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Max Igan Surviving the Matrix – 09/10/2010 - Waking up to Reality

Transcribed by Liz Patton

“The act of compassion begins with full attention, just as rapport does. You have to really see the person. If you see the person, then naturally, empathy arises. If you tune into the other person, you feel with them. If empathy arises, and if that person is in dire need, then empathic concern can come. You want to help them, and then that begins a compassionate act.” That quote comes from Daniel Goleman.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. I will be your host for the next hour. And it is truly a pleasure to be with you once again.

Now in the last two years since I started doing this radio program, I've spoken to you on a myriad of topics; many of them perhaps topics or realizations about our world and our societies that some my find uncomfortable, perhaps a little unsettling or a little difficult to deal with. There are now quite a large number of people who have been speaking out on these same subjects for quite a long time. And there are also quite a number of people who are now waking up to the realities of our world. So I have spoken to you about these very same issues. And I have done so with the intention of hopefully offering you a different perspective to that which you may have been previously accustomed to looking at things from. It's all about perspective, folks.

Now on this show, I've covered the issues of this global conspiracy, the war on terror, which is a total hoax and nothing but a war of terror that is being used as an excuse to lock down our society into a surveillance nightmare run by our puppet governments. I spoke to you all quite extensively about the central banking system and the private cartel of international banksters who run the banking system and who puppeteer most governments by their control over the currency of each respective country. I've spoken to you about these things a great deal folks, but I can really only say so much about this stuff before it comes time to actually act on the information. That's the thing; I've spoken a lot about how this system works, and I've suggested that non-compliance to this system is really and truly the only way that we're ever going to be make a stand against this system and is the only type of way that humanity is ever going to be able to come back into the power that we truly have. And I truly believe that it is time for people to start acting on this information.

I believe the best thing we can do to act upon this information and to improve the current state of our world and the current state of our societies is to build community. I really do believe this is what we have to do folks. And I don't believe there is one person or one movement that is going to be able to stand up against this system, because this system is just too corrupt and it's too enormous. And it's designed to be that way, folks. It's designed to tie you up in red tape and endless dead end corridors. There is no way you can ever deal with any of the corruption that is inherent in the system from within the system itself. It has to be dealt with from outside the system. It has to be dealt with by the people. Because the very purpose of the system itself is to control the people, and it is the people's willingness to be controlled this way that allows the continuation of this completely corrupt system. Can you see how it works there, folks? It's actually us holding it up. So it is by building community and a global act of non-compliance that we can turn things around. And it is indeed the only way that we ever will be able to turn things around.

I've been suggesting to people for a while that non-compliance is the way to go; that there really is nothing else that we have available to us. I really do believe that this is the case folks. And I also believe that one of the biggest obstacles to waking people up to the need to approach the system in such a way, is the difficulty in getting people to realize that they are actually living in a situation where they are enslaved. It is very hard for someone who actually believes they are free to admit that they are a slave. Everybody in our society is in a state of slavery, folks. I've said to people, “You're a slave.” And they say, “I am free”. I say, “Do you have bills to pay? Do you use money? And do you believe yourself to be answerable to government?” If you answer yes to any of those things, then you are indeed a slave. As Ludwig von Goethe once said, “There are none more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

And that only refers to the type of slavery that binds the human race in economic and social sense and doesn’t even begin to address the emotional and mental slavery and false reality that the human race is perpetually kept in. So that’s a lot of the problem, folks. A lot of people don’t understand how modern slavery works. Modern slavery is debt slavery and it's emotional and spiritual slavery. And why may this be done? you might ask. Well folks, why its all done is because the two most valuable resources on this planet are your attention and your energy. It's time that people noticed this. And it's time that people really stepped away from this system of slavery folks, because this system of people of society are held in has no walls or bars, so it is very easy to escape from. All people have to do is to want to. All they have to do is support each other and to turn away from the system. Stop giving it your attention. And stop giving it your energy, because both of these things are feeding the system. You need to give your attention and your energy to your community.

It really is terribly important that the people of the world wake up from the collective sleep that they are in and choose to exercise the freedom and the rights that they truly have. As Voltaire once said, “So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men.” I think that’s a very poignant quote at this particular time in history, folks. And it really is time for the human race to stand collectively on our feet before we have to live perpetually on our knees. There is a real need to do this, folks.

Now this need can be clearly seen in recent action that’s been taken by the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA is of course continuing its campaign of oppression, its campaign of censorship and its campaign against herbal supplements. And upholding to these principles, or lack of them, the FDA has recently seized $71,000 worth of Charantea herbal supplements in a raid that also involved some obviously misguided US Marshals. Apparently a company called Fulllife Natural Options was accused by the FDA of marketing an unapproved drug. This was due to marketing claims by the company that quite accurately claimed the active ingredient of the tea (bitter melon fruit) was effective in lowing blood sugar. So like I said, the FDA seized this $71,000 worth of herbal supplements, claiming that they are an unapproved drug.

Folks, these people in the FDA have to be kidding. And the employees of the FDA who carry out the wishes of such an organization seriously need to think about what they are doing, because they actually have a moral obligation to not only disobey the directive, but also to take action against whichever criminals in government passed such corrupt legislation and whichever criminals in the FDA are supporting it. Because all of them are unfit to hold positions that they currently hold. The US marshals involved in the raid are of course completely misguided, because it's obvious that their duty is to do the same thing. Their duty is to turn around and arrest the obviously corrupt and quite likely insane individuals who enacted this type of ridiculous legislation. This legislation constitutes a crime against humanity as does most of the things the FDA does.

The FDA folks, a really, really incredible company have actually been selling cancer to the world for a very long time. Do you know where cancer actually comes from? Cancer is actually a fungus. Do you know why the human race suddenly started to get lots of cancers? Why the human race suddenly started to get lots of cancers when fungicides began to be used on the many food crops that grace our supermarket shelves. It's very noticeable that the FDA approved the fungicides that are used are the most damaging of all. Now there are these certain ingredients that are produced in all organic fruits and vegetables that are called salvestrols. These salvestrols are very interesting things, folks. This was all discovered by a Professor Dan Berke. It would appear that cancer, as I said, is actually a fungus. Within a cancer cell there is an enzyme that is known as CYP1B1. I may be wrong calling it an enzyme, but it's something like that. I don’t know folks, I'm not a biologist. Anyway, this CYP1B1 is basically a dormant component that sits within a cancer cell. I think I've got that right. I think its only a dormant component, but I will check up on that folks and make sure I've got the information right and on the next show. I'll give you basic gist for now anyway. So when this CYP1B1 comes in contact with salvestrols, it changes its form and turns into a cancer-fighting agent. These salvestrols are only produced in organic plants and they are part of the plants natural immune system against fungus. So it's an ingredient in organic fruits and vegetables that basically protects the plant against fungal attacks. Because of companies like the FDA have been spraying highly toxic fungicides on fruits and vegetables, this prevents the fruits and vegetables from producing their own salvestrols. So therefore people aren't people aren't consuming salvestrols in their food and is why we are seeing such a huge increase in cancer. Of course, 100 years ago folks, it was very very rare to see anybody with cancer and the onset of cancer, which is incidentally the most profitable disease known to man, has been a direct result of company’s like the FDA spraying chemicals on food. And the fact that the pesticides which are the most damaging to the production of salvestrols are the very chemicals that are most approved and promoted by the FDA, speaks volumes folks, and very much appears that this has been done intentionally, because as I have said, cancer is the most profitable disease that has or will ever be known to man.

So people need to take all of this stuff into account. I mean, there is no question that these people do not have humanity's best interests at heart, folks. Look, we've got all the chemicals in the food. We've got the chemicals being sprayed in the air. We've got toxins and fluoride in our water supply. We are being attacked on all fronts, folks. We've got mobile phone radiation. This is not progress. This is not technological improvement. This is an attack against human consciousness. It's just disguised as pretty trinkets and pretty toys and attractive food, but really the human race is under a chemical, biological, electromagnetic and spiritual and emotional attack. The human race is kept in a constant state of fear. Always worried about things. Running as fast as we can, collecting as much stuff along the way and getting absolutely nowhere. That’s just the way it is. And it's the way it is, because that’s the way it's been designed.

Wake up, people. They offer you all these things that you think are great; mobile phones, iPod’s, video games, virtual reality. They keep you caught up with social status and keeping up with the Jones, making sure you've got the latest exploding shoes and the right haircut, making sure you're acceptable to your peers following the latest pop star. Then they keep you distracted from anything else by enslaving you to a monetary system. And they make all this technology seem attractive to you, but it's all a trap because they keep you dependent on all this stuff. Then they'll say, “Look, we can put it all on this little microchip. And in fact we are going to put it on this microchip and if you don't use this microchip then you're not going to have any money, because all money is going to be on the chip.” Once this chip gets put into the human race then the human race will be completely enslaved and will be totally lost.

Don't be fooled by any of these people folks. Don't be fooled by things like the Destiny cult. Don't be fooled by any of it. Any person who suggests to you that it is a good idea for you to have a microchip implanted into your body, does not have your best interests at heart. There is absolutely no gray area in that. The worst thing any human being could possibly ever do is to allow someone to implant a microchip into the biological computer that is your body. Anybody who tries to sell you on the concept seriously, seriously does not have your best interest at heart. Don't be fooled, folks.

Something that really amazes me in all of this stuff; something that amazes me with microchips and the police doing what they do with the counselors and politicians doing what they do, is peoples willingness to actually participate. I am amazed that there are US Marshals who are that misguided that they would actually participate in going and removing health supplements from someone because some piece of corrupt legislation said they should do so. What's happened folks? Whats happened to these people? How come these people can't just wake up to themselves? I mean, if you are a US Marshal or a police officer, isn't it your job to protect the people? Aren't you supposed to by order of the Constitution be on the lookout for enemies both foreign and domestic? I mean, health is good. Health supplements are good. If you are a police officer and some politician hands down legislation that says suddenly that things that are good for the human race are illegal, alarm bells would go off in your head. You would think these people would say, “Hang on a minute. Something isn't right here.” You'd think these people have some kind of understanding of history. Look back and consider what happened in Nazi Germany and possibly see a few parallels. Peoples willingness to participate in this, folks. The police that put on this black Kevlar and batons and shields and get out there and terrorize the public in these marches that we see. And it's always the police that starts the trouble. What we saw at the G-20 Summit in Canada. What we saw at the the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh. And all the people that are supporting this global enslavement in so many other ways. All the workers in all sorts of industries. People willingness to even make these microchips. I mean, what about the people working in these factories actually making microchips for human beings? I mean, obviously their brains work well enough to make micro. How come their brains don't work well enough to realize they are creating global enslavement? I mean, I can appreciate that people probably just simply need the work and a job is a job. I think it would be a better idea to address the monetary system. If you really need to feed your family that badly, then build community folks. Build community and start community gardens. I know its not easy for everybody to do, but here are better things to do than build microchips with which to enslave the rest of the planet with.

It's is a very good illustration of what I have been talking about in the last few shows when I have been saying that our whole system is designed to create a whole society of sociopaths. Making microchips that are going to be used to enslave the rest of the world; this is pretty sociopathic stuff. And no, I am not being judgmental. It isn't like I hate these people, but if you really look at it, there are no other options that you can come up with. That’s what you come up with, folks. And it isn't that they are bad people; they've simply been trained to think this way.

All of these things; this micro-chipping and this lock-down of society. This eternal war that we seem to be fighting. These are the plans that are being laid out for the human race. Whoever or whatever is laying these plans out and whatever reasons they are doing so may be, the time has truly come for humanity to stand on its feet. To stop fighting the wars. If you are a soldier out there and are being told to go to war, stay home. Just don't go. Nobody should ever join the military. And anybody who is in the military now, you should all should quit. Because its the government that wants the wars, not the people. And you'd all be better off at home with your families.

We can fix all the problems on the Earth, folks. We can fix all the problems that we face as a human species if we unite as a human species. And this has nothing to do with any global government or one world anything. What it has to do with is the human family. What it is to do with is understanding that we are each other.

And there are a lot of groups around the world that are springing up and doing the same sort of things that I am doing here with the community initiatives that I've been doing. What we are seeing, someone eloquently put it the other day. I can't remember his name offhand, but he said, what we are seeing is humanity’s immune system finally kicking into gear. Because these groups are springing up all around the Earth. There are so many groups now that all want social change, economic change, social justice. Groups that simply want to create a better world. That want to step away from all of the wars, all of the hardship. They want to step away from the monetary system. It's a non-violent movement and it's global. It truly is much needed and it's a wonderful thing to see happen. I believe the time is very close at hand when the human race is collectively going to stand up and say, “Enough is enough.” And how much is enough, folks?

How much do you think the human race will take before we collectively stand up and come into our power? I mean, its not like we have a choice. When you look at what is slowly happening to this society; what is slowly happening to the globe, we really don't have a choice, folks. It's like consciousness itself has a cancer and the cancer is fear. It's our fear of ever facing the shadow. The fear of ever coming into our true power. It's like we have a fear of realizing that the people who are in charge of the planet are just like us. They're just people. Fear of seeing the matrix for what it really is. It's weird isn't it, when you really look at it. You go outside and you sit by a tree or by a stream or look at the sky. Just look at the sky. Look out at the stars at night. Go out with your friends. Hug someone. Just be in the company of nice people. That's what humanity is really about. But then find yourself entangled in this fictitious corporate system which is all these rules written down on pieces of paper that make you behave in certain ways and make you do certain things and wear certain clothes and live in certain locations and build houses and structures to codes, you can only have this color here, and that color there. It's just bizarre. It's just really, really bizarre when you step back and you look at how ridiculous this entire system that we've constructed is. And how far removed it is from what humanity should actually be doing.

Imagine what the world would be like if humanity was left to explore it's free expression. If things like Tesla's technology had been allowed to flourish. Victor Schulbergers work; if that had been brought to the floor. If people were allowed to build organic formed structures. Structures that blend and mold with the Earth. Artistic buildings. It's hard to imagine from the perspective of the modern city the type of world we could actually build if we were given the freedom to do so. Let free without restraint. Free to pursue our creative urges and live to our full potential, the human race could truly, truly create a wonderful and harmonious future. And the only thing that’s ever stopped us from doing so, is those who would seek to exercise their own particular brand of control over the rest of humanity.

I think we'd get out of the situation that we're in. I really feel that's where it's heading. It really feels like it won't be long before the 100th monkey kicks in, because like I've said, the amount of groups that are springing up around the world; the reports that I'm hearing from people, it's absolutely phenomenal. But you've got to get out and participate yourself. If you can't find a group to participate in, then start one yourself. Get out there and get involved in the community. It really is the best thing that you can possibly do. I think it's getting close to break time now, folks. I thank you all very much for sharing this time with me. We'll go and have a break and I'll speak with you in a few minutes.


Welcome back, folks. Now there has been a lot people speaking out about the situation humanity is facing. When you make a little bit of noise and you do it publicly and people start noticing you, then things can get a little bit difficult for us at times. Dave Dees has ran into a bit of difficulty in Sweden. Dave Dees, the wonderful political artist, political satirist. I'm sure that everybody out there listening to this radio show is familiar with Dave Dees. He is truly a fabulous artist. He is basically being forcef out of where he lives at the moment in Sweden, because he is attracting too much undo attention to Sweden, so things have been made a little bit uncomfortable for him there. He does have to move. There is a link my website If you go there you will find a link that says Help Dave Dees. If you click that, it will take you to a page which will give you an explanation of what is happening to Dave and will show you how you can donate to Dave if you choose to do so. He does have to relocate from Sweden to another country. His only option at the moment is the United States. I'm sure he would appreciate any support that anyone can give him at the moment. This unfortunately can at times be the price one pays for speaking the truth.

Now before the break, I was questioning peoples willingness to participate in the corruption; to participate in the corrupt system. The US Marshals that are wiling to go and arrest someone for selling herbal supplements. The judges that are willing to convict these people for simply being human beings. It amazes me that these people are so wiling to participate in the corruption, and their excuse for doing so is usually something like, “Well, my hands were tied. There was nothing I could do. I was left with no other option.” And the reason they feel this way is because there is a piece of paper somewhere that has rules on it, telling them they need to behave in this way. It's a fascinating trait of humanity. If someone writes down a rule on a piece of paper, for some reason other people feel that they are obligated to do what it says on this piece of paper, even if it means taking some innocent persons freedom away, locking them up within a corrupt privately run jail system. Even if it means sentencing someone to death, these people still believe their hands are tied; that they have no other choice than to follow what it says on this piece of paper.

But really they do. Really, they are just people and what's written on this piece of paper was written by other people. And if they are faced with something that is morally wrong, then they have a moral obligation to do the opposite of what the law actually says. That's the thing, folks. It just amazes me that people are so prepared to go along with legislation that is obviously so corrupt and obviously so damaging to the human race. It's damaging to the environment. Corporate legislation that allows these corporations to go and trash the environment the way they do. And legislation that allows these corporations to continue doing this, when the obvious reality is that each one of these corporations need to have it's charter revoked as soon as it steps over the mark and causes environmental damage or hardship to any people. But we've forgotten all that. We've forgotten our humanity. We've forgotten each other. We've forgotten our community. We now live and allow ourselves to be ruled by little squiggly lines on pieces of paper that have been put there by people with sociopathic tendencies.

Does anyone find this to be an incredibly strange way to run a society? I don't know, folks. Maybe I'm just a little finicky, but to me it seems like...well it seems like complete insanity is what it actually seems like. I might as well be honest about it. And it seems like it is insanity folks, because that's what it is. I mean, really look at it. This whole society is completely insane. And it's not the people that are insane; it's the society itself. We've backed ourselves into a corner. We've allowed ourselves to get so paranoid and we've created so many rules that we just don't know what to do anymore. We're bound by this corporate monstrosity, too scared to do anything. We're too scared to step off the curb. Scared to step on the grass. Scared to speak to anybody. Scared to be who and what we are. We've created this incredibly complex system, and the entire thing is based on fear. “Oh no, don't do that. Don't do that.” More rules, more rules and regulations. More impositions of fines. More control. More surveillance. Body scanners. Identification. Retinal scanners. Fingerprints. Everything we can do. Find out everything about everybody, don't let anybody have any secrets because nobody can have any secrets because someone might be doing something bad. It's complete insanity, folks. It's complete insanity. Worried about crime. Worried about this. What causes all the crime, folks? What causes all the crime? 90% of crime is caused because people are in a state of shortage. So why are people in a state of shortage? Well, they're in a state of shortage because of this corrupt monetary system that is designed to keep people in a state of shortage. That's it's whole purpose, folks. It doesn't serve any other purpose.

So how have we allowed ourselves to become enslaved to such a system? And now it's like this self perpetuating organism. It seems to consume people. People get into this system and they become part of this system. It's like they get this brain malfunction as soon as they join. That's why its impossible to change the system from within the system. If you try to run for politics, once you get into that political system, it's like all these people have brain meltdowns. They just enter into it and allow themselves to get caught up in red tape and completely irrelevant and useless rubbish and nothing ever changes. Nothing ever gets done. And humanity and the environment just keeps on barreling down the road to it's ultimate destruction. So you can't use the system to try to change the system. It's kind of fascinating to look at it all though, folks. I mean, it is quite incredible when you step back and you see people enter this political arena and they get caught up in all these rules that are written on pieces of paper. And they sit there in those big buildings and they pass pieces of paper around to each other. That's what most of these government buildings do, folks. They move paper from one place to another. Well, they don't do it so much anymore; they do it now in the form of computer files. But that is what most office buildings have traditionally done, is move paper.

So you've really got to look at all this stuff folks in a holistic way. I know I get carried away sometimes. I call people criminals and I call people things that maybe I shouldn't call them. But that's because I do get a little frustrated. Because at the top of the pyramid; at the top of the food chain you'll find a person. You'll find an individual who is doing the wrong thing. All of these corporations and all of these bad points about the system that we find ourselves immersed in; all of these have been introduced by people, folks. That's the thing. So even though it's the system itself that is at fault, you've got to understand that the system was put in place by people. It was all written by people. What it is now, as I’ve said, is a self perpetuating organism. And it's our acquiescence to this organism that is allowing the inevitable destruction of the human race and the inevitable destruction of this planet to take place.

We are fighting wars. We are killing people. We are deforesting. We are destroying the food chain. We are destroying the atmosphere. We are doing all sorts of bad things to this planet, and we are doing it at an incredible rate. Whether you want to blame corporations. Whether you want to blame individuals. Whether you think the Earth has been invaded and it's being strip-mined; whatever you believe, the ultimate test is to understand what is allowing all this to occur is the acquiesce of the people. The passive compliance. The failure of the human race to turn it's back on the system that is destroying the human race and is destroying the planet. If we turn our back on it. If we step away from it and stop complying with it, we neutralize the system completely. There is no need to attack it, folks. We just have to step away from it. We simply have to stop supporting it.

In all the shows that I've done for you, and all the films that I've made and the message that I've always tried to bring to you folks, is to understand who and what you truly are, to build community and to step away from the system. It must be done non-violently. So we don't need any violence. People only believe we need violence because they see this system as this big monstrosity; this big threat. But it's not. Not if people turn away from it. If everybody decided that now is the time to connect with each other. To stop paying the taxes. Stop allowing yourself to be enslaved to a banking cartel. Simply start growing gardens. Start helping your neighbors. Start living life. We can literally change the world. As I have said to you on many occasions folks, it's not like we have a choice.

Because if we choose not to do this, if we choose to not come into our power, and we continue along supporting this system, then what is being created is something to be feared.

But it's our choice, folks. It's our choice as to what type of future we create. But we have to be active participants. That's the thing folks. You've got to be active. There's no good complaining about the system if you are going to comply with the system. I don't honestly see why anyone would. When you actually see how money works, it's a big wake up for a lot of people. When you see how money works, I mean its like what Andrew Jackson said, “If the people ever understood the rank injustice of our banking and monetary system, there would be a revolution before morning.” I would suggest that he is right, folks. I would suggest that the reason the government is still in place and the Federal Reserve wasn't torn down years ago was because people have never really looked at how it actually works.

So what are we actually facing, folks? Why do I keep coming on and doing these shows? Why do so many people do everything they do and keep talking about this and keep trying to spread this message? Is it truly a case of a bunch of wacko conspiracy theorists with a misguided view of what's happening in the world, or are we really facing something that really needs peoples attention? What are we facing? What is all the fuss about?

As I have said to you on numerous occasions folks, we are truly facing a global police state if the people’s don't do something about it. More and more surveillance cameras are being brought in, in all countries on Earth. Of course, the surveillance cameras should be going into the government buildings and be on live feed for the citizens so we we can check up on how our employees are running things. We've seen the open criminalization of nutrition, such as the actions recently taken by the FDA and the attempted introduction of Bill S510, which will effectively criminalize backyard gardening. Of course, if such a bill is enacted, it is the duty of the citizens to disregard this bill and to take action against the criminals in government who enacted it. And I will call them criminals folks, because the enacting of this bill does constitute a crime against humanity. It absolutely does. And the people who are enacting it are criminals in the truest sense of the word. And all these things just continue folks, and eventually we are facing a micro-chipped society. And that will be when the whole human race gets locked down to an inescapable control group. So it's imperative that the people don't allow this to happen.

The world is indeed changing, folks. There is a huge awakening and it is mainly a political awakening that is taking place around the globe. People are waking up to how the political system runs. People are waking up to the corporate matrix that is in place that is enslaving humanity. And there are huge grass roots movements to step away from the system. It is extremely important that everybody support these movements and support their local communities. It is extremely important that judges, and police officers and military personnel wake up to themselves and start doing the right thing and stop supporting the creation of a global police state. It doesn't matter whether they belong to any secret society or whatever, eventually they will be trodden on like the rest. Nobody is safe. You see, through the introduction of new rules and regulations and surveillance and everything that is being put in place, the system that is being built to support humans is an inhuman system. And the human race simply cannot allow the construction of such a system, because such a system will eventually result in the total enslavement of the human race. And if one really steps back and looks at the world holistically, then it's very obvious this is exactly what is being created. So it's time to wake up, folks. It's time to come into our power and the power we have is community. It's time to step away. Non-violent, non-compliance, folks. I guess I harp on that a little bit, but I really think that is the way we have to go, folks.

Speaking of non-compliance actually, we've had some interesting times here in Australia as well. We've had a hung parliament for the last couple of weeks, so there were no flags flying outside of the council chambers. So in a nearby town with the wonderful little name of Mullumbimby, there were no flags flying outside the council chambers and so the local Aboriginal elder basically set up camp on the front lawn of the council chambers and flew his own flag and reclaimed the land. He has now stopped work on a Woolworth's construction that the locals really didn't want there anyway, that was forced through by state governments. So this is a wonderful thing to see. That is true non-compliance, folks. And we've decided to move our community meetings to the front lawn of council chambers every Monday night to show solidarity and support for the Aboriginal elders in this bid to stop the Woolworth's construction and reclaim their land.

So I'll let you know how that goes. It's really interesting. And it's perfect timing, because we have actually outgrown the venue where we've been having the meetings and were looking for a new place to have them. Then right on cue, the Aboriginal elder took over the council ground. This is a very good start and extraordinary well timed. I call it divine providence folks. because now we get to take these community meeting to an entirely new level and we get to reach a much larger section of the local community. After all, changing the world requires everybody to participate and there's no reason to be shy, is there, folks? I never did plan on being shy.

On a completely different topic here folks, Freeman actually left the country here yesterday. He left the area where I am, Thursday last week. The night before he left, we had a kind of an impromptu gathering up at the house where we have the meetings. A whole bunch of people just kind of arrived totally unannounced and we ended up having a kind of going away party for Freeman. During that party, a couple of people took some photographs of the group of us sitting around in the lounge room. When we looked at the photographs on the camera, what we were amazed to see was that the room was full of glowing orbs. I have actually never seen that many orbs in a room. I've always been rather skeptical to be honest folks, when I've seen pictures of orbs. I've always been a little bit skeptical because these sorts of things can be faked I feel. But when we looked at the photographs on the camera (and these photographs had been taken 10 seconds before) and we saw the amount of orbs in the room, it was a real eye opener. In one picture alone, I actually circled 62 orbs in the room. Looking at the picture now, there are actually at least 5 or 6 that I've missed. So we are talking at least 65 to 70 orbs in this one room, which was absolutely amazing, folks. It was an incredibly uplifting experience to see this on the pictures. There was an awful lot of love in the room. There was an awful lot of joy and happiness in the room. There was a lot of consciousness in the room. Some of these orbs are actually incredibly bright. I'll include a picture of it on the You Tube version. I might just black out my face. It's become kind of a game for me now folks, not showing my face. I've had so many people ask me for photographs. I've just never posted a picture of myself on the internet, and it's become a little bit of a game for me. But anyway, I'll post one of these pictures on the internet. I'll post the one where I've circled the orbs, which truly was an amazing experience. I have no doubt of the existence of orbs anymore folks, just for anyone who is wondering about these things. Actually I'll post it on The Crow House and I'll post the picture where the orbs are not marked, and I'll also post the picture where I have marked the orbs. I'll leave them in the original hi-res and I'll simply upload them the way they are. You can simply go there and download them for yourself and maybe zoom in, blow them up and have a look at what you can find. Each picture is quite large, as they were when they came directly out of the camera. So each picture is around 2.8MB. I will leave them in that high resolution just in case people wish to download them and examine them themselves in their original format without losing any quality.

So yes, that is something you don't usually hear me talk about on the radio program my friends, is glowing orbs in a lounge room. Not that it is something that I experience very often, perhaps because I'm not in the habit of taking photographs, I suppose. I wonder how often these things are around us. It does make you wonder, doesn't it. I think the orbs like the idea of non-compliance as well, folks. I say they also know that non-compliance is absolutely the way to go. And the best form of non-compliance is as I have said ad nauseam, building community. And these initiatives are starting, folks. They are starting around here. They are starting in so many countries by friends all around the world by telling me they are having meetings in their countries the same as I've been having here. There are initiatives happening in Mexico. There is actually a huge initiative happening in Zambia as well, I believe that even the government is getting involved in Zambia. And as I've mentioned last week, there are even initiatives in Palestine.

The situation in Palestine is truly one of the most heart-wrenching situations anywhere on Earth. What these people are being put through by the Zionists, who are in control of Israel, is truly shocking folks. I'm not speaking about Jews here. I' not speaking about Israelis. I'm speaking about the Zionist influence on the Israeli government. These Zionists are mainly western Europeans. Zionism itself was created by the Rothschild family, so that kind of says it all. It's the Zionist influence in Israel that is causing all of the problems in the Middle East. And it's all been done by design, folks. It's all been orchestrated.

Last week on this show I mentioned that there was a friend of mine in Palestine who is starting community garden initiatives. He wrote me a letter last week. I found it to be quite touching and I would like to share that with you now just so people understand that this is happening around the globe and understand what some people in other parts of the world are actually going through. And the letter is as follows:


Hi Max,

Thank you for the little spotlight you gave to the Palestinian project we are working on out here. I hope it will be like a spark of awakening light in the consciousness of everyone listening. If war torn occupied Palestine can pull itself up out of this oppression and control and start moving in a direction of sustaining itself through a reconnected community, organic gardens and a deeper inner awareness, then I do believe a shift in total global consciousness is more attainable. This place is very dark, and the people have been beaten down, stripped of all human rights and decency and placed under Israel's boot. The mind control, hate propaganda and divide and conquer techniques that are administered to these people on a daily basis, along with the violence and destruction they live under every moment of every day, keeps them in such a deep state of fear that they cannot easily see the truth of a deeper inner reality on their own. They can barely get though each day. Life is very difficult here. So these movements of awakening people here and our efforts to plant organic gardens everywhere and educate people everywhere about the things that keep them locked into sleep like TV, fluoride and aspartame, etc. is such a crucial step in awakening the divine consciousness within these precious souls, and raising the vibration of the planet as a whole.

Did you know that the Palestinian people used to live completely off the land and sustained themselves rather well before the Zionists came in and started the occupation? The elders that I live with all know the cycles of this land and how to live off of it. Their wisdom and culture is absolutely beautiful. But the sad thing is, the younger generation wants nothing to do with it. They want the American dream they see on TV. And a lot of the programming for material things is given to them by Saudi Arabia as well. The elders here have no one to pass their traditions and wisdom down to, and the culture is quickly being replaced by the corporate culture, dominated by pop stars and material things.

In my village, we have about 18,000 people. The elders here are called Haj for the men and Haji for the women. They are getting old and dying out, and nothing is being passed down to the next generation. And the generation after that, which is currently in their 20 and 30's has no connection to the land or any of it's cycles whatsoever. Only a few indigenous people remain. Also Israel has passed many laws making it difficult for these people to sustain themselves. One example would be that they have made it illegal for people to live in tents, which is how we all used to live. At the same time, they refuse to give permission to build housing. And whoever builds a house without a permit is heavily fined and jailed and has their home demolished. Also, when the Zionist steal the Palestinian lands, they steal the most fertile lands and routinely uproot Palestinian trees and farms. All this is done intentionally to squash out these people and replace them with mind controlled slaves who want more and more trinkets.

Some of the gardens I am setting up for people are in containers because they have either lost their land or it is being made illegal for them to farm. Attempting to farm the land usually results in the Israeli army coming in and destroying it. I have witnessed this happening with my very own eyes. So many of the gardens we are setting up now are on roof tops and balcony's in containers and buckets. I am also teaching them how to harvest seeds and save supplies like water, etc.

So I know you have tons of things to get through. I just wanted to thank you for letting people know that Palestine is awakening, and many Jewish people are doing their best to speak out against the occupation, and help Palestinians return to some form of normal state of living. But I guess all is speculation for now. We will see about this war with Iran.

By the way, Israel has built a bunker 19 meters deep in the center of town for 100,000 Israeli officials, scientists and doctors. They also recalled 90% of the gas masks from the people claiming they were defective. So most people are left here with absolutely no protection from any sort of nuclear fallout, heaven forbid there should be any. I have some pictures of the bunker tunnels and entrance in a short video, but I can't get it on my computer. None of my USB ports work. I'm hoping to get it up on the web from a friends house computer. And thank you for calling me your friend. I am honored to the highest degree.

Connecting all the dots, we will be a united global family and community again. And regardless of all the negative scenarios we face, we will break free. All of us together. And we will be the ones to sustain this planet in harmony and ride her through the cosmos, both within ourselves and without ourselves. One forever.

Peace, Jamillah


I found that to be a very touching letter, ladies and gentlemen. It truly did move me deeply when I first read it. One of the greatest crimes we have ever seen in modern times has been the destruction of Palestine by the Zionists who are in control of Israel. Israel keeps complaining that it is getting a bit of flack from the world. It's a little bit disturbed at the anti-Israeli sentiment. I have a solution for Israel on how to fix that problem. I would suggest that they simply stop murdering children. That might work well to counter the anti-Israeli sentiment that the world is currently feeling.

Well, it's getting close to the end of the show for me today, folks. I would like to say thank you very much for the time that you've given me. Thank you for the support that you’ve shown to The Crow House. It is very much needed at the moment, and I do send my most sincere thanks to anybody who has offered a donation. Do continue to spread information. And do remember to stay in the correct energetic state when you do so, folks.

We are facing some extremely difficult times, but all of these times are wonderful opportunities for the human race to come into the power and become the truly free and truly wonderful and enlightened beings that we are capable of being; indeed that we all are. It's just that we have simply forgotten. All of the problems that we face in the world are simply symptoms of the one much larger problem. All of the problems we face in the world have a common cause. That cause is the corruption that exists at the top of our society that allows the perpetuation of all of these symptoms. And it is time to fix it. And there is a certain urgency in us doing this, folks.

I attempt to always bring you the information that I bring you in these radio broadcasts in a very calm way. And I do that because I wish you to be empowered by the information that I bring you, but at the same time I don't wish to be so calm that I bring about a sense of complacency. Because I really would like to instill everybody listening to this program that there really is a certain amount of urgency in us addressing these problems. And don't think that we can't to it, folks. We can. We are very powerful. All we have to do is realize that and then unite as one human family and all the problems can be solved.

And that's it for me today, folks. Thank you for listening. It's been a pleasure to have your company again. I look forward to speaking to you again next week. Take care for now.

In Lak'ech.