are we going to apply this to ourselves and apply this to our relationships and apply this to society at large, we can literally change the world. Realize that everybody is on their path. Be supportive of their path. Realize they are just like you. Treat them as yourself; every person, every man, every woman, every child. And if people did this we wouldn't even need a military. We wouldn't even need government. We wouldn't need any of it. We could manage ourselves simply by treating each other as ourselves and by following the one law of service to the creation. And it's really that simple, folks.

You see, if people had this understanding, we wouldn't have all these criminal cabals in charge of the world. We wouldn't have all of these wars, because if people had a proper understanding of reality, they would want to help other people on their path through life, so they wouldn't join the military to being with, because blowing someone up or shooting them is certainly not helping them on their path through life.

And you wouldn't be able to have corrupt individuals like Dick Cheney and the Neocon crew that did their best to destroy the world in the first half of the last decade, because all of the people around them would perceive the actions of these type of criminals for what they are and they wouldn't help them. You see, all of it; all of the problems are based on a misconception of reality. Our governments only do what they do and get away with what they do because the people within the governments have a complete misconception of reality and the citizens of our nations think the system if real so the have a complete misconception of reality. Everybody operates in left brain instead of both sides of the brain. Everybody works in a state of service to them self rather than service to the creation. And so the obvious end and the very predictable result is to find ourselves in a world such as the one we currently inhabit.

Now we can chose to lay the blame for this situation on any thing that we like. We can blame it on the system that has trained people to act in this manner. We can blame it on ourselves and say, “It's humanity’s fault for not stepping into their power. We've allowed it to be done around us.” And to a certain extent, both of these things are true. But ultimately it doesn’t matter how we got here. It doesn't matter who's to blame. It doesn't matter what bad things humanity or the government has done in the past. What matters is what we do from this moment forward. We can forget about all of the mistakes that we made by simply moving forward from this point with the right attitude. Forget about the mistakes. Don't dwell on past grievances, because it's not going to make them go away. It's not going to make them any better. If you dwell too much on the past, you find that you miss out on the future, because you sat there brooding over past grievances and past transgressions. What we need to do as a species is to move forward from this point.

We can choose any time we want to open up the knowledge of our right brain. We can choose to view the world from a different perspective. We can look at things energetically. We can choose to serve the creation, to serve each other, to love each other and to love ourselves. We can choose to make the world the place that we'd like it to be and we can do it anytime we want. We can choose to realize that the system is fictional. The legal and political system only exists on paper. And the social system, the class division, the social hierarchy is simply a meme. Because what actually exists is people. Beautiful wonderful people. All who have so much potential and so much to offer to each other, if they were simply educated in the true nature of reality and were nurtured and allowed to be all that they could be.

So I feel it's about time humankind woke up to what type of world we are creating for ourselves and what type of world we have the possibility of creating for ourselves. It starts at home, folks. Understand what reality is. Start serving the creation. Start helping your neighbors. Build community and it will spread out from there.

Well, I think we are getting close to the end of the show here, folks so that is probably about it for me for the day anyway. I know I've probably gone off on a few tangents today, so thank you very much for bearing with me in my meanderings. In fact, I am deeply honored that you all listen to the show at all. It really is an honor to be able to speak to so many people. And it is an honor to receive the email support that you show me.

Life really is fascinating folks, and it's an awfully exciting time to be alive if you look at it through the right eyes. There is of course an awful lot of concerning things happening around the planet. The earthquakes that we're seeing, the situation in Japan, the war in Libya. The war in Iraq. All the wars and confrontations that seem to be escalating all over the place. It’s all a concern, but it's still an awfully good time to be alive, because all of this negative stuff gives us the opportunity to make it positive. It gives us the opportunity to see exactly what type of world we are creating and we are allowing to be created. And so this gives us the opportunity to create something quite different.

So let's all embrace this opportunity, folks. It's time for peaceful rebellion. It's time for lawful and peaceful rebellion. It's time for the human race to realize the connection we have to each other and to come back into their true power. And it truly is a wonderful and fascinating time to be alive.

Well its been a pleasure talking with you again today folks. But that is the end for me now. I'll look forward to speaking to you again next week. Take care until then.

In Lak'ech.