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A Fear Based Reality
American Voice Radio -04/22/11

Transcribed by Liz Patton


“The ideals which have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been truth, goodness and beauty. The ordinary objects of human endeavor – property, outward success and luxury, have always to me seemed contemptible.”

That was said by Albert Einstein.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Surviving the Matrix. My name is Maxwell Igan. It's a pleasure to be with you once again, and I will be your host for the next hour.

Now, ever since I've been on the air bringing these presentations to you, you have often heard me say that the main problem that humanity faces over all, is fear. And because fear is the greatest problem that we as a species face, it therefore also presents us with the greatest opportunity we've ever been offered. And the opportunity of course is to overcome this fear, because it is in the overcoming of this fear that we can thereby overcome our problems. And our problems are very, very many and they are all based in fear.

The problems that we face as a society; all of them are based in fear. The environmental problems that we face. The pollution problems that we face. The housing crisis. The monetary crisis. The whole lot is based in fear simply because all of these problem that we face exists because of the peoples fear to stand up and address the system, because it's the system that is at fault.

See, that’s why it's not really a lot of point going down rabbit holes and trying to blame the ruling elite. I mean, sure they are very psychopathic people, but they are a very, very small minority of people on this planet. The real problem isn't with the ruling elite' the real problem is with the people of the planet who comply with the rules of the ruling elite have put in place, because the rules are simply fiction and something someone made up. You see, the problem isn't really the ruling elite, the problem is the system itself and peoples adherence to the system. And as I've said on very many occasions, the system itself is like an energetic life form. It's like an artificial intelligence. It's a meme that is literally like a living organism. An energetic organism that functions because of the energy it receives from the people.

Now, when you really begin to understand this and you begin to see how the system works and how it literally has its own life, then it can really answer a lot of questions for you. For example, I recently received some mail from someone who was asking me why the ruling elite would wish to do the damage that they are doing to the planet when they have to live here as well, because wouldn't they be destroying themselves if they were to do this. And this is quite true. They would definitely be doing damage to themselves, because you cannot put this much depleted uranium into the air, you cannot spray the chemtrails they way they do and do everything they are doing without having some effect on everybody. But the thing is, those that we term as the ruling elite are simply CEO's of different sections of the system. That's all they really are. The problem is the system itself. And if this system has its own energy and has its own life and constantly works to make things more efficient, then the system itself would not really care much about human life. The system would only seek efficiency. In fact, it is in the best interest of the system to only have enough people in the world as is needed to assure that the system itself functions efficiently. And it is also in the best interest of the system to have these people to be very compartmentalized and essentially dumbed down. Perhaps possessing a certain amount of expertise in one particular topic, but it would be important to keep these topics segregated so that no one individual within society can function without all the other pieces. Because then all the people within the system will be very dependent upon the system for their survival, and this ensures the survival of the system itself.

And this is very much what we are seeing in the world today. There are a lot of very smart people in their own field, but on a wider scale there are very few people who are knowledgeable in all the skills of life. Most city people don't know how to grow vegetables. Many people who may grow vegetables may not know how to do something like build a house or build a shelter. People who may know how to build a shelter probably not able to sink a well. And it goes on and on with any trade you may happen to have, whether it's a plumber or a tinker or a tailor or a candlestick maker or whatever. There is all different compartmentalized trades in amongst our whole society, where back in the old days each individual could handle their life themselves, whereas these days we can't. These days we are wholly dependent upon the system itself for our assured survival.

Many modern people don't even really know how to cook their own food or make their own clothes or grow their own food or look after themselves in any real way at all. And there are very, very few people from modern times who would survive if they were left by themselves in the wild. Whereas our ancestors even as recently as 2 or 3 generations back would probably survive quite well in the wild if they were left there and had to survive by their own devices, because they had those skills, whereas modern people simply do not posses these skills. And if the system were to truly fail, then most people simply wouldn't survive. And this is why many people have such a fear of the system collapsing. They have a fear of even thinking about a world without money.

And as for the actual ruling elite (the people who run the programs and act as the CEO's for the system) well, these people are completely psychopathic. They are so immersed in negative energy that they are likely to do absolutely anything folks, with complete disregard for even their own safety, because they are completely psychopathic. I mean, think about it. Would you be able to do the things to the world that these people have done? Would you be able to order the bombing of another country? Would you be able to enslave the world to an interest based money system? I mean, these people such as the Rothschilds, the Rothschild banking dynasty, these people have sat back and watched entire countries become decimated. Entire populations decimated through starvation. Millions and millions upon millions of people die simply because of the imposition of the interest based monetary system that they control, and yet they've done nothing about it. They've just carried on like business as usual. These people, the banksters, the Rothschild family, the corrupt politicians that run our world, these people are completely psychotic, folks. I wouldn't be surprised if they eat their own young in a time of crisis. I wouldn't put anything past these people. They simply don't think the way we do.

And coming back to fear, when you understand how much this society that we live in is controlled by fear, then it's really no surprise to see the world in the state that it's currently in. Because it's all based on fear, folks. The entire system is sustained by fear. It floats on fear, it survives by fear and it only exists through fear.

Now ever since I've been doing these shows, way back in the beginning when I first started broadcasting to you 3 years ago, I was talking to you a lot about love and fear and about the nature of reality. How it's all holographic. There is no matter. It's all simply vibrational frequencies of energy. The whole thing. I've stressed this point so many times over the last 3 years and gaining an understanding of this and an understanding of how your emotions effect reality has really been the whole point of every discussion that I've attempted to offer you.

In a film that I did back in 2009, I think I finished it, called The Awakening, I was talking about how we are coming up to a transitionary period and the most important thing we can do through this whole period is to remove fear from our psyche and to maintain our energetic state through this transition. It really is the most important thing to do. And this could never be more true when you look at the times that we're going through at the moment. There is so much going on in the world, folks. I mean, what's happened with Fukushima, the nuclear meltdown that's happening in Japan, the amount of radiation in the atmosphere, the amount of destruction that's being wrought on this planet through fracking and everything that's going on. I mean, let's face it, folks, the earth is going to hell in a hand basket and there's not a lot we can do about it.

I've been speaking out for the last 3 years in an attempt to help people to remove fear from their lives so that we can as a collective stand up against this system and effect some positive change. But it's been very difficult to get people to act, because most people are still in a state of fear. But we're getting to the point now with what's happening in Fukushima and with everything else that's going on in the world, we're getting to the stage where we've basically reached the tipping point, folks. And there appears to be very little we can do. We need to address reality around us, We need to address the society around us and help the people around us and be strong in our community, absolutely. But we really do need to maintain our energy through this whole thing.

See, as far as I'm concerned, with whatever happens, even if the worst thing possible happens to the earth and to everybody on it, I still don't have any fear of it. It's simply a transitionary period. Whatever form the transition takes, there will be a transition and I don't fear any of it in whatever form it takes, because I know that this is just an experience that I'm having. My soul is eternal. My frequency is eternal. I'm part of that which people have referred to as God, the same as everybody and everything else is. And that's the most important understanding for people to gain through this period. That this is simply an experience. And the experience that we are experiencing at the moment is truly a manifestation of the global consciousness. The consciousness of human kind. Because it's human consciousness that's crated all of the problems that we face, simply by being in the state of fear that we've been in. And we've been in this state for an incredibly long time, folks. It's amazing how long we've been in a state of fear. Throughout most of recorded history we've been in a state of fear. The only place you can find where we weren't in a state of fear, if you study things such as the ancient Vedic texts where man appeared to live in harmony with nature, and fear was just something that wasn't really known. It wasn't part of our psyche. But this whole reality and this whole world that we've created has been totally based on fear.

And there is a change coming to this world. There is no real way to stop it folks. It's happening. And as I've been saying to you for the last 3 years and what I started this whole radio broadcast saying to you 3 years ago, was that the most important thing you can do though this transitionary period is to maintain your energetic state. And there really is no reason to fear anything, folks, not if you understand what reality really is. This is simply an experience and there is nothing to fear, most especially death.

Death is not something to fear. Death is the only thing in life that is truly inevitable. And the thing that most people don't understand about death is that it is as much as an illusion as life. Because there is no real death, folks. There's simply a transition. You never die. Nothing ever dies, it simply transitions. The energy is still there. The energy is always there. The energy is part of God. Whatever your perception of God may be, my perception of God is the divine matrix, the conscious energy that makes up all matter itself. And it's this energy field that we all come from. Everything comes from this energy field, because everything is made up of vibrating energy. Everything. All matter is simply made up of different frequencies of light and sound vibrating in harmony. There is no real matter. All atoms are as empty space simply vibrating at a certain frequency. And that is the same energy that everything comes from. Everything including consciousness itself. Including the frequency that is you.

So if nothing ever dies. So if you came from God and when you die you return to God, whatever you perceive God to be, then what's to fear? Where does the fear part come in? The only thing to fear is that which you perceive you must fear within this 3-D reality. And the thing that we've been taught to fear most within this 3-d reality is leaving this 3-D reality, returning to that from which we came. But this 3-D reality is simply an illusion as much as life and death. This 3-D reality is simply a matrix. It's like an algorithm. It simply vibrating frequencies of energy that makes up reality. And reality itself is based on perception. And because this is a collective consciousness in a collective reality simply because every frequency comes from this same energy field, we experience the same general reality. The consciousness itself is simply part of God. It's always been part of God. It's always been the consciousness of God, whatever you perceive God to be. And it's obvious because when you understand what reality is made of, when you understand the nature of atoms and you understand the nature of energy, you understand how emotions create realty and you start putting all of the pieces of the puzzle together, then what else could this type of energy based reality possibly be? And so therefore, there is nothing to fear.

But the thing is, humankind has been taught to fear. And so it is fear that has become the basis, the basic building block for this reality. And because fear is the basic building block of this reality, we've got the reality that we've got. And the only way we are going to have a better reality, is to make sure that this time we don't go through this transitional period in a state of fear.

Because we just keep doing this, folks. If you look through Vedic texts and you look through the Indian Yugas and start to realize how time is in fact cyclic in nature, which is just one big circle. This is why people experience things like deva vu. And you think “wow” and its so real and you could swear that you actually did that before. And the reason you felt that way is we have done it before. We've done this many, many times and we keep getting it wrong. So it's extremely important that this time we get it right. Because I think we've had plenty of opportunities to get this right in the past, and if we mess it up this time, the program my just run out. And that really would be a shame, folks, because humanity really does have a great deal of potential. But when you start to understand that time is a cyclic thing; time doesn’t flow in a linear fashion as our education system would have us believe. It's actually cyclic. And this is evidenced through all sorts of ancient beliefs. Then you see how we constantly shape the next cycle through this transitional periods.

Now think about this, folks. Everything that our society is based on is designed to generate fear. Even in the alternate media, everything that you hear about the New World Order, about the police state, about all the things that are going wrong with the world, these are all designed to generate to fear. The Fukushima meltdown. The chemtrails. The Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Everything is designed to generate fear. The whole lot. And even when looking at these disasters themselves, the people that are working on these oil rigs and that are working in these power plants and building all this sort of stuff; they are going this because they are in a state of fear. They need money, they need income in order to support their families because they are living in a society that is designed to keep them in a state of permanent debt. So this is all fear based itself. The whole thing. The whole structure is based on fear. And as I've said, everything that's happening on earth at the moment is designed to generate fear.

And we've got so much of it to deal with, folks. Tsunami’s, earthquakes, HAARP, volcanoes, endless wars, depleted uranium, starvation, malnutrition loss of harvest, GM crops, floods, oil spills, pollution, fracking. Everything. The list goes on and on and on. And it's all designed to generate fear. What stops people from standing up and addressing these issues themselves is because of peoples fear of the system. Whether it's fear of standing up against the government. Or fear of not having enough money to pay the bills, which is keeping them going to work destroying the planet for the system. It still ultimately comes down to fear of the system. All the problems that we face, folks. It's all because of fear. Fear of the system. Fear of standing up. Fear of coming into our power. Fear of paying the bills. Fear of everything.

So if all of the problems that we face have been created from fear, then it becomes incredibly obvious what the solution is. And the solution is to remove fear from our psyche, to understand that fear is simply the opposite polarity of love, and to start treating people as ourselves. Because when we do remove fear, or at least balance things out a little and start treating other people as ourselves, then every single problem that we face in the world would disappear.

But the whole thing is coming to a head, folks. It's kind of going to implode in on itself soon. And as I said, what you've got to do is, you've got to maintain your energy through this period.

Maintaining your energy is such an important thing. It really is. Just having the confidence to be yourself and to stand in your power, to know what your relationship with reality is and to have no fear of anything. Because ultimately, what fear is, is a fear of death. That's what it always comes down to. When you look through all the emotional path of what you are ultimately in fear of, what you'll find it is, is fear of death. Fear of leaving this 3-D reality, fear of returning to that from which you came. And our whole society is designed to keep you in that energetic state of fear. It's that energetic state which has kept us locked down, has kept our DNA shut down, has kept our pineal gland closed and has been responsible for the system itself taking hold the way it has. It has been responsible for the destructive entities that we have allowed our governments to become. It all comes down to fear, folks. And all we have to do is change our vibrational state. Get out of the state of fear, connect with each other, know that we're all connected, know what this reality is, start treating each other as ourselves, and we can make a successful transition through this period. Because there is no way to stop the transition, folks. It's coming. And we ourselves have assured that it is coming. We've seen to it folks, by what we have done to the world; what we have allowed this reality to become simply by remaining in this constant state of fear.

You see it's all us, folks. It's always been us. And it's always been because we've remained in a state of fear. And this goes from the very lowest scale right to the very highest scale. All of the wars, all of the problems, these all come from fear. One government in fear of another government. Or maybe the people within one government being in fear that they don't control enough of the worlds resources at the moment, so they need to go and steal them from another country. You've got the people within the country in the military all in fear of their commanding officers, in fear of being court martialed if they don't obey the orders that they’re given to go and kill other people. And usually the reason they are even in the armed forces to begin with is because of fear of not being able to pay the bills because they are living in a debt based society and all the employment is being removed from them and they are being provided with no other option other than to join the military. So it's all based on fear. The whole thing is based on fear. All of these wars have happened because of the fear of the people to stand up against the government and prevent them from happening. We've remained in this state of shortage that we're in because of our fear to address the monetary supply. Fear, fear, fear. The whole thing is based on fear. And now we've got everybody scared of the New World Order and coming police state and comets coming from outer space to destroy the earth or whatever. Everyone is sitting at home cowering of fear, waiting for some big change to come. They're not seeing it as something necessary, something to embrace, something that we've been waiting for. Something that is an opportunity for human kind to seize the moment, remove the fear and create something wonderful. Because that's what it is, folks. It's a real opportunity for us. And it may well be the last opportunity we get, so I think it's very important that we think very carefully about what energetic state we choose to be in.

The times that we're heading to will be exactly what we create, just as the times that we are now experiencing are exactly what we ourselves have created. It's always been us, folks. We've been looking for someone to blame. And sure folks, there are some very malignant entities or frequencies of consciousness that inhabit the upper echelons of our society. These people are completely psychopathic. They do all the bad things you could possibly think of and they simply revel in their wealth and the freedom that it gives them to any type of misdeed or act of debauchery or type of indulgence that they feel like indulging in. And they thrive on this energy. They thrive on the pain and suffering that they cause others. And they're extremely unpleasant individuals. But ultimately it's always been us that has let these people do what they have done. The only way they’ve really been able to get away with it, is because they've managed to generate a state of total fear within the vast majority of humankind. But all it would take for humankind to escape from this bubble of fear is to see the system for what it is, see that it's fictional, and simply connect with each other.

And the time to do it really is now, folks, because we are facing some pretty big stuff with what's going on in the world with Fukushima and the fracking and the pollution that's coming out of the Gulf of Mexico. There are so many things, folks. But I do believe fracking really takes the take. I think that the destruction of the water table on this planet is one of the most disgusting issues we have ever faced. And if this doesn't unite the people and cause people to stand up and really question what's going on around them, then I seriously don't know what will. Because this is the most disastrous crime that man has ever perpetrated against this planet. Because if we pollute the sweet water on this planet, we won't have any life on this planet. So I really do think that fracking is the opportunity for unity that we've all been looking for.

And I think it's pretty close to break time here, folks. Ill leave it there for now. Thank you very much for spending this time with me today. And I'll speak to you again in a few minutes. Thanks for listening.

Welcome back, folks. Now before the break I was talking about fear. I was talking about how it would appear that the earth and humanity has very much reached a tipping point in this reality. With the advent of situations such as we are seeing in Fukushima, it very much would appear that we have reached the point of no return. The damage that is coming out of Fukushima, the radiation that is now creeping around the planet, things such as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, as well, which is continuing to do an enormous amount of damage to the planet. The reality is that these catastrophes have now set in motion a chain of events which we can really do nothing about. So we have to understand that the transitionary period, the earth changes that we've been expecting are all coming about as they have long been predicted to do. But many of the events that we are seeing are simply not natural events. They are events that have been caused by man. Whether they have been caused by deliberate means or whether they have been caused by a lack of responsibility and simply unsafe work practices is irrelevant. What is relevant is that events that have now been set in motion with significant implications for humankind and to the planet and we now have to deal with these events. There is no way to avoid dealing with these events. These events are happening. They are real. So the choice we are left with is which energetic state we choose to deal with the meme. Do we choose to deal with them from a fear based emotion, or do we choose to deal with them from a love based emotion. Because there are only those two emotional extremes.

And what I'm saying is, do we deal with them in a fear based emotion or love based emotion, I'm not saying we should love the catastrophes and love what is happening; I am simply pointing out that love is the opposite of fear and in order to deal with something from a love based emotion, what we need to do is remove fear from our lives. And in order to do that, we simply need to understand what reality is.

You see, when faced with catastrophes, when faced with disasters, this society and this education system has trained us to move into a state of fear, an energetic state of fear. So that when we are faced with anything, and when we are faced with a situation where we will be making a transition from this world to the next, we usually make the transition in a state of fear. And by doing so, we move into a new reality with fear as the basic building block of that reality. But the only reason we do this is because we fail to understand in this life what reality is. We fail to understand what life is. We fail to understand the language of feeling and emotion and to fully understand the power that emotional state contains. And that is what is so important.

And even with all the problems that we face now, I really believe that we can fix them, folks, if we simply stopped and connected with each other. I believe that we could literally shape reality around us with the power of our emotion if we would simply let go of the fear and connect with each other. I really think that's the answer to the whole thing. And I believe that the opportunity for us to do this remains with us right up to the final seconds of creation. The choice is ours. It's always been ours. We've just never seized the opportunity.

And that's what all this is, folks. It's an opportunity. It's always been an opportunity. Every problem that we've ever had has been an opportunity. And it's always been the same opportunity to deal with the same problem. And the opportunity has always been to remove fear. It's the opportunity for us to understand that the negative things that happen to us happen to us because of our fear to deal with problems. Because of our fear to face ourselves. Because of our fear of other people. Our fear of reality itself.

This constant fear is always there in the back of people's minds. It's like a tap with a very slow leak, just slowly dripping in the background. And our society has been designed in such a way as to exploit this little droplet of fear that exists, and to use that droplet of fear as a means to control people. And even this in itself is an opportunity for us to realize that that little droplet of fear is there and to deal with it. And the best way to do that, I believe, is to understand what reality is. This is why I've talked so much about the holographic universe. Why I've talked so much about energy on these shows. Why I always keep coming back to things like the nature of atoms, the nature of matter, the fact that you are simply a frequency of consciousness and everything that exists is actually energy and matter only even exists because of our perception of it. This has all been proven by science. It's all been proven by quantum physics and normal psychics. And when you can really grasp this, then it becomes impossible to feel fear. It becomes impossible to fear death or to fear transition or to fear anything that this 3-D reality can present me with, because I'm eternal spirit. I'm completely connected to source. I'm completely connected to the creator of all things, whatever that is, the same as everybody else is. We are all connected together. Every single thing is connected. And this includes you. This includes me. This includes everything that exists in creation and it even includes consciousness itself.

So when you gain this basic understanding, it becomes impossible to feel fear. I don't fear any sort of transition. I don't fear anything that is to come. I stand up and address the atrocities that I see in the world not because I fear then, but because I care about the people within the world, I care about the state of the world. I don't want to see the people that are in the world be in a state of fear, in a state of shortage. I want to see them in a state of love. I'd like to see them feeling the same connection to source and the same connection to reality that I feel. And that's why I speak about against all of the atrocities that I see before me. Because if I don't speak out, I am simply saying it is okay for them to exist. And I don't think it's okay, because I love these people. And if there is one person out there in the world suffering, then I am suffering because I am connected to that person. If there is one person in a state of shortage, then I am in a state of shortage because I am connected to that person. That's how I feel about reality, and that's why I do what I do. Because the whole message for the whole time has been for people to change their energetic state; to remove fear from their lives, because by doing so, we can stand up and address everything. We can do it peacefully and we can bring about positive change. And that has been the whole message ever since I started doing these shows.

Once you remove fear from you life all the barriers between you and other people break down. All of the problems that we see with our environment, they stop. Because once we start treating people as ourselves, then obviously we're not going to be doing all of these bad things. We're not going to continue raping the planet the way we've been doing. And all of the raping of the planet that we do, whether it's a multinational corporation doing it or not, whoever is putting in the gas mines and doing all the fracking, for example, is irrelevant. Ultimately it's the people who are working for this company that are the problem. And they are only working for this company because they are in a state of fear. They are in fear that they have enough money, they need to have a job and there aren't many jobs these days, and the only really high paid job that you can get is to go out and rape the planet. So that's why they're doing it, because of their fear of ever being in shortage in the future. They need to accumulate as much paper as possible to ensure security, when in reality what they are doing is, they are ensuring they will not have any security because they are raping the planet in order to obtain paper because they believe paper means security when it doesn’t. It's just worthless paper.

It's funny how the whole system has been set up and people put so much value on this stuff when it absolutely has no intrinsic value. As that famous Cree Indian saying says, that it won't be until the last tree has been chopped down, the last buffalo has been killed and the last fish has been caught that men will discover that money cannot be eaten. And yet most of mankind constantly spends their time in the pursuit of money, which ultimately has no real value to them at all.

The most valuable thing in creation folks, is the creation itself. And that includes everything in the creation. The best way to deal with creation and to ensure that creation functions the way it's supposed to do, is to understand that all through reality, all through this life and throughout all of creation, your main method of communication with it is through the language of feeling and emotion. The emotional state that you are in through your life is what creates reality. That's what charges the energy field from which all within this creation is created from. Many ancient cultures had ways of accessing this energy field, and if humankind were left to its own devices, we would be able to access it now. We would still have a lot of these higher languages available to us. This is always the way it used to be. And this is the way it could become again if we could remove fear from our lives, deal with the situation that we are facing and allow humankind to rise to its fullest potential.

This is what many ancient societies based their whole cultures upon. This is what the Egyptian society was based on. The entire Egyptian society was based on teaching people the language of emotion. The ancient temples acted as books to teach people these feelings, to teach people how to speak with higher languages. All of these emotions and all of these higher senses are still there. They are still there in humankind.

They are simply dormant due to the impaired state of our DNA, due to the impaired state of our pineal gland. Our DNA is in this state and our pineal has atrophied the way it is because of the fear that has become the subtext to this entire experience and the basic foundation stone, the cornerstone of this reality. And it isn't exactly that these higher senses and emotions are dormant within reality. They are there and we speak to them all the time. We simply aren't aware that we are doing so because of the state of our DNA. Because of the left brain education that we have. Because of the left brain perception of reality itself.

Many people find it very difficult to access any right brained understandings of reality. Many people find it very difficult to comprehend that which is not presented to them in a mathematical or very mechanical type of way. Many people find it very difficult to simply read energy and to feel their surroundings. And people have been trained to not even think in such a way. You start talking to a normal left brained educated person about feeling their surroundings and they think you are some type of lunatic. Many people cannot comprehend a right brained perspective of reality because the education system they have been subject to has been directed entirely at the left brain. As I have said before, the more educated and left brained you get the more difficult it becomes to connect with the other side, the more difficult it becomes to see anything energetic as being tangible. Many left brained people won't believe anything until they see some type of scientific proof or some type of rational analysis of what they are being told. They can't simply immerse themselves in the energy and feel whats going on. They won't listen to their intuition. They won't allow the field to speak to them. And even Einstein said, the most important thing of all in anything is intuition. And Einstein was a mainstream academic physicist and he was considered a genius for making statements like this. Because once you go through that left brain eduction, once you get to the top you realize, hang on there is a lot more to this than I can find with my left brain. And the answer becomes turning to spirituality. And it isn't until science and spirituality realize that they are both heading for the same thing, then things start to make sense. Because once you start connecting all your spiritual understandings to your scientific understandings and visa versa, then things begin to make sense and you find that spirituality can be scientifically explained. And it also becomes clear that science itself will always remain with questions until spirituality is added to the equation. But once spirituality is added to the equation, then all the mysteries of science can be explained. And that the explanation for everything is that this is an energetic universe that is based on collective perception. That's what it is. And that's why it's so easy to change it into anything we wish to change it into. And that is why I believe we have the opportunity to still effect positive change right up until the final seconds of creation. So all is never lost no matter what the outcome may appear to be. And as time is cyclic anyway, then the key to truly fixing the problems is to choose the state your conscious is in through this transitionary periods.

And that's the message that I've been trying to bring to people with this program for the whole time since I started 3 years ago. Admittedly I've covered a lot of other topics, but this has been the overall message, is to grasp a new understanding of what reality is. Because it is by understanding what reality is that you can remove fear from your life and it is through the removal of fear from the human psyche that we can fix all of the problems that we face.

Well, we're getting pretty close to the end of the show here, folks. I know that this has probably been a bit of a strange one, but it's been a bit of a strange week for me in many ways and there was a lot of things I wanted to get off my chest and a lot of things I wanted to talk to you about.

The recent world events that we have seen this year have been quite astounding and are really bringing abut a shift in the way people are looking at things. I think the Fukushima event has touched a lot of people. It's caused a lot of people to reevaluate their perspective of reality and I think that it's important people do so.

I still believe we need to address the problems that we're facing, Things such as fracking, because all of these problems still exist because of fear, they still exist because of people's willingness to sit in a state of inaction and to remain disconnected from those around them. I still believe that we need to look at all of these things, we need to seize the opportunity for change, seize and the address the fear that exists in the human psyche that they provide us with.

See, all of these things are still opportunities. All of these problems are still opportunities. Every problem is an opportunity. And as all of these things seem to be coming to a head here at this particular time in history, what we are being offered is a huge opportunity to shift this reality into something positive, because this is a transitional period.

So we need to be very aware of the energy that we are in through these times. We can address everything, but we don't need to do it from anger and hatred and fear. All we need to do to address everything is to connect with each other. It's really that simple, folks, and I have every hope that the human race can pull it off. Maybe it won't be until we reach the darkest moment. Maybe it will take that much. Maybe there are so many people that are completely locked into their left brain and completely locked into this state of fear, that it will take for them to be pushed all the way to the wire before they will realize that there is a better way.

But whatever happens, happens. The most important thing is for you to know what reality is. For you to know what energetic state you are in. And for you to know yourself that you are connected to source.

Everything is truly as it should be, folks. This is the way that creation goes. You can never have the positive without the negative. That's simply the way it goes. It's called balance. And in order for things to get very positive, they have to get very negative, and they are certainly doing that. But what humanity has to realize and what you personally have to realize is that the key to the whole thing is your emotional state through the transition. And this goes for anything on a large scale or a small scale. Even if you are dealing with something in your personal life, you can deal with it from the correct emotional state and you can have a much more positive outcome than if you deal with it from a state of fear. Even if you have to get angry, you can get angry and stand your ground, but you don't have to get violent. You can just get determined and confident. And you can do that, folks. It can be channeled into that type of stance. You don't have to turn it into violence. A positive confident stance will archive a lot more than violence in very many occasions, Sure you may have to defend yourself, but it's that positive confident stance that enables you to do so.

Every problem that we've ever faced can be fixed so much more easily if its addressed from the correct energetic state. It's just that we've been trained not to do that. We've been trained to meet violence with violence and always seek an eye for an eye. But as Gandhi said, an eye for an eye would make the whole world blind.

Well, I think that's about it for me for the day, folks. Thank you very much for all the emails that you send me. Thank you for continuing to visit the Thank you for any support that you've ever shown me. As I mentioned last week, Ben Stewart will be touring Australia at the end of May and I will keep you posted as to the tour dates for that. You can go to to check out what they've got there.

I would like to say also that we have been conducting community areas to deal with fracking, and I suggest that you all do the same in your communities, because fracking really is a serious problem that effects everybody on the planet. Fracking will destroy the water table on this planet, and we absolutely cannot sit idly by and simply allow this to happen. It needs to be addressed and needs to be addressed by everybody, because it is a situation that does effect everybody. There is nobody that is safe from this. Anybody who drinks water is effected by fracking, so it is extremely important that you do help raise community awareness to this situation. I'll be sure to keep you posted on our progress with the meetings, but please do attempt to do something in your area. It is an extremely important issue.

As I said, thank you for continuing to visit the I appreciate all the support that you've shown the website, and thank you very much for continuing to listen to this show.

Well, that's about it for me. Thank you very much for spending this time with me today. I'll look forward to speaking to you again next week. Take care until then.

In Lak'ech.