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A Fractured Consciousness
American Voice Radio - 09/17/10

Transcribed by Liz Patton

“We need to build millions of moments of caring on an individual level. Indeed as talk of the politics of meaning becomes more widespread, many people will feel it easier to publicly acknowledge their own spiritual and ethical aspirations and will allow themselves to give more space to their highest vision in their personal interaction with others. A politics of meaning is as much about these million of small acts as it is about any larger change. The two necessarily go hand in hand.” And that was said by Micheal Learner.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It 's a pleasure to be with you once again. And I will be your host for the next hour.

Now on all of the shows that I've done for you over the last few years folks, I've very often pointed at some of the issues that we face in the world. The ruling hand that’s in charge of our world. The many laws that have been brought into place. I've spent shows where I've talked about the esthetic terrorism that exists around the planet in the form of symbolism. Even in the form of architecture how certain buildings are designed to channel energy. How certain symbols are put there in order for you to interact with them in ways that you can't really perceive. Because as I've mentioned, there are many, many higher senses above the five senses, and you do interact with many symbols in many ways that you simply can't imagine in realms that you can't perceive.

I've spoken about these things on a lot of these shows. And much the same as many other people have said, I've also suggested that the way to deal with the problems that exist in the outside world is to change your way of thinking and to change your emotional state. Essentially the way to change the outside world is to change the inside world, and to deal with the imbalances that very often exist within.

But what does all this mean, change the outside world and you will change the inside world? I can appreciate that it really does seem like esoteric mumbo jumbo to some people. But what it's really all about folks, is the removal of fear. Because everything within our societies is based on fear. The whole system is structured on fear. The whole way we live our lives is based on fear. It's the failure to face this fear. It's the failure to face this shadow that causes these problems. Because you'll find that a lot of the people won't face what's going on in the world and won't look at the political situation or deal with the political situation, because they are afraid of the emotion that it brings up within them. They get all this horrible negative feeling and they think, “Oh, no! I am manifesting a negative reality.” But what it is, it's just this fear that's rising up within them, and it's their refusal to face the fear that allows the shadow to be perpetuated. And also even with a lot of people in the truth movement; many people will look at what's going on and they scream out and they shout about all the problems that we're facing, but they do it from a center of fear. They're not dealing with the problems, they're just shouting loudly and trying to get everybody else to be as scared as they are. And that’s really not the way to solve anything either.

So I think what I am essentially attempting to say here, is that very often whether people are in a state of denial, of whether people are in a state of total political awareness, such as many in the truth movement, very often both people are in the place that they're in and doing what they're doing because of a fear that they haven't faced within themselves. And all the people in the world who simply aren't aware of the real political situation that we face, and simply aren't aware of the true facts surrounding the world, well lets just say they are doing what they are programmed to do and they're feeling what they've been programmed to feel. But even so, you'll find that many of these people are in a state of fear, because that's the way our societies are structured. Even if they're not in a state of denial from fear and they're not in a state of paranoia from fear, you'll find that they on the treadmill in society, because they're in a state of fear. Fear of paying the bills. Fear of not keeping up with the Joneses. Fear of what their neighbors think about them. Fear of being an underachiever. Fear of whatever, folks. The whole system is designed to keep us in some form of fear or another.

So bearing in mind that when you step back and you look at almost any section of society, whether it's people who are completely asleep, whether it's people locked in a spiritual bubble, whether it's people screaming out the truth about 9-11. Whether its Christians in fear of God. Whether it's Muslims in fear of Allah. Whether it's Jews in fear of Palestinians and Palestinians in fear of Jews, Whether it's about students in fear of their teachers. Whether it's about people in fear of their neighbors. It's all about fear. It's all about keeping the human race in a particular energetic state by whatever means possible. And that's the energetic state that most human beings are typically in.

Whether it's by a refusal to deal with the system, face the system. Whether it's by a refusal to leave your spiritual bubble. Whether it's by a refusal to connect with the people around you; refusal to get to know your neighbors. Even if you find yourself to be in the emotional state where you are in a perpetual need to collect trinkets. All of these things are generating the same energy. They're generating an energetic state of fear. And it is the energetic state of the planet itself; this reality itself that is having such a major effect on what the world is currently going through, and what the human race going through by default along with it.

And you even see this mentality within sports, folks. What we see in sport quite often is people striving to achieve adoration from others. They want to be the one that stands up there on the #1 box and raises their arms to the world and screams, “Adore me!” And for those other people on the team, there's a fear of not being that one who is adored. There is a fear of being the loser. Because quite often, the coaches have instilled within the sportsperson the attitude that you must win. You must win. Give it all you've got. And you must win. Then they also say that it's not about winning or losing, it's about playing the game, but if you do win, you get to be the one who is adored. So it's kind of like a big mental screw up right from the beginning. But again, all of these things are done in order to keep the human race in a specific energetic state.

So the question becomes, why? What is the point of keeping the human race in a perpetual state of fear, competition and stress? What does it achieve? How does anybody possibly gain from this being done? Why do the Powers That Be go to such an extraordinary amount of effort to ensure that people never get the time or the inclination to truly look within? What it is that lies within that the Powers That Be really don't want people to be aware of?

Well, within the human head within the brain between the two frontal lobes of the brain, there exists a small gland known as the pineal gland, or the pine-eal gland as some people prefer to pronounce it, as it is shaped somewhat like a pine cone. And I personally believe a lot of the effort that has gone to by the powers that be is to ensure that this gland remains inactive within the vast majority of human beings. Now I did a radio show about this...I think it was early in 2009 where I talked pretty extensively about the pineal gland, and about the need for the human species as a whole to attempt to reactivate, or as a friend of mine says, rejuvenate the pineal gland. How important it actually is. And how fluoride; most of the fluoride in water, the main effect of fluoride, the most important effect of fluoride I believe, is that it serves to calcify the pineal gland and render it completely and utterly inoperative.

Now people such as Deckart (sp) refer to the pineal gland as the seat of the soul. I have often spoken to you about the importance of the pineal gland. The pineal gland is of course, what many soofies and monks and spiritualists spend their lifetimes trying to activate. And the reason for this is because in activating the pineal gland one can recode their DNA and access the many higher senses that are currently dormant within human beings. And it is I believe, by activating these higher senses that mankind’s true salvation will be found.

I mean, I talk about a lot of the stuff that goes on with the world. I talk about a lot of the political situation simply because people need to be aware of it. But in doing so I also try to present information in a way that is empowering, because I very much wish to present solutions when I present these problems to you. And I've often said to you that the solution to all of these problems really is to remove the fear that exists within yourself in order that you may stand up against this system. And standing up against the system doesn't mean you have to stand up and do battle with it. You simply have to stand up and turn away from the system. Connect with your neighbors. Put in gardens. Turn away from the system. Become a self-sufficient, self-responsible human being.

This is something that we have very much been trained to avoid ever doing, folks. We've never been trained to be self-empowered. Our whole eduction system teaches us to be dependent upon the system. To be dependent upon others. They teach you a certain amount, in as much they teach you that you should fight people or possibly own a gun to protect yourself. And that's kind of right off on the tangent from what being self-responsible and self-sufficient and self-empowered actually is. Personally, I believe that one of the best things you can do in your life is to get on with those around you. I think that is one of the major purposes of life. It's not a race to accumulate more stuff than anybody else. It's not a race to be more defensive than anybody else. Are we to fight off anybody else? Sure, I mean, it is good to be able to look after yourself, but it isn't what life's about. What life is about is about how many people get along with. How many people you help along the way. I believe life is about how much you repair this schism, this fracture that seems to exists within human consciousness. It's like the human consciousness is fragmented and shattered. And this shattered state of the human consciousness, this is what keeps the human consciousness in a state of fear. Fear of everything. Fear of each other. Even though it's a singe consciousness, we are in fear of each other. Each frequency is in fear of all the other frequencies. I mean, whats that all about? How did that happen? It is this fear that blocks the pineal gland so much that stops you being who and what you are. And the whole system is designed to generate fear. Kind of gone off topic a little bit with all of this, but this is what I'm trying to point out to you, is how this system is designed to create fear. And it is this fear that is so detrimental to who and what you are. It is so detrimental to the state of your DNA. So detrimental to your pineal gland. Apart from things like fluoride and everything that they do to lock it off anyway, being in a state of fear most certainly helps to perpetuate it. And this system is designed to keep you in a state of fear, and it is your fear this fear of the system itself that prevents you from standing up against the system. Can you see how this works, folks?

Now when you can look beyond this fear; when you can perceive the human race as being a single consciousness, and you look at the state of this consciousness, it's been shattered into 6.8 billion pieces. And very often the focus of each individual piece is self service at the expense of all the other pieces. That’s very often what it is. Not in all cases, of course, but that's very often what it is.

This is something that's always fascinated me, folks. And when I bring information to you on these shows and I talk abut the problems that we face, the problems that are happening with the government and all these sorts of things, what I am really trying to do id help repair these pieces; help repair this shattered consciousness. Because I believe that as I have often said, all of the problems that we face are simply symptoms of the one problem. The one problem that exists at the top that allows all these symptoms. And that problems exists at the top because of this fractured state of the human consciousness. This failure of humanity to simply connect with each other. Because it is by connecting with each other that all of these issues can be faced. All the hardship on the planet can be faced. All the pollution can be faced. The encroaching police state can be easily faced and addressed. All of these issues can be easily dealt with simply by the human race connecting with each other.

And one of the biggest obstacles to the human race ever doing this, ever connecting to each other has been the imposition of money over human consciousness. We're all so caught up in collecting this stuff. And money also provides with our social status and it's this social status which serves to disconnect us from our neighbors. We actually honestly perceive that the one with more stuff has more status. The one with the fancier house has more status. The nicer colored carpet on the floor and the bigger plasma screen. We actually see these things as valuable, when they're not. They are simply tools of division. That's all they are. Sure, there is nothing wrong with technology. There is nothing wrong with having a plasma screen. I mean, it would probably help if there was something decent on the plasma screen, and not the corporate mind control programming that we receive every day from the mainstream media, but that's another side topic that we won't get into today. What I'm saying here folks is there is no problem with people having stuff, but this stuff shouldn't be used as a tool to divide. It shouldn't be used as something for social status. I mean, people should have all this stuff anyway. It should all be free. I mean, all of it's paid for anyway. It's all paid for by the labor of the people who made it. But that's another story. The only reason people perceive that they need to pay for this stuff is because they think money is real when it isn't. It's just paper. It's debt. (laughs) That's another story. I suppose I'm going off on a few tangents here, folks.

But when you look at it; when you step back and look at it and see how completely corrupt this system is, it's amazing that we go along with it. And we need to stop going along with it. And when I say the system is corrupt, folks, I'm not saying that it's evil, okay? People seem to equate corruption with evil. To me, when something is corrupt, it means it doesn't work anymore. It doesn't necessarily mean it's evil. When you have a corrupt file on your computer, you don't judge this file as being evil. It simply doesn't work anymore. It's dysfunctional. Well that’s what this system is. It's corrupt. It's dysfunctional. It doesn't work anymore. Any people who enter into the system to try to change the system from within are also instantly corrupted, because they are forced to work within the rules of an inherently corrupt system. So there is nothing they can do. So they are instantly corrupted simply by entering the system. But this doesn’t mean they're evil. It simply means that what they are doing is dysfunctional. It doesn't work because its a dysfunctional system.

So that’s what I mean when I say that all these people are corrupt and this whole system is corrupt. I'm not saying that it's evil. I'm simply saying that is corrupt because it truly is. And that's why entering within the system is an exercise in futility, folks. There is no point ever running for politics. There is no point trying to petition your local members. There is no point marching in the streets. There is no point in doing any of those things.

What you simply have to do is connect with each other and defy the system. Walk away from it. If an entire town walks away from it; if an entire county, and then an entire state, and an entire nation, and then an entire planet walks away from this system, what defense do these people have? What defense do those who control the system have against a mass boycott of the system? They have no defense against it at all. And of course they have no defense, because what a mass boycott would be would not be an act of aggression. So therefore there is no defense needed against a non-aggressive act. Should the people stand up and run to the town hall with pitchforks, then that's an aggressive act, folks. And you're going to have lots of police come out and and spray you with all sorts of nasty things. But if you simply stand up and connect with each other and turn your back on the system. Go out of your way to help others and protect others, and protect your rights. And stand up for others when you see their rights being abused, Then we can change the system. We could change it virtually overnight if we just chose to do this. And that's what coming into our power is. And that is why it is so important for people to look within and to remove the fear from their lives. Because removing the fear enables you to do this. It strengthens the will. It solidifies the resolve. And what's to fear anyway, folks? As I've said to you on so many occasions, when you understand what reality is, then what's to fear?

And folks, if you think that there isn't a real need for you to stand up for other members of your community that you might see getting in a little bit of strife with the local authorities, I'd like to point you to an article that actually beggars belief. It really does. I've seen this reported by the Intel hub and I've also seen it reported by the Sovereign Independent. I'm actually having a little bit of difficulty even believing this article, because it just seems to be so absurd. But I'll bring it to your attention anyway in case you haven't heard about it. And if there is anybody out there who has any way of confirming this for me, I would be most interested. And it's a story about a man in Georgia who was fined $5,000 for growing too much food in his backyard. I refer to a man by the name of Steve Miller who had apparently been an organic farmer for years. And it would appear that he is very likely a victim of online aerial invasion of his property; the culprit being local and state officials and bureaucrats who have been using online mapping software. So it would suggest that this has been brought about due to Google Maps, folks. But to be fined $5,000 for growing vegetables on your land, I mean if this is true then we've gone from the sublime to the ridiculous, folks. There is no way that this individual should be fined for growing too much food. You can give food away to your community so that they don't have to starve. You can sell it at farmers markets if you need money. And a government that seeks to prevent its citizens from their natural right to grow food is a government that no longer serves the people. This is absolutely ridiculous, folks. This is even worse than the instance I mentioned last week where the FDA seized $71,000 worth of herbal supplements from a company because the herbal supplement claimed to lower blood sugar.

So you see this is what's happening, folks. They're taking away peoples access to herbal supplements. They are taking away peoples right to grow food. And it's extremely important that the citizens of the world stand up when they see this sort of atrocity happening. This poor farmer in Georgia. The whole state of Georgia should go and strike and say, “Whats going on here!?” If this story is actually true, then the whole country should be going on strike and saying, whats going on. Everybody should be writing to their Senators. Everybody should be writing to the White House. Writing to everybody you can. Ringing up the media. Doing everything you can, letting people know that this will not be tolerated. And everybody in the area needs to really go and support Steve Miller. If you just Google “Georgia man fines $5,000 for growing vegetables”, I'm sure you will have no trouble finding the story online. Though anybody who can find any other reports of it, it would be good as well, It would be nice to get more confirmation of it because it seems too ridiculous to be true.

But what's important about this folks, is that when you see stories like this that appear in the media, you've got to understand that this is being done to you. Injustice towards one is injustice towards all. And the injustice towards the one continues because of the failure of good people to stand up. And I think that standing up is the most important thing that we can do. But again, it must be done in the right way. It can't be done violently, folks. It's got to be done by a peaceful union of humanity and an act of peaceful non-compliance to this system.

But there is so much division. There is so much hatred. There is so much racial hatred and racial division. There is so much talk of war. There is so much. There are so many things that are being done to the human race on so many levels, and all of them, all of them are perpetuated because of division and fear. What's happening in Gaza. What's happening in Palestine. What's happening in Israel. And what's even happening in our local communities, folks. What's happening in most major cities around the world. Very often what we find is disharmony, racism and division. And unfortunately it's often deeply ingrained within people's psyche due to their exposure to such things as the education system and television. These things really do serve to warp people's minds, folks. And truly, I believe a lot of religious leaders also warp people's minds. And I know I might have offended a few people with that, but honestly folks.

I was actually looking at something the other day. A friend of mine sent me a link. And on this link I saw a gathering by a Jewish rabbi by the name of Rabbi Kahana. This man obviously has an incredibly dysfunctional brain. And what this man believes is that Israel should never ever make any peace with Palestine. That Israel needs to go to war because it is only war that will bring redemption to Israel. I find this man to be amazing, folks. That the genealogy of the human race could have actually produced this type of a throwback. It's quite amazing really. This must be maybe some chemical interference in the genetic line or something. I'm not sure, but it could well be the case. I mean, looking at the man, he is obviously a Western European and not an Israeli. Funny that you find that with most of the Zionists who are crying out War! in regards to Israel, simply aren't Israelis, folk. They are all western European Zionists that seem to be posing as Jews. Absolutely amazing. But anyway, it does seem fascinating to me that the human gene pool could have degraded that far that it would produce an individual such as Rabbi Kahana. Perhaps after he dies his brain should be studied, because I don't think I've ever heard a more dysfunctional statement from anybody. To honestly believe that one race is so much more worthy than others, and that through war one will find redemption. This just shows the terrible state that the human conscience is in, and the fact that there are these types of psychopathic individuals in positions where they are actually getting up and making speeches and having other people subjected to this type of insanity is also extremely disturbing.

But I digress, folks, because even though the human consciousness is rife with what can only be seen as festering sores such as Rabbi Kahana, there are also a great number of really good things taking place as well. There's a real groundswell that is starting to bring healing to the world. There are a lot of different cards in play. There are a lot of different groups forming, a lot similar to the community meeting that I've been having here. To the gatherings that we've been having here. The permaculture initiatives that have been started here. There is a massive initiative actually happening in Zambia at the moment. There is a man called Agape Insitori who I was actually on his radio show a couple of weeks ago, or a month or so ago I think, and we talked about some of the plans that we've got for the future. And he's doing a massive permaculture initiative and he's working with the Zambian government in doing it. I believe Ben Stewart is actually involved now as well. Agape has got a website called And this is another sight that's going to be designed to connect people up. I'd also suggest you go and look at that as well. So there are things happening, folks. There are grass roots movements happening all around the globe that are aimed at healing this planet.

I think its time for a break now, folks. And that's probably just as well, because I seem to have gone way off topic from what I actually began talking about. But that's what happens when you come in here without anything planned. I should acknowledge my propensity to lapse into mindless babble when I come in here unprepared, folks. But we'll go and have a break and I'll try and get a little more back on topic when we return. Thanks for listening.

And welcome back, folks. Now I've had a lot of people email me and ask me for photographs. When am I going to put a picture of myself online? When am I going to appear in one of my videos? Now folks, I haven't put any photographs of myself out online for a couple of reasons. The first is that I'm very outspoken. I'm a lot more outspoken than a lot of radio hosts that I've heard. I really don't pay much mind to being politically correct, and I don't wish to have any reporters or people in general harassing any members of my family due to my outspoken nature. I can't see any reason for my father or my sister or my son to be vilified by their peers because of the views of one particular member of their family. And that's one reason there are no photographs of me out there. The other reason is...well it's kind of a social experiment, folks. When a person sees a photograph of someone, they tend to instantly categorize that person. Whether they do it consciously or subconsciously, that's what they do. They tend to put the person into a certain category. “Oh, this guy looks like a car salesman. This guy looks like a hippie. This guy looks like a politician. This know, he's got beady eyes. I don't trust him”. Whatever. People tend to categorize others when they see a photograph. They look at the photograph. They listen to the words and they work within themselves to try to formulate some sort of agenda that this person has. I thought I'd avoid all of that. I thought I would try a social experiment and simply be a faceless voice on the airwaves. That way there is nothing to categorize. All people have are the words that I speak. And if the words resonate with them, then they may listen to the words, they may take some of the words on, they may use the words to help effect some sort of positive change in their own life. And that is my hope. If the words do not resonate with them, then they will most likely disregard everything I'm saying and simply go on with their lives the way they are. And that's fine too. But regardless of all of that, I've come this far simply being a faceless voice on the airwaves. And hopefully it will also serve as a good indication to listeners that what I'm after in doing these radio shows is certainly not fortune or fame. What I'm seeking is an awakened humanity. And I'm not interested in being some personality or in gaining followers. I don't wish to have followers, folks. I wish to help leaders. Well, hopefully create leaders. That is what I'd like to see come from these radio shows. Don't follow me, folks. Don't follow anyone. Lead yourself. Don't be so quick to follow the famous and flock to the famous. Stand up on your own, and be your own voice, and speak your own words, and speak your own mind. But anyway, I just thought I'd clear all that up simply because I do get a lot of requests for photographs.

But getting back on topic a little bit. What I was talking about before the break was the different systems that are in place that are used to induce fear within humanity, and the fear and stress and competitive nature of humanity because of these forces, and the effect that this has on spirituality, and upon the continued inactive state or dormant state of the pineal gland. See, all of this is done to keep you from looking within, folks. It's all done to make you believe that what happens in the outside world, which is actually 3% of reality, is the most important part of reality. But it's not. And if you think there aren't forces in place, and their aren't certain sections of the ruling elite that don't know all of this information, then ask yourself why you would find things like the Court of the Pinecone in Vatican City. And ask why the Pope would be walking around with a staff that has a pine cone on the top of it. The pine cone is of course a very accurate depiction of the pineal gland. See, they know all this, folks. They know that if the people ever wake up to the power that they have, and are ever able to activate the pineal gland, then it's going set match for the human race. So that is where the true salvation for humanity lies. And the reason I talk about all of the corruption that exists and the ruling hand and the need to stand up and turn your back on this system is because I believe that by doing this it will remove an awful lot of stress and fear from the human psyche. And it is only through the removal of all of this stress and fear that we are ever going to be ever to truly activate this consciousness.

Now, everything is energy, folks. Everything consists of different variations of two distinct polarities of energy. These polarities manifest within the human experience as the two emotional extremes of love and fear. At the moment, the human race is being...we are being farmed, folks. We are being farmed for fear energy. It's almost like The Matrix. We are an energy source for certain individuals. For certain powers that be that are in control of this planet. They are harvesting the fear energy of humanity. We need to change that. And all we actually have to do to change it is to connect with each other to change our energetic state, start helping each other and to stand up against this system with a simple act of non-compliance. But it needs to be done en masse. We need to have whole communities doing this, folks. And this is why it's so important to start helping people. Start leading by example. Start giving to people.

And to show how disconnected from reality some of the human consciousness has become; at our free of charge market store that we held in Byron Bay last week, everything at the store was free. And there were actually people who came up to the store, and they looked through the clothing racks and they'd find some clothing that they liked, they’d walk up to the counter and they would ask how much it was. And when they were told it was free, one lady actually said, “Oh, that's creepy.” And she put the clothes back and ran off from the store. She was that scared of someone actually wanting to give to her. And this is a very good example of how fractured the human psyche has become. People actually believe that unless something has a dollar value attached to it, it's worthless, or it's a trap, or it's a scam, or there must be something wrong with it, or maybe it's going to hurt them in some way. I'm not quite sure, but very interesting social experiment, folks. We also got in a little bit of trouble from the people who run the markets, because they weren't very happy with us giving to people.

I personally think giving is extremely important though, folks. I believe that if you can give to people unconditionally, you will change their perspective of reality. You will change the paradigm if you connect with people, if you give to people. There is nothing wrong with giving, folks. It actually feels very nice on both sides. It feels nice to receive a gift, but it also feels nice to give a gift.

Now there's no denying that we do face and extremely difficult situation ahead of us as a human race, as a species. And the real problem that we face is that we have somehow managed to create a system which has become a self-perpetuating organism that simply doesn't have humanity’s best interests at heart. As I said last week, we are allowing humanity to be governed by a system that is essentially inhumane. It's a system that places the interests of the system above the interests of the human race that the system purports to support. And this is not acceptable. So we need to disengage ourselves from this system. And as I've said ad nauseum, the way to do this is to come into our power and to turn away from the system. And the way to do that is to remove fear from the human psyche. I believe that once this fear is removed, then we will be in a much better position to be able to do things such as activate the pineal gland. And in doing so, find out exactly what this reality is all about. And possibly even find out the answers to the great many questions that have puzzled humanity since the dawn of time. I really do believe that the activation of the pineal gland is that important, folks. And I believe that in activating this gland we will find the answers to a huge amount of questions.

See that’s the thing, folks. When you look at the amount of effort that’s gone to make sure that it's inactive. The fluoride and a lot of the chemical additives that are in our food. When you see the Pope walking around with a pineal gland staff, and they have a Court of the Pineal Gland. Then you look at all the ancient teachings and all the soofies and the monks, and people such as Deckhart, talking about the pineal gland being the seat of the soul, the doorway to higher consciousness. And then when you take into account that only 3% of our DNA is active and that emotion greatly effects the nature of DNA, and the inactive state of DNA, then a clear picture begins to form. And I really believe that it is by looking at this picture, and by learning how to activate the pineal gland that many of the answers will be found. I know that probably sounds very bizarre to some people, but this is just where my research has led me, folks. So I think it's very important that we work towards finding a method to reactivate or rejuvenate the pineal gland. Now I think this is important because the world is really seriously facing some bad things, folks. And bad situations. And we do need to deal with the world in this spiritual way. We do need to deal with the world on realms above the five sense reality. And in this I again refer to awakening the pineal gland. But we also need to deal with the five sense reality, because the system that's being put in place is everything that the human race doesn't want.

Now last night I attended a meeting in Byron Bay. It was a meeting that was put together by some local people in support of a young US soldier by the name of Bradley Manning. Bradley Manning is a whistle blower who released pages and pages of military documents, proving the existence of war crimes in Iraq. He released the helicopter gunship footage which shows some reporters from Reuters being shot by US soldiers. And he is now facing 52 years in jail because he apparently leaked sensitive material. And the authorities are also tying to use this case as a means to make it illegal, make it a crime to release sensitive information like this. Now folks, a war crime was committed, and Bradley Manning is a hero. If it is made illegal for people to be a whistle blower, then this removes the government of all accountability. A government removed of accountability is a tyrannical dictatorship. And that's it. There's no gray area here, folks. You've got to understand that this is a war crime. What happened in Iraq is a war crime. It's even more of a war crime when one considers that the actual war in Iraq itself is blatantly illegal. It's illegal under the UN treaty for waging international war, and it's also illegal under the Nuremberg Charter. It actually breeches all five sections of the Nuremberg Charter. It is a war of aggression. A war of aggression is named by the Nuremberg Charter as being the supreme international crime. Therefore every politician that has supported the war in Iraq is guilty of the supreme international crime. So this makes Bradley Manning's release of these sensitive documents all the more poignant, folks. Because this is war crimes that are happening within an illegal war. So this is a massive amount of criminal activity that's going on here, folks. And we must stand by people like Bradley Manning. Folks, what's being done to Bradley Manning, if you allow this to be done to this young man, it means you are allowing it to be done to you. They are basically making it illegal for people to report crime. But who is going to be reporting crimes from now on? Just the police? Are we seriously supposed to believe that only the people appointed to by police are criminals? What about when police themselves commit a crime? What about when government commits a crime? What about when military commits a crime? Is this supposed to go unnoticed in the name of national security? If so, this is again a blurring of the term national security. They like to do this, folks. They like to blur the term national security, and they like to convince the people that national security actually refers to the security of government. The security of those within government who are actually the ones committing all the crimes. When really you just have to look at what the nation actually is. What is the nation of America? What is the nation of Australia? And I've said all this to you before. The nation is the people of your country. You are the nation. The American people are the nation of America. So national security would indicate the security of the people, not the security of the government which is employed by the people to look after the people. Do you see what I'm saying here, folks? National security means that the people must be secure. How can the people be secure if the government is removed of accountability? This is not a secure nation; this is a nation fallen to dictatorship. That's what it is. And they enact all these laws to allow this to come to pass, folks. And as I've been telling you on so many shows, all of these laws are actually illusionary. They only exist on paper. The entire system itself, the entire system that enslaves humanity only exists on paper. It's illusionary. That's just something that people seem to fail to see. That it only exists on paper. And the way for the human race to extricate itself from this illusionary paper based system is to build community. To suddenly realize that we the people are just people. All people are just people. It doesn't matter about nation or skin color. It's all just people. The only people who want conflict, the only ones in this entire consciousness who want war are those who are in control of the governments.

We've had Tony Blair trumpeting his warmongering on TV recently. What an imbecile this man is. I mean, Tony Blair, the man is a war criminal himself and how he's going on TV trumpeting about need to go and bomb Iran and to go to war with Iran. I mean, Tony Blair should just walk around with a sign on his head saying, I am a liar and I'm working to bring about a global dictatorship. That’s tony Blair. The man never ceases to amaze me. And just the fact that he manages to secure air time to spout his warmongering propaganda to the people, should be a very clear indication of how corrupt the mainstream media has also become.

But again I digress, folks. It gets a little frustrating sometimes, doesn't it? You just see all of this continue. This farcical puppet show that we refer to as modern politics. This corrupt extension of the Third Reich that we refer to as the United Nations. This poverty machine and travesty of logic that we refer to as the global financial system. It never ceases to amaze me, to be honest.

Well, we are getting relatively close to the end of the show here, folks. Now to be honest, I am going to say here that I don't know at this stage how many more shows I'm going to do for a little while. I do need a break, folks. I know I just had 6 weeks off the radio, but in that 6 week period I did not have a break at all. I was quite busy doing stuff with Ben Stewart, doing stuff with Freeman, attending these local meetings and a whole bunch of other things, folks. And I really haven't had any time off since September 2008. Actually I would say, actually probably June 2008, because I was working pretty hard on making films before I started on the radio in September. And so it's been a pretty long sort of a haul for me. I've virtually depleted most of the finances I had that have been keeping me going. So that's an issue. And I'm also getting to the stage where I'm not sure how many different ways I can continue to say the same thing.

I looked at the website the other day, and I figured out that there’s probably over 80 hours of me talking about all of this that's now posted on the Crowhouse. So it isn't like there is a shortage of information about what I talk about. I've said it all so many ways, and I just begin to feel now that I'm very much repeating myself, and I just wonder sometimes if I'm not simply diluting the message too much. Perhaps I should just come on and do one big show and leave it at that. I'm not really sure at this stage. But I'm starting to feel like I might be having an extended break from the radio soon, simply because I think it's time that I do. So I'll keep you posted on how all that works out, folks. And what the plan will end up actually being.

What keeps me going, what keeps me doing these radio shows, is a real desire that I have in my heart to see the human race free themselves from these corporate shackles to truly come into their power. I kind of view the human race as being in a cocoon at the moment. I'm really waiting to see the butterfly emerge. And I would really like to see the human drama resolved in some way. I would really love to see the many problems that we face as a species, all simply fade away. And I really think it can be done. I believe that it can be done. I really believe if people simply open their eyes and connect with those around them, then we can fix the whole thing. And I have a tremendous amount of faith in humankind to be able to do this folks. I really do. I really believe that we can do this. And I believe that's why we;re here. We're here to do this. We're here to connect with other. We're here to lift this consciousness up to a new level. We just have to be aware of the systems that are put in place that are designed to prevent us from ever doing so and we have to step away from these systems.

I know I babble on on these shows, folks. I probably should put a little bit more life in my voice and make it a little bit more interesting. Perhaps make it a little bit more colorful for you all. But I just simply come on sometimes and wish to say what's in my heart. That's what I've done today. I've probably gone off on all sorts of tangents, and I don't even know if I had any clear message. I'm not even sure what I've really been trying to say through this entire show, folks. I was going somewhere, but I kind of lost track of where it was. As I said, I am getting a little tired. I do need a break.

Look, whatever happens folks, I really want you to know that I love you all. And I do what I do and I continue to do these shows because of that, because I really do love you all. I think we can get through this simply be connecting with each other and as I said, I have every faith in us doing so. I think we're pretty well at the end of the show here today folks. So it has been a pleasure talking with you again. I'll probably have a guest on next week. I think I might actually have Agape Insitori on next week to talk about the project that he's doing in Zambia. So I'm not going to disappear on everybody just yet, but it is in the cards soon, folks. I'll just let you know that well may be happening somewhere in the not so distant future. But for now I'll simply take you leave and wish you well. I look forward to speaking to again next week. And I thank you very much for spending the time that you have with me today. And that's it for me, folks. So take care until next time.

In Lak'ech.