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Bin Laden, Beltane and Ritual
American Voice Radio -05/06/11

Transcribed by Liz Patton

“I have already said that I am not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States. And as a Muslim I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent woman, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden, even in the course of a battle.”

And that quote comes from Osama bin Laden and was made on September 28, 2001.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It's a pleasure to be with you once again and I will be your host for the next hour.

Well my friends, the news of the day is certainly the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden by a United States Seal team during one of the United State's illegal excursions into Pakistan. The United States has of course has of course been carrying out illegal bombing raids against Pakistan as far back as 2005 and possible even earlier. This is of course without war ever being declared on Pakistan so they've just been sort of going in there and indiscriminately bombing another country. And even though a lot of these raids have been conducted by the military, there is very little doubt that they are covert CIA operations, and the CIA's main agenda has always been stirring up tension around the world and paving the way for military and economic takeovers by the banking cartel that controls the United States government. All carried out of course as always under the guise of spreading freedom to the wolf. Yes folks, it's amazing how free people become when they have bombs dropped on them. It frees them from pretty well everything, doesn't it, including life itself. Good old democratic freedom.

Now folks, this alleged killing of Osama bin Laden is almost too predictable. It's almost as if what's going on in life at the moment is turning into a B-grade movie. They tried to keep it A-grade for a while, but this latest farce is beyond a joke. As I said before, and as so many people have said, Osama bin Laden has been dead for a very long time; probably about 10 years. It's very likely that he died in December 2001 and the United States government has had his body on ice since then. I mean, perhaps they didn't have him on ice, because they are certainly not able to produce any body for us now to confirm that he was killed in the recent raid into Pakistan, because the United States government then proceeded to drop his body into the ocean. And of course, this is what you would do, isn't it folks? I mean its perfectly natural, if you catch the most wanted man in the Universe that the entire world has been waiting for you to catch for some 10 years, you would of course drop his body into the ocean before anybody could see it and refuse to show any photographs to the public. I imagine you may want to do this simply to confirm all this happened just the way you said. So you can see the wonderful logic of the United States government. And if there was ever any question that these are truly the most incompetent sociopathic morons that the human gene pool has ever degraded far enough to produce, then there's your evidence, folks. I mean, who writes this stuff? Honestly, what are these people clutching at straws now for a script? I mean, it really does make you wonder.

Yes folks, and what was obviously an extremely well timed and very staged event, they allegedly killed him and dropped his body into the ocean. And they probably did so simply to add their final insult to the Muslim community as it is against Muslim tradition to bury people at sea. And naturally we are having Obama saying it's a breach of national security for them to show any photographs of Osama bin Laden. I imagine they haven't had any time to Photo-shop any up yet. And when you consider their use of national security is as a means of avoiding showing these photos to the people, you've got to understand what they are really talking about here folks. What they are saying is if they release these photos they've got of Osama bin Laden, every body is going to know they are fake and the government may expose themselves as the pathological liars that they are and the nation is likely to rise up against them. That's about the only breach of national security that it actually poses.

But all of that aside, when you really look at the timing of this alleged capture and defeat of Osama bin Laden, it's almost too predictable. And as I said, we really are starting to enter into the realms of a B-grade movie.

And let's just look at this folks. For a start, it happened on May Day. May the 1st. Why would it happen on any other day? May the 1st is of course Beltane. It's celebrated in many cultures in many countries. May Day. And these celebrations and rituals that occur on this day go way back to Druidic times and even in semi-modern history, May 1st is of course the anniversary of Adolf Hitlers death and it is also the anniversary of the day the Illuminati was founded. It is also coincidentally of course a day that traditionally celebrates the end of sacrifice to Artemis the goddess of the hunt, which is quite significant as we see the end of the hunt for bin Laden. They just love their rituals, folks. They love to do things on ritualistic dates. And you see this with all sorts of events.

I thought it was a nice touch marrying Prince William and Kate Middleton two days prior to capturing Osama bin Laden and setting the wedding date to coincide with Hitlers wedding date. I thought that was quite a tasteful inclusion, and indeed folks, there was a good many rituals that seemed to be involved in that day. And I'll touch on that a little bit later.

But getting back to bin Laden, there’s all sorts of other reasons why this would be done on this particular time. And you really got to step back and look at it holistically folks. I mean, of course you've got the release of Obama's completely photo shopped birth certificate, which is obviously fake and everybody knows it's fake, so this is of course put the nation into a state of crisis, because they've got a constitutional crisis from it, because you have to be an American to be president and it would appear that Obama is not. So the country truly is in a state of crisis. Whether most of the people realize it or not, it is in a state of crisis. And Obama's popularity is of course fallen rapidly because everyone realizes that this birth certificate is fake, so he needs something to boost his popularity. So right on cue enter Osama bin Laden and his extraordinarily timely, demise, which is of course a very useful event for the flailing Mr. Obama as now he can be portrayed as the man who caught the villain, and this should boost his ratings for a little while. And imagine the turmoil this will put people in as well. I mean, we've got a president who isn't even a legitimate president and he's the man who caught the villain. So that'll do a lot for American self esteem, won't it? And the event will also be used to point the finger even deeper at Pakistan and say, “Well, look folks, we're going to have to legitimately declare war on Pakistan now, because obviously we now need to go to war against Pakistan and kill as many innocent people there as possible simply because we claim that they were harboring the most wanted man in the Universe. Even though they don't have his body to show you we are going to have to go in there and kill millions of innocent people because we wish to promote freedom, of course. That's why we go and kill people everywhere, because we wish to promote freedom.” And it will also be used to tighten up security on the United States a little bit more, to introduce more draconian measures and quite possibly stage a new false flag attack.

Now remember folks, when the war on terror started, and a war on terror is simple a war on Terra. A war on Terra. Terra is the name of the earth. This is simply war on the earth. And that's the only way it can be seen unless you would really like to say that its a war against a state of mind, because that's what terror is. So it's either a war against the earth, or war against a noun. What I'm seeing is it definitely seems to be a war against the earth and against the people of the earth.

Now when this war on terror started, we were told that we needed to implement all of these draconian Hitlerian measures to protect us from the evil Osama bin Laden. But of course now Osama bin Laden has been allegedly killed, they are telling us that they are going to have to not lift all of this draconian measure they have imposed upon us, but increase them for fear of retaliation from bin Laden's alleged followers that exist in the mythical terror organization which is in fact a CIA data base named al-Qaeda.

So they've used this event to twice now step up security across the world. Security is getting tighter and tighter and tighter. And peoples freedoms are being removed more and more and more. And the government tells us that this is to keep us safe from Muslims who wish to steal our freedoms. So I figure their logic is, if they steal every freedom we have then there won't be anything for the Muslims to come steal. But folks, there is no Muslim threat. The threat that we face comes from our governments, our elected servants removing our freedoms from us and from the damage that these criminal psychopaths who are in charge of our countries are doing to the globe. As I've so often spoken to you about recently you only have to look at the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the situation in Fukushima and the huge amount of coal seam gas mining or fracking that is being carried out around the world. This is attacking the oceans, it's attacking the air and it's attacking the water. These are the three vital things that we need for life on this planet. Of course we need the Earth too and they tend to pollute the earth as well. But I'm sure we can fix that. The Earth can recover. I mean, we can plow a few hundred politicians into a field and let it sit there and let it ripen for a year or two and we'd probably be able to grow just about anything in there, simply due to the amount of added fertilizer their corpses would be likely to contain by default due to their profession.

So we can in most cases fix the earth. But if we destroy the water table and destroy the oceans, we can't fix that. We can never fix that again. And water is an incredibly important part of this existence. Water, it would appear through scientific studies, is what carries the memory of creation. Water is connected to everything. Your body is 80% water. Everything contains water. Even a rock contains water. Minute traces, but it does contain water. And did you know that things such as oil will not burn if the oil mix itself did not contain a certain amount of water? If you take the water out of the oil completely and extract it completely, then it doesn't burn.

Now science has now proved that water has memory. And everything that lives and dies and decays releases water and that water goes back into the Earth and it joins with all the other water, because it's all connected. And when it rejoins the body of water that exists in the Earth, it takes that memory with it and adds it to the memory of the water. Water has memory and it is all connected. You, your body itself consists of 80% water and every emotion, every action, every thought; indeed every single thing that you do or think or feel is imprinted into the water in your body. When you die, that water returns to creation and it takes that code, that memory code with it and that memory code becomes part of the water and it effects creation on all levels from that point forward. This is the physical medium that transfers the energy from one life form to another and carries it through time. You see, the interaction is electrical, but the physical part of reality is water. Water is one of the most important things, if not the most important thing in all of creation and without water there can be no life. And that's why I've been spending so much time lately talking about the issue of fracking. And you know something, folks? In many ways I actually see fracking as a blessing, because now we are being presented with something right under peoples noses that is destroying the water table on the planet, and I believe that this is an issue that can be used to unite the people of the planet. And once the people will realize that fracking is simply a symptom of a larger problem and they then turn to address not the fracking itself, but the cause of fracking which is the system itself and the corrupt individuals within the system, then we may at last see a groundswell of people.

Now getting back to the rituals that we've seen enacted during this years Beltane period; and if you don't understand what Beltane actually is, Beltane is an ancient pagan holiday. It actually goes way back to Druidic times. During Beltane what we see is rituals celebrating rebirth. And this is the rebirth of Spring and pilgrimages to holy wells to make offerings and prayers to the spiritual deities of the wells were also traditions during Beltane and are usually part of the Beltane ritual. Now what was played out during these ancient rituals was as I said, tributes were paid to the wells. And we also saw the crowning of the May Queen and the May King followed by a sacrifice. We also saw as I mentioned earlier the end of celebration dedicated to Artemis of the hunt and various rituals related to death and rebirth. This of course relates to the death of the old season and as I said, the rebirth of Spring.

Now considering the offerings and prayers made to the wells or deities, when one thinks of a well one may of course think about something that you draw water from. But there are other types of wells, folks. Sometimes we think of a well of knowledge, a well of information. But when you really look at the way the world is run today and you look at the three city states that control the world, what you see is a well of money, you see a well of spirituality and you see a well of might, a well of power. And it is these three wells that control the matrix, that control the program that keeps people locked into the illusionary reality we are currently in. And in these three wells, I am of course referring to the three city states – the city of London, which is the center of financial control of the world, which is a well of money. The city of Vatican, which is global center for spiritual control, which is of course a well of spiritualism, and the District of Columbia, which is the center for military control, and here we have a well of might or a well of power. And wouldn't it be very strange folks, if we saw rituals and ceremonies and prayers and pilgrimages and offerings made to these three wells during Beltane of this year? And folks, when we have a close look at Beltane this year, what we find are some very interesting things indeed. Now the May Queen and the May Queen and sacrifice. What we see this year is that Kate Middleton married Prince William on April 29th. And this coincidentally of course, coincides with not only Hitlers wedding, but also with the celebration of St. Catherine of Sienna becoming the May Queen.

Now after the May Queen is crowned, in this case Kate Middleton, traditionally two days later on Beltane the white cake of the May Queen is cut and a piece is given out to all. But one piece has a black mark or stone on it. And the recipient of this piece, which is called the black cake is the one who is crowned the May King. Then the lucky recipient of the black cake (the May King) is later sacrificed at the end of the ritual. And this is actually a sacrifice to the pagan god Baal. And I'll get back to that in a moment. But what we see here with this celebration of the May Queen taking place in London, is an offering and a pilgrimage and reverence paid to London during this period. London of course being one of the wells or deities that controls the world. Now regarding the ritual of death and rebirth, one of the things we saw take place in this period just two days before the royal wedding on April 27, was the appearance of President Obama’s long sought after birth certificate, so he received a renewing or rebirth of Obama’s power as leader in Washington. And right on cue on Beltane, this year on May 1, we also saw the rebirth of Pope John Paul when he was risen again from the grave and reborn as a saint and beautified in the Vatican. And we also saw Prince William who was reborn into his new life with the May Queen.

So in the Obama birth certificate incident we see a celebration dedicated to one of the wells, of course being the center for military control, the District of Columbia and well of might or power. In the beautification of Pope John Paul to sainthood, we see a pilgrimage and offerings and prayers made to in the form of Vatican. The well of spirituality, or at least for the control of spirituality. And we also see a rebirth of Prince William at the other well London the center for financial control and the well of money.

Now regarding the third main ritual of Beltane which is the end of celebration dedicated to the goddess of the hunt, what we saw was the reborn leader President Obama suddenly proclaim the end of the hunt of the worlds greatest villain, Osama bin Laden. And in Washington D.C., we saw a pilgrimage and celebration that ensued mainly around the White House, which is just below the Sardonia District which is located just above the White House, which is of course shaped like an inverted star or pentagram. So again, we see the third main ritual of Beltane taking place. And we also see a pilgrimage and a celebration and an offering made to one of the wells.

Now folks, you've got to understand how these rituals work and how they need the energy of the population to power the ritual, because it's all about energy harvesting. Now all of these rituals that took place on or around Beltane and all at the right time such as the celebration dedicated to Catherine of Sienna and the crowning of the May Queen that took place two days before Beltane. All of these rituals were all very public. And all of these rituals were unknowingly powered and celebrated by the enthralled and therefore attending millions around the world via the attention these people paid to these events. And all of those who attended either in spirit or personally, the wedding of William and Kate, all those who are celebrating the victory over bin Laden's death and all who are in a state of fear and paranoia over the possibility of a new false flag attack are all playing right into the hands of the architects of the new world order. Because all of these people are feeding these rituals. And it is this energy that is required to perpetuate the matrix. Can you see this, folks? All of these events are done to harvest energy. Every single one of them. And of course it may not yet be over.

I return now to the celebration of the May Queen and the May King and the sacrifice. Now in this case many may perceive Osama bin Laden to be the sacrifice that is required for the end of the festival of the May Queen and May King, but I don't recall Osama bin Laden eating the traditional black cake. But very interestingly at the royal wedding, it just so happened that William enjoyed a special grooms cake this year apart from the rest of the crowd. It was a black cake that was the same type of cake that was favored by his mother Diana. So this would indicate that Prince William is the May King and this may also suggest that the ritual is not yet over and that perhaps the sacrifice that we are going to see will be Prince William. Perhaps on May Day next year, or perhaps even as suggested by the late Rick Clay, we will see a major event happen during the 2012 Olympics in London. This would of course pave the way for Prince William to be the new solar deity for the next cycle. Diana would appear as the revered mother, the way we see Christ and mother Mary being the solar deities for the last cycle. And the death of Prince William may possibly signify the founding of Zion, which is very likely to be the London Olympic grounds. And this is of course supported by the poem Jerusalem, by well known Freemason William Blake, in which he states “I will not cease from mental fight nor will my sword sleep in my hand 'til we have built Jerusalem in England’s green and pleasant land.” The word Zion itself translates as new Jerusalem. And after the amount of depleted uranium that's been dropped on Gaza, I certainly can't see them attempting to found any type of new Jerusalem anywhere near the vicinity of old Jerusalem.

And look folks, by referring to Christ and the Virgin Mary then as the solar deities for the previous cycle, I am not belittling Christianity in any way at all. I am simply attempting to explain to you how these people operate. Because until you can step back and pull away the veil of any belief system that you have, you're never going to be able to see how things work and how this system is run. You're never going to be able to discover how the matrix works until you set aside all of your beliefs and begin to look at things holistically with a completely open mind.

And I think it's about break time here now, folks. So that's a little bit for you to think about for the next couple of minutes. And I will speak to you again after the break. Thank you very much for listening.

Welcome back, folks. Now we've been talking about ritual today. We've been talking about Beltane and some of the things that went on during the crowning of the May Queen and the Beltane festivals this year. And how we've seen a number of very significant events being played out around the world, especially in the three power centers that can all be directly related to the rituals of Beltane. And folks, when you see one of these events than it could be a coincidence. When you see two it becomes amazing. And when you see three, it starts to to suggest that maybe it's not a coincidence at all. That maybe it's planned. And when you see the series of intertwining events as I listed them for you during the first half of the program, there can really be no doubt that this is being played out and that the people that are playing it out know very much what they are doing.

Now folks, they will tell you that I'm crazy for even thinking about these rituals. If you start talking about them, they'll tell you that you are living in fairy land and that you have an overactive imagination. And yet you see before you all of these rituals. And this indicates that though these people tell you that this is all fantasy and kids stuff, it becomes very obvious that they themselves believe very much in what they are doing. And this becomes obvious simply due to the amount of trouble they go to to enact these rituals at these particular times. I mean, these events could fall on any date, folks, but they always fall on these same ritualistic dates. And if you look at the event, what you see is the same ritual. It happens all the time. So there's no way that any of these events can be construed as simply interesting coincidences, because they're not. They're very, very planned. And there's a reason for it. And it's the same reason that everybody within this society is surrounded by corporate logos and esoteric symbolism, five pointed stars and all of the things that they've plastered on billboards all around the place. And that is to keep people locked into the matrix. See, all of these things are energy rituals, folks. And as I have said to you so very often, we have a very large number of higher senses and we use these senses in ways that we don't understand.

Folks, it's really is as if everybody is walking around with lobotomies. We are all simply zombies walking around and we are completely unaware of our surroundings. And in fact, we have had our DNA and our pineal gland and our active centers within the body reduced to a state where we simply cannot even perceive the world around us. We simply don't have the active senses that are needed to decode the data, so we can't even perceive the information around us. It's as if you are a fish and you are swimming in a tank and you are unaware that there is anything outside of the tank. Or you are walking in the dark holding a flashlight and all you know is real is that that you can see with the flashlight and for you, that is your entire reality. You're walking through a landscape in a glass tube and all you can perceive is what is inside the tube, and you are unaware that anything else exists outside of that.

And this is almost what is happening, folks. There is an awful lot going on outside of visible life that we simply don't have the means of decoding. We don't have the senses active that deal with this information. And this is a lot of what these rituals are about. It's to keep us locked into this false paradigm. You see, by simply giving these things our attention, what we do is we confirm the matrix. We confirm the hologram. And as I have often said, we interact with these rituals and symbols and siduals in ways that we can't perceive, using senses that we don't know we have. The trick is becoming aware that this is what's going on, being aware that you are going this, and being aware that you are speaking higher languages all the time. And the most common of these higher languages, one that you are actually half aware of is the language of feeling and emotion. The language of the heart. The language of electromagnetism that you speak to the surrounding field all the time via your emotional state.

And this is extremely important, folks, that you are aware of this language, because emotion is something within humanity that has never been able to be suppressed. And this is because it can't be suppressed completely like our other higher senses, because emotion is needed to create the matrix. It's emotion and attention that creates the reality that we find ourselves in. It's where our attention goes and the emotional state we are in when it goes there. That’s why I say it's not about not looking at what's wrong with the world, it's about looking at it in the right way form the right energetic state. Most people say, where attention goes energy flows. And that's true to a certain degree, but it also very much depends on the emotional state as to how you are actually interacting with whatever you are giving your attention to.

And so emotions are needed to create this reality, and they have never been able to be suppressed. All that can happen is it can be dulled. But it's always there. And if you become aware of your body, and if you become aware of the energy field around you, then you will notice that your emotions generate a physical feeling in your body and they can generate a noticeable electrical field in a room. If you are a really happy bubbly person, when someone walks into that room, they instantly feel lighter, they feel happier. they feel the energy that you are giving off. If you are in a very angry state or a very distressed state, then people will also feel that. Sometimes you'll walk into a room where people just had an argument and you think, “Wow, you can cut the air with a knife in here.” It's tangible. And it's the same for any emotion. So once you become aware of this, and you become aware that you physically manifesting change within your physical body through emotion, then you realize you are also manifesting energetic change around you simply by the emotional state you are in. You can begin to notice different aspects of reality. You can begin to notice how reality changes when you are in a state of fear as opposed to what it's like when you are in a state of love. And you can start to become aware of the emotional state that you are in. And when you can begin to focus more on a vibration and a frequency of love, you find that you can open up your DNA. You can start to unlock higher senses. You can start to read energy in the room. And essentially you'll find that your entire life changes. And you can really start to do this and start to move yourself into this love vibration and away from the fear vibration simply by understanding what reality is. By understanding how the universe works. Understanding how matter binds together. Understanding that it is an electrical universe. Reality is just this substance connected by water and it's the water that holds the memory of your experience and leaves it imprinted on Earth, You take that experience with you energetically when you leave and that becomes part of the field. Your physical experiences becomes part of the material field through the water. Your energetic experiences go back to the energy and become part of the energy that people draw into themselves to create new realities.

And when you can look at this understanding it becomes very difficult to fear anything, because you start understanding what reality is. And you start to realize that reality itself is quite literally up for grabs, because we could, by our collective manifestation and our collective consciousness change this reality into whatever we want it to be. If we start giving to people, we start being loving with people and helping people and feeling connected to people, when we pass from this existence, that information is encoded into the water that was our bodies and it goes back to the vast pool of water from which everything is created. The energy that we collected from the experience; the empathy and the compassion that we gained during our life and what we gave to others and the pleasure and love that we received back in return, this joyous wondrous giving energy also goes back to the energy field and replenishes the field and then people have that to draw into themselves to create their reality.

So the more we put into the field, both physically through the water and energetically via our emotions, the more we change reality. And water has memory, as I said before, water has memory. Anything you do around water, anything water witnesses, it keeps a record of. And water is in everything. There's been research with people such as Viktor Schauberger. Actually there is a wonderful film out if you can find it it's called Water the Great Mystery. I highly recommend that you watch it. It's a fantastic film and does give you an extremely good overview of the properties of water.

And folks, these languages that we speak, these higher senses that I keep mentioning; this is an ongoing process. We are speaking these languages. We are speaking these all the time, it's just that we don't realize we are doing it. But the language of feeling and emotion, this is something that you can realize you are speaking. The language of intuition. The language of electromagnetism. If you stop and think about it, you will find this language and you will learn how to speak it. All you have to do is look within and start to feel your surroundings rather than look or touch or taste your surroundings. Start to feel them energetically. Start to listen to what your emotions tell you. Start to listen to what your intuition tells you. Start to feel the energy in a room, or feel the energy in a forest or in a beach or at a party or wherever you happen to be. Feel the energy. And be aware of the moment. Be aware of the moment you are in right now and everything about that moment.

And be aware of your inner emotions, folks. Be aware of your inner actions, because one of the most important things that most people overlook is true intention. What is your intention in everything that you do When you help someone, what is your true intention? Are you truly intending to help that person or are you doing it for self gain? Are you doing it because you want someone to think you are cool? Are you doing it because you wish to make a charitable statement, or are you really doing it because it's a gift from the heart to help another soul? When you conduct a business transaction with someone, are you intending to profit as much as possible at their expense? Are you intending to serve only yourself, or are you intending to serve the creation?

I know it's very hard for people to look at things in that way in this cut throat world that we live in. Everybody is out to make a dollar. Everybody is out to take advantage of somebody else. And there are very few people who are prepared to give simply because it's the right thing to do. There are very few people who are willing to serve the creation. But when you do, if you can let your guard down and do it genuinely, you will find your life changes. But again, don't just give of yourself to others. You must always give to yourself as well because you are part of the creation. There's got to be a balance. It's not like you should go out there and simply allow yourself to be taken advantage of, but you should always treat people as yourself and always work to serve the creation. As I said, it can be a difficult concept for people to get their minds around. But you'll find that when you can do that, your life will change and eventually fear will become a thing of the past.

Most of our fear in this life is fear of not having enough paper, because we fear that may lead to death. Fear of breaking rules, because we fear that may lead to death. Fear of incarceration. Fear of terrorism. Fear, fear, fear. Everything is designed to keep you in this state. But within the structure of society, it usually comes back to paper. Fear of not having enough paper, because without paper you have no security. It's a fear of shortage. A fear of being without. Not having a roof, a home and all this stuff that we perceive paper to be able to provide for us.

People just need to readjust their way of thinking, to readjust their perspective of what is important in reality, because it's not paper, folks. What is important is reality itself. And we really do need to pay attention to what's going on around us, because it is time to act. It's really time to act, because we are being assaulted from all sides now. I mean, the chemtrails, the pollution, Fukushima, what's going on over there and this fracking. It's truly becoming beyond a joke. And if you look around, folks. If you really step back and take stock, it really would appear that the human race is being exterminated. The depopulation plan has stepped up three-fold just this year. It's amazing the steps that the elite seem to be taking, and most people are still caught up in the television and caught up in the rigors of every day life and are far too busy to look around them to see what's going on.

We really are a time of change, folks. A lot of people will make it through the change just fine. I'm sure those who are awake will make it through the change as long as they approach things from the correct energetic state and don't approach this change in a state of fear or hatred. I mean sure, there may be a period when you may have to defend yourself or stand your ground or something, but again, you don't need to do this from a state of fear or hatred. You just do what needs to be done, because it's necessary. But you do it from a state of love. You really need to keep yourself in the correct energy through all this period. And there will be a lot people also who don't make it through. There’s a lot of people that are here in the world today that will suffer and many that will die through these periods. And that's okay too. That's what these souls chose to come here to do. And it is their suffering that will wake up other people. See, everything has balance, folks. I'm not meeting to be cold or cruel or unkind when I say that. It's simply the way things are if you look at things holistically, that's what you come up with. There always has to be a balance.

And the really important thing is what you do. What you do personally. What energy you are personally in. That is the most important thing. If you are in an energetic state of love, if you are in a state of giving to the creation and you address things that are going on around you from that perspective, we can still turn the tide. But if we can maintain an energetic state of love and giving and then apply it to the physical world around us now, we can still change things. We have that opportunity, folks. And we just have to embrace that opportunity. And again, all that's really needed is to change your perspective. Change your of what reality is. Because when you can change your perspective, you can remove fear from your life, and it is in removing fear that you can stand up and address the issues that we face.

And in changing your perspective you will see how problems do become opportunities. Everything that we face is an opportunity. Fracking is an opportunity. It's a golden opportunity. It's a gift, because fracking is something that will unite the entire world, because this is water. They are talking about taking our water now. So it is a golden opportunity and we have to seize these opportunities when they come, because that's why they are provided to us.

And we've got to understand that it's our problem. It's up to us to change it. We can't expect the government to change it. We have to do it ourselves. We have to realize who and what we are, and come into our power and stand up and address the situation, but we have to do it from the correct energetic state. That's all. It's really that simple. The answer to everything, folks is in fact so simple that most people simply cannot see the answer. They think there must be forms to fill out or something. There must be a water fight or a battle to be waged or something like that. But in reality, the truth is so absurdly simple that unfortunately most people simply can't see it because they can't believe that it could truly be that simple. But it is that simple. And for me that is probably the most frustrating part of all folks, is the fact that it is so ridiculously simple. And I just live in the hope that the light bulb will go off in peoples heads and they will have that Aha! moment, and they will all stand up, join hands and address the problems that we face and thereby heal them.

Well, we are getting pretty close to the end of the show here, folks. I know I've probably gone off on a few tangents today. I do think it's rather fascinating looking at the state of ritual that we are in at the moment though. I think the whole Beltane ritual this year was fascinating that they would have gone to so much trouble to have such a big Beltane ritual this year. And I think that 2011 has already excelled itself. We knew it was going to be a big year, folks. And it certainly hasn't let us down in our expectations.

They seem to have very much ramped up the chemtrails lately as well, folks. We've got a lot of chemtrails around here lately. I'm pretty protected here from all my orgonite. I recommend that you get some orgonite if you haven't looked into it already. It truly is fascinating stuff. I just can't get enough of it. I love having it around me. I've got quite a lot of it around me now and if you do need to get some orgonite, you can go to theCrowhouse forums and look up a character on the forums named Monsoon. He will look after you with some good quality orgonite.

I would also like to remind Australian listeners that Ben Stewart will be out here at the end of May and early in June he will be doing talks in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Byron Bay. I will likely be at the talks as well. I'll probably be Mcing the events. I'm still making up my mind to go to Melbourne and Sydney, but there is a very good change that will. If you are in Australia, I'll get to see you at the talks as well. I'm just debating whether I really want to go to Melbourne at this time of year because it's quite cold down there. So I have to make up my mind whether I want to go and battle the winter elements, folks

I'd like to thank you again for all the support you've shown me and the support that you show to Thank you for visiting the website and thank you for helping me keep it afloat. It really wouldn't be still up and running if it wasn't for the support that people have shown me.

So folks, with everything that I've said to on the show today, I think it's important that people become aware of the rituals that are being performed under their very noses all around the world. I think it's important that people become aware of the symbolism that they subject themselves to everyday and the symbolism they are subjected to everyday, because this symbolism does effect you in higher realms. Just giving certain signs and siduals your attention effects you in ways you cannot imagine. And the most important thing through all of it, as I have often said, is to maintain your energetic state. When you come in contact with other people, to treat them as yourself. To always love them. To always under' that if they are acting in a polarized way, they are doing so because they have a misconception of reality. And usually for reasons that are not their own. It's usually they have been trained to be that way, because that's what our society does. If we can change our perspective of those around us and change our perspective of society and change our perspective of ourselves, then we can heal the planet and we can do it very quickly.

Well, thank you for spending this time with me today, folks. It's been a pleasure talking to you again. I'll look forward to speaking to you again next week. Take care until then.

In Lak'ech.