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Expecting the Best and Preparing for the Worst
American Voice Radio - 10/08/10

Transcribed by Liz Patton

“The basic thing that everyone wants is happiness. And happiness mainly comes from our own attitude rather than from external factors. If your own mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere you feel happy.” That quote from Tenzin Gyatso, who is of course the 14th Dalai Lama.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It's a pleasure to be here again. And I will be your host for the next hour.

Now again, I don't really have anything planned for today's show. I've got a couple of vague ideas in my head of topics I'd like to cover. But I don't have anything concrete organized to say to you at all, so I'll just try to construct some sort of format as we progress into the show folks, and I'll see what I can work out and hopefully keep it coherent for your all.

One thing I would however like to say right here at the start of the show is, I would like to offer my most sincere and my most heart-felt thanks to the many hundreds of people who emailed me and contacted me via Facebook and YouTube and via The Crow House in response to the last show I did. I received well over 800 emails, and I was deeply touched at the amount of people who commented and who did contact me and some of the things that you said. So obviously, I simply don't have time to answer such a huge amount of emails and messages, but I thank you all very much for the sentiments that you offered me in your correspondence.

I'm not going to go anywhere, folks. I'm going to stay here. I may have to take a break at some stage, because I've got so much work to do, and I've got so many projects at the moment that I'm having difficulty getting any of them done, because I'm trying to focus on all of them, and I kind of need to focus on one project at a time. But even having said that folks, one thing that you must understand is that I'm not going to be here forever. There is going to come a time when you're simply going to have to take the words that have been said to you on board and you are going to have to start leading yourself, because that’s what its really all about. That’s what I'm trying to do with these shows. I'm trying to help to create leaders. The only agenda that I really have is to spread the information that I have and hopefully empower those who choose to listen and those who really choose to really hear what I say. And again, it is very important to understand that in all of these shows, all I can really offer you my perspective. When all is said and done, that's all I can ever have to offer. That's all anyone can really have to offer.

I think it's a very important point to remember that when assimilating any information that you get from alternative news sources, or what people may term as the truth community or the alternate research community; all any of the researchers can ever offer you is their unique perspective. People who make concrete predictions I would be extremely careful of, because no one can see the future, folks. You just have to look at things like a “what if” scenario, like I did last week when I offered you certain perspectives on the Mayan calender. It's a “what if” scenario. It's up to the listener to put the pieces together for themselves. No one researcher can put all the pieces together, so when you listen to any particular researcher, what you need to do folks, is you need to go and research the information for yourself. You need to go and look at what they've mentioned. Google the key words and things like that. Even with what I say, don't believe what I tell you folks, go and look it up for yourself. I'm simply offering you my perspective.

So if you're serious about things, what you need to do is confirm what I'm saying. I mean, a lot of the time what I say, I don't really touch on current events that much. I really try not to keep the show as topical, because I feel it kind of dates the shows. What I try to do more than keep it topical, is simply talk about perspectives and talk about consciousness and talk about the nature of reality, the nature of energy, and offer perspectives on different ways of viewing things. And that's what I mean when I say that you have to look at things as “what if?” I mean, that isn't to say that you should ignore the “what ifs?” In fact, what you really need to do is prepare for the what ifs. And again, you can't be fanatical about this, folks. I'm not saying to become paranoid.

Paranoia and's a funny thing. People might say to you, “Well look, you're looking at all of this worst case scenario. You're looking at all these conspiracy theories and you're doing it out of fear.” And even when looking at such things as the Mayan calender. I mean, with the Mayan calender there can be a certain sense of irony in people even look at this stuff; because why are you looking at the Mayan calender? Are you looking at it because simply you are interested in these things? Or are you trying to discover it means the end of the world? Because if it means the end of the world, well what are you going to do about it? If it's the end of the world, it's the end of the world. Do you think that you're going to be able to prepare for the end of the world? So you've got to ask yourself why you're looking at these things folks; if that is your mindset. If you think that it is the end of the world, then why would you want to look into something that is inevitable that you can't change? Personally, I don't believe it is the end of the world. I think its something completely different, but that’s another story.

Anyway, I've been getting a lot of email from people. There's a lot of people seem to be in a state of fear. That's something that I've really tried to prevent with all of my shows. I’ve tried to present you with information that is out there, that is being brought to you by other people. But they are actually presenting it to you from a state of fear. I'm trying to present it to you from a different way. I'm trying to offer you a different perspective on looking at all of this stuff. And there is really nothing to fear, folks. But if you are the sort of person who thinks there is something to fear, well then you need to be prepared for what you believe may be coming. And there are some pretty simple ways of doing that. And then you don't have to be in a state of fear, because you'll be prepared. So I'd like to talk a little bit about that sort of thing today. And actually I'd like to talk a little bit about contingency plans. How to basically...well, prepare for everything. If you're prepared for everything, then what is to fear? There is nothing to fear. The only thing to fear folks, is death, and that's nothing to fear, because death is inevitable. It is going to happen at some stage. I mean, the worst there can be in death folks, is nothing. And to understand what nothing is, just maybe listen to the In Lak'ech video that's posted on my homepage.

I mean, its a pretty pointless thing to live life in fear of death. Can you see what I'm saying, folks? We've been trained to do this. We've been trained to live our lives in fear of death. So you can't be in fear of these things. You can't be in fear of the future, folks. You can't be in fear of anything. And even when you listen to researchers that offer you predictions on what they believe might happen, I mean lets face it folks, nobody can see the future. Nobody knows what's going to happen. There is all sorts of things in the wind. There is all sorts of rumors in the wind. And it's good to look at all of them, because it's good to know what's going on, but it's also good to be prepared. But again, in doing so you have to ask yourself “Am I being prepared because of fear, or am I being prepared because of love? What is my motivation for doing what I do?” What is people's motivation in even looking into conspiracy theories? Even looking into conspiracy fact? Even looking into the bigger picture of what's going on in the world; what is people's motivation in doing this? Are they doing it because of fear? Or are they doing it because of love?

Some people I've found; that even some researchers that I've found do it because it's kind of like reading an adventure novel. They just keep waiting for the next thing to happen, looking who the rulers are and how it all fits together. And it's kind of like reading an Enid Blyton book. The kid is off on an adventure, finding out the secrets of whatever mystery they're investigating. But it doesn't really help the situation, folks. It doesn’t really improve the problem.

Like I said, I can offer you scenarios to prove that almost anybody is in charge of this place. I could offer you enough evidence to make you go down the Jesuit rabbit hole, or the Zionist rabbit hole, or the Illuminati rabbit hole or the Vatican rabbit hole, or the alien rabbit hole or the Alpha-Draconian rabbit hole, the reptilian rabbit hole, the Merovingian rabbit hole. Let's not forget the Freemason rabbit hole. And there is always the Galactic Federation. I mean, we can look at all of these things, folks. But the thing is, ultimately none of them will leave you anywhere, except where you were when you started. Although of course, you may be a little older after looking down all these side corridors that may exist in the rabbit hole. But eventually when you've done that, you'll find that ultimately you achieved nothing and the world is still exactly in the same situation that it was when you first went down the rabbit hole. And in fact, it's got a lot worse and you haven’t prepared for it, because you've been too busy looking down the rabbit hole. Can you see what I mean here, folks? I mean, I know it would be extremely nice to know exactly what’s going on and exactly who is to blame for all this stuff, but that's if you really need to blame anybody at all. I mean, if you really want to cast the blame on anyone folks, we really only have to look in the mirror, because it's us who has allowed all of this to come to pass.

So what we really need to do is, we need to have contingency plans for whatever may come to pass. Now I think that there is a pretty simple way we can do a lot of this. But again, I suppose it depends on what you'd determine to be simple. Now again, and at the risk of repeating myself to a ridiculous degree, one of the most important things that we can do is to build community and to plant gardens. I go on about gardens all the time, folks. I know you're probably sick of hearing me talk about gardens. But what you're going to need; what the currency of the future is going to be is food. And that's no matter what happens. Even if we get to a situation where nothing happens. Where the financial system actually stays working, (laughs) which I just can't see. You've got to make a joke somewhere folks. Even if we stay in a situation where the place stabilizes, and we stay in the society that we've got now, and we continue to technologically evolve. Well, the technological evolution of food is basically the stabilization of food, and the destruction of food ultimately. I mean, that’s what they're doing. So I mean, they are doing things to food that are even in the best case scenario are only going to create more and more sickness within society, and this will be done so big pharma can makes lot of money out of society. Keep people enslaved to debt and also keep them enslaved to sickness. I mean, great idea if you are a psychopathic scumbag who controls a drug and money cartel, and who controls the government and you wish to use the citizens as a form of sport or something. I mean, I don't know; they seem to have a brutal disregard for the normal people of the world anyway. But the point is folks, and what I'm trying to say here is that in a worst case scenario, the most viable currency anybody is going have is food. I mean, it's all very well to buy gold, but if we were living in a situation where we had complete social breakdown, then I'm not really going to be swapping my food for someones gold, because I can't eat gold. And if you are in a situation where you did have to simply pick up a grab bag and head for the hills, there's not going to be much fun carrying a hundred ounces of gold with you when you could be carrying a hundred ounces of food. So that’s something to think about anyway, folks. I mean, if you are simply looking at a scenario and we're trying to prepare for everything here; if you are looking at a scenario and you simply want to break down in the monetary system and you believe that's all that's going to happen; that's going to be the worst case that we come to, then sure, buy gold and stash it somewhere and use it for a means of trade. I'd be very careful to buy gold coin, rather than bars of gold, because it's not going to be very convenient filing a bit off the edge of the bar to pay for a loaf of bread. So if you are going to buy gold or silver, then you probably need to get it in small denominations just so that it's usable. Personally though, and as I said, I believe that the most useable commodities that were going to have will be food and water. Seed banking is very important. I believe people should very much start collecting seeds. A good variety of seeds, so they do have viable seeds into the future, just to prepare for whatever may happen.

Now last week I spoke about The Awakening as One series which talks about the Mayan calender. I'm still getting flack from that, folks. I'm still getting people telling me that its a back door into the New World Order. How I'm living in a state of love and helping others and living in a state of service to all is a back door into the New World Order, I have yet to figure out. I mean, you don't have to sign up to the website. All I'm saying is “what if? What if there is a portal in the dark rift as the Mayans say? What if it is an opportunity to manifest a new reality? Would you want to miss out when all you have to do is put yourself in an energetic state of love to do it? So that's how to prepare for that scenario, folks. Start giving unconditionally and start helping those around you. Learn the old ways. Get back in touch with who and what you really are. And learn to love. And that's really all you have to do to prepare for the Mayan prophecy, if it turns out to be true. You don't have to sign up to any websites. You don't have to give anybody your personal details. All you have to do is change your energetic state. How that is New World Order, I really don't know. I guess there are just those people who choose to remain fearful about putting themselves in a state of love, because of all the terrible things that can happen to them if they were to love people. Very strange, the human psyche, folks. Very strange. Perhaps they prefer the Hollywood version of the Mayan prophecy and believe that the world will end in 2012, and putting themselves in a state of love may be distracting them from building their little end of the world shelter in the backyard or something. I'm not sure. I don't think the Mayan calender signifies the end of the world at all. But even if it does, well what are you going to do about it? What do you think? You're going to dig a hole in the backyard, put a bunker in there and everything is going to be fine?

I mean, c'mon folks. People that do think the Mayan calender signifies the end of the world, the biggest problem that they’re facing in it is they are scared of death. The only reason they are scared of death is because they have no idea of what life is about. Death is inevitable, folks. It's an inevitable part of life. It's something we're all going to have to go through, no matter how much believe if we just eat sprouts for our whole lives we will be able to avoid it. I assure you that is not the case, and that one day you will die. The trick is not to fear that. The trick is to understand that what happens in life is merely to prepare you for what happens after life. That's the main show. This is simply the training ground. It's just that people seem to fail to understand that the loss of physicality does not mean death. Many people think it does, but it doesn't, folks. And all you need to do to insure that things are good once you leave this life, and that you do go to the right place, and you do continue in the right direction and go on the right journey, is to do the right thing in this life, and to put yourself in an energetic state of love through any transitional period, or indeed all the time, folks. There is nothing wrong with loving people. I find it to be an incredibly satisfying and very rewarding way to live ones life. As I've said to you on many shows before, I live my life in a state of constant giving, and I have absolutely no problem doing so because I know that if I am ever in a situation of read need, then the universe will provide for me. It has done in the past and I firmly believe it will do so in the future.

So I suppose folks, if we were to look at realistic ways to prepare for both things we've mentioned so far. To prepare for a total financial collapse, and also to prepare for the possibility that the Mayan prophecy is true, one would simply have to convert their cash assets into gold, and then if it all does turn pear-shaped, I would suggest that immediately converting that gold into useable assets such as food or land. And I've covered the financial crisis. And also remain in an energetic state of love, and you've covered the possibilities that the Mayan prophecy may be true. You've also incidentally covered that nothing will happen at all, because you haven't indulged in panic buying, thinking the whole world is going to end. You've simply converted your cash into gold, which is actually probably a prudent thing to do, looking at the propensity of the price of gold to climb at very rapid rates.

Now of course, regarding the possibility that a total financial collapse may lead to a social collapse and then possibly even a cultural collapse, well then there are quite viable steps that could be taken to also prepare for that possibility. And it doesn't even require a great deal of expense to set yourself up to be prepared for such a possibility. You just have to be a little bit thoughtful in what you do. You should of course have a grab bag just in your house there, just prepared. A backpack. One for each member of your family . You need to have obviously shelter, so you would include a two-man tent. You'd include basic medical supplies. Something to purify water. I'm actually preparing a list of a grab bag contents and I'm going to post it on just for people who wish to prepare for these types of scenarios. I would also suggest that you go and find somewhere about a days walk from your house. As I would suggest you plan a retreat from wherever you are without the need of using a car, because there is a very good likelihood that in such a scenario, the roads would be blocked, the roads would be unsafe and you just won't get anywhere if you are going to use a car. So you need to go somewhere that is a days walk from you your. And you need to bury something. You need to bury a case of nonperishable food and supplies a days walk from your house. Then perhaps another one another days walk from your house. You need to probably go for some bush walks, go into the country, find yourself a spot where you think that you're going to be okay. You need somewhere with running water. You need somewhere hopefully with a supply of food. So somewhere where there is game, if you are not a vegetarian. Somewhere where you might have some possibilities of catching fish, Things like that. So you go somewhere and you'd basically set yourself up a camping space and you would store a case of food there as well. I would suggest that in that space, you also make sure you have a good supply of seeds. You need to have a seed bank wherever your main camp is going to end up being. So you could do that. You could convert your cash into gold, keep yourself in an energetic state of love, and go on a few bush walks. Find a nice place where you think you might like to be in case of an emergency. Bury yourself a couple of cases of food on the way to get there, and go home and prepare a grab bag. Then you can just continue to enjoy your life. But if it all does turn absolutely pear-shaped, then you can simply grab your grab bag and walk out the door. If it turns slightly pear-shaped, well you can turn your gold into useable assets and then grab your grab bag. If you keep yourself in energetic state of love and think of it as an adventure the whole time, I mean, think about it folks, it would be kind of exiting, wouldn’t it? You're off into the woods, you'd be like Robin Hood or something. But you can look at it that way, folks.

As Tezin Gyatso said in the quote that I opened the show with, “If your mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere, you feel happy.

So in such a situation, folks, I would be feeling very happy that I prepared for this situation, even though my friends thought I was crazy, and that now I could just grab my grab bag and I'd be off into the wild. I'd even suggest buying a compound bow, because you're going to find it very hard to get bullets if you are a hunter and wish to be hunting. I would suggest going and practicing with a bow. It is after all, a lot easier to make arrows than bullets, folks.

So there you go. If you set yourself up a grab bag, bury a couple of cases of food, and convert what cash assets that you have now into gold. You keep yourself in an energetic state of love while you do so. I mean, there is nothing to fear. You've got to just look at is as preparing for a possible adventure, then you have pretty well prepared for all three scenarios that we've mentioned so far. Because your prepared for the future if nothing happens at all, because you've made an investment that’s just going to grow in value, because gold always grows in value. You've also prepared for a total financial collapse, because you have all of your cash asserts turned into gold, which is something that is actually worth something, whereas cash is not. So now you're in a position where you are able to convert that gold into useable assets. You've also prepared for a total social breakdown in the wake of a total financial collapse, because you've prepared your grab bag, you've got your cases of food buried and you know where you’re going if such a situation arises. And you're also prepared for the Mayan prophecy, should it come true, because you have kept yourself in the correct energetic state through your preparations and through your retreat from wherever you may be.

And perhaps it would also be a good idea during the period from now until then, to maybe get to know your elders. Get to know some of the people who know the old ways, and start to learn as many of the old ways as you can. Get yourself a few books on basic survival skills. After all folks, there is no harm in being prepared. And even if you are a very poor individual...well, I'm not rich at all, folks. I am a very, very poor individual indeed. And I am still able to prepare a grab bag to buy non-perishable foods, and have them stored somewhere that is a days walk from my house. It's not hard to do folks, even if you don't have the gold. Rather than spending money on CD’s or games or some other frivolous stuff that you may be buying for yourself. A new pair of shoes or whatever. Something to keep up with the neighbors. Try preparing a grab bag. And just construct yourself a safe retreat so that in a worst case scenario, you can go and do this. This is also something that you would prepare if you are a person who simply believes that the New World Order is going to win, and that the powers that be are going to introduce a police state, and that they're going to start putting people in FEMA camps. I would suggest that if you are of that mindset than you very much need to prepare a grab bag and everything I've previously mentioned. And as I've said folks, you don't need a lot of money to prepare a grab bag, a safe retreat and to have a prearranged destination of where you're heading in mind.

So folks, just by doing those few things, just by converting what cash assets you have into gold, by preparing a grab bag, a safe retreat and a prearranged destination, and by keeping yourself in the correct energetic state, you have successfully prepared yourself for the world to go on just the way it is; you've prepared yourself for a total financial collapse; you've prepared yourself for a complete social breakdown should there be one; you've prepared yourself for the advent of the New World Order and a global police state; and you've prepared yourself for the possibility that the Mayan calender is true. And you can do it all with very little money, and you can do it all in the spirit of a true adventure. Once you've set up and you have your safe retreat or organized, you can even go on some camping trips. I mean, it's fun to go camping, folks. Go and get used to it. Go get used to living in the wild. Go and check the place out. It's good to get out of the city anyway.

And folks, if you've already spent time building community; if you've already planting gardens and getting your friends and people you know to plant as many gardens as possible, then you've already got a support group, and you've already got places where there is food growing. Even if the places are no go zones for the time being, eventually they may turn out to be places that you can access anyway and you know that once you get there there will be food growing.

So you've kind of hedged all bets, folks. But whatever you do folks, make it fun. Don't be in a state of fear, because there is nothing to fear anyway. The only thing to fear is what people perceive to be death. But when you have a true understanding of what reality is, then you soon begin to realize that there is no death. So ultimately, there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

And so that's something to think about for a few minutes anyway folks, because looking at the clock I can see that it is now break time. So I'll leave it there for now and we'll take a short break and I'll speak to you again in a few minutes. And I thank you very much for taking this time to listen.

And welcome back, folks. In the first half of the show we were basically talking about how to prepare for everything that we can think of. Well hopefully, any of the worst case scenario possibilities that we've been able to come up with anyway. But if you do that, and you do prepare a grab bag, and just pre-prepare a path of retreat and have somewhere in mind that you're going to go and perhaps make some preparations there, then what's to fear? That's going to get you through just about any situation except the end of the world. And if the end of the world does happen, folks, well I'm afraid I can't offer you any advice on getting through that except the advice that I've already offered you, which is to stay in the correct energetic state.

I know it's hard to do, folks. I know it's hard to stay in the correct energetic state. To be honest, I am having trouble myself these days, and I seriously think that the place I'm living in is under a severe electromagnetic attack. I think it's pretty constant. I see a lot of strange goings on in the area, and I have a lot of strange mood swings since I've been in this area. When Freeman was here, he said he noticed a very, very different energy in the area here. Now I really do think there is a lot more going on that meets the eye.

Now it may seem a strange thing to consider the possibility of electromagnetic attack against the citizens of the world, but as I was discussing last week, when one looks at the chemtrails; when one looks at the HARRP activity, the X-band radar; you look at the chemical compounds that are found in the chemtrails – the barium, strontium, aluminum. There's even been biological agents found in the chemtrails such as white blood cells. So there's some very strange things going on indeed. And when you look at the Mayan prophecy, it actually goes a long way to confirming ancient Egyptian mythology. Because the Egyptians talked about a place that they were always trying to get to that was called the Duat. The Duat is a specific space in the sky. And they lived most of their lives in preparation to enter the Duat. It would be even suggested that they'd found a way to enter the Duat, even if the skies were not in the correct alignment. But that's a debatable point. But I would suggest that it is quite possible that the Duat is actually a certain section of the dark rift, and may very well be the portal that is referred to by the Mayans. I mean look, maybe it's all simply mythology, folks. Maybe it's not worth even considering. But what if? I mean, it seems strange that two cultures on separate continents would have a similar story, have a similar reverence to the sun, and have a similar interest in a particular section of the sky during a certain cycle of the Earth. Wouldn’t you say, folks?

So what if? What if it's true? What if there is this big place in the dark rift that causes an energy fluctuation on this planet that can literally change reality depending on the collective human perception of what reality is? And again, that might sound like a really strange thing for people to even consider, but when you look back at what I've said to you about energy, what I've said to you about the nature of realty, what I've said to you about conscious energy, the very plasma, the very stuff that makes up the universe, who is to say this is not possible? So you have to consider all of these things. And it really does go a long way to explaining what all the chemtrails are about, what HARRP is about and the subsequent electromagnetic interference that we're all experiencing is about. Why all the television propaganda and mind control and promotion of sex and destruction and division and violence is all about. What all the wars are about. What the constant state of stress that humanity is kept in, is all about. It explains the Mayan prophecy and Egyptian mythology; so who's to say? And the beauty of it, the simplicity of the whole thing is that all humanity has to do is put themselves in the correct energetic state. To put themselves in a state of love and giving and service in order to make a successful transition through this change. And loving, and giving and service does not mean submitting to the New World Order. It does not mean standing idly by and allowing the world to deteriorate.

I mean anyway folks, this is basically what I've been attempting to tell you since starting these radio shows. I've addressed a lot of topical material on the way. I've addressed a lot of government corruption. I've addressed a lot of New World Order stuff, and a lot of Illuminati stuff, and the oil spill and all of these sorts of things simply in an attempt to suggest to people that through these changes, and through these negative aspects of our reality, and these negative aspects and this bad news and all this terrible stuff that's going on, perhaps you can look at all of this stuff from an energetic perspective, and realize how simple it is for us to change all of this stuff simply by uniting as a human family. By doing that; by uniting as one global human family who treats each other with love and respect, we can literally change the entire reality that exists on this planet. We don't need to profit from each other. We don't need to take from each other. We don't need to rape the planet. All we need to do is help each other. Help those around you. That's all we need to do. And if the governments won't allow us to do this, we'll just ignore the governments, folks. Just start helping people. Everybody start helping everybody else and the whole world changes. And that is really what I’ve been trying to bring you ever since day one that you ever heard my voice.

You see, even talking about such things as the Mayan calender, and talking about changing reality through perception. Even that is ironic, folks, because if we simply did change our energetic state and started giving to those around us, then we wouldn't have to go through any portal. We wouldn’t have to ascend to any higher dimension. We wouldn’t have to go through a rapture. We wouldn’t have to do anything. Because if we did start giving unconditionally, the entire world would simply change by default. You see it doesn't matter what your belief system is, folks. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, New Age, a firm believer in Mayan prophecy or ancient Egyptian mythology or even one who practices Hindu beliefs. It doesn’t matter what your belief system is, folks. It doesn’t matter if you don't have a belief system. It doesn’t matter if you are a complete atheist and think it's just the New World Order that we have to fear; if that’s your darkest belief for the future. The way to change the darkest prophecies that have ever been offered to you and the darkest messages you've ever received is incredibly simple. All you have to do is change your energetic state and start helping and giving to those around you.

It's kind of ironic, isn’t it? It's so simple to fix everything. It's so simple that no one can see it. Everybody is just caught up believing this illusionary social structure is actually real. Very few people are willing to connect to those around them, connect to the Earth, and connect to themselves. But I think we can do it, folks. I think we can heal all of the problems that we face, but the only way we're ever going to truly heal anything is as a collective. I don't believe we need the entirety of humanity to rise to the occasion; I think we just need a significant number. But I think if that significant number does choose to stand up and come into their power, then we can easily create a new and very vibrant and very happy reality for all of humanity. And we're certainly not short of opportunities, folks. We have opportunities for us to actually come into our power and stand up and address the situation we face, presented to us on silver platters all the time. Every time there is a new piece of legislation enacted; every time there is a new atrocity carried out by our police.

Recently here in Australia, we saw western Australian police, nine of them in fact, standing around while a young man was tasered 13 times for refusing to submit to an unconstitutional and very likely illegal strip search. Now folks, I've said to you so many times before that we have parents who fought a world war to apparently protect us from ever being subject to this type of abuse from our police forces, but now we are seeing it as common place. I've also said to you many times before, that if you look in the Oxford Dictionary, you'll find that the Oxford Dictionary definition of terrorism is defined as 'violence, or the threat of violence carried out against civilians as a means of coercion, often for political reasons'. Now this is exactly what we're seeing from these people. We are seeing terrorism and Naziism from the people that we the citizens employ to protect us, and exist because we don't do anything about it. There is a wonderful opportunity for those who care to come into their power by simply speaking out about this. Simply by writing letters, ringing up the police station, putting it straight on them, saying, “What do you intend to do about the terrorists that exists within your ranks?” It doesn't mater whether they refuse to admit that these police officers are terrorists or not, because they are, folks. What they are doing is defined by the dictionary as an act of terrorism. It's really that simple. And even within the ranks of the police force, and even within the ranks of the investigation bureaus such as the FBI, there is a pamphlet being issued by the FBI that names people who defend the Constitution as possible terrorists. Now there's a wonderful opportunity for those within the ranks of the FBI to come into their power. To stand up and do the right thing and to go and arrest the people who wrote this pamphlet. Because the teally ironic thing in this whole pamphlet is that the Constitution is the United States. And it is those who speak out against the Constitution and who speak out against those who defend the Constitution who actually pose a threat to America, and who actually are the ones who are more likely to commit acts of terrorism. And again, we can see this already happening to society, because all we have to do is look at the acts of violence and terrorism that are carried out by the police against the citizens that they're sworn to protect. It's very subtle folks, but the roles are being reversed and the protectors of society are fast becoming the oppressors of society. And the definition of terrorism is being changed so that it doesn't mean violence anymore, and what is being considered a terrorist is anybody who sees freedom and justice as valuable. And this is not good, folks. It's not good and it's there, and the world continues along with this dysfunctional system and this dysfunctional perception of what reality is, because no one will stand up and do anything about it.

So you've got to ask yourself, in allowing such a system to persist; in allowing such a system to be built around you and simply not saying anything about it; simply ignoring it as many New Age people choose to do, so are you ignoring it because you're in a state of love, because it does exist? There is is no point ignoring it. Or are you ignoring it because you are in a state of fear? Do you choose to acknowledge or to ignore the atrocities that are being carried out in our name by our governments upon the citizens of foreign countries? And if you choose to acknowledge or ignore this activity, then are you doing so out of love or fear? And it's important that you look deeply and be truthful with yourself, folks. Don't sit there and say, “Oh yes, I'm ignoring that child being murdered in Gaza, because I'm in a state of love.” Because I really can't see how that is loving, or giving, or caring at all. I mean, you may believe that if you sit there and meditate with a crystal and think about higher vibrations, you're going to heal the world. But you're not. And you won't until you choose to eliminate the fear that is preventing you from looking at what's going on outside of your crystal bubble. It may be painful for some people to do, and it may be even more painful to be able to admit this to yourself. But it's something that needs to be done, because the world does need healing. And one of the main obstacles to the Earth ever being healed is people's willful ignorance of that which goes on around them, and of the pain that they are allowing to be inflicted upon those members of the human race that exists outside their crystal bubble.

It's a fine line, folks. And that's what I believe most people have the most trouble with is knowing where to stand on that line. You kind of have to stand on the knife edge. It's a fine line between getting too focused on the positive, or getting too focused on the negative. You can't lock yourself away from what's going on around you and expect to change the world by remaining in a state of willful ignorance. But you can't expect to change the world by totally immersing yourself in the negativity of everything that goes on. Even if you are right there in a war zone folks, you've got to try and maintain your energetic state.

One of the most difficult things for me in doing these radio shows is attempting to walk that fine line. Attempting to keep a balanced view and also to remain objective. My willingness to remain objective and to look at all options is why I bring you things such as the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus Project. I don't particularly agree with it, but it needs discussing. I bring you things like The Awakening as One series that I spoke about last week, because the Mayan Prophecy the opening of a portal. Well, when one considers the true nature of reality and the true nature of energy, then it's something that needs to be considered. The Egyptian talk of the Duat. Again, it's something that needs to be considered. Even the end times options brought by Christianity need to be considered. And what you have to do I believe, to make the correct choices when looking at all the information, is to look within your heart and listen to your heart, and listen to your intuition. If you have to talk yourself into believing something, then you're very likely on the wrong path, because your heart will tell you what's true.

So ultimately, what you have to do is, you have to listen to your heart. And this is true in all cases, folks. You see, we can prepare for a worst case scenario, like I suggested in the first half of this show. But we need to be in the correct energetic state while we are doing so. Don't do it out of fear. I do it because it's fun. It's fun to be prepared. It's fun to go camping. And if I was ever in a position where I did have to take off into the wild, I'd be looking at it as an adventure.

So we can do that. We can examine who “they” may be. We can look down all the rabbit holes. We can investigate everything we can about who the controllers of this place ultimately are. But again, are we doing it because of fear, or are we doing it because it's fun? I mean, we can do that. We can look at who the controllers are. We can look down all the rabbit holes. We can predict what may happen in the future. We can examine what may have happened in the past. We can look for all sorts of methods in the external world to heal ourselves and to fix humanity’s problem and to explain our situation. And we can do all of these things, but none of them are really going to change the world. And none of the changes that we wish to see are going to happen in the outside world until we deal with what's happening with the inside world.

You see folks, ultimately in order to deal with anything, in order to deal with the advent of the New World Order. In order to deal with the crash of the financial system. The crash of the social structure and having to move into the wild. In order to deal with entering a portal that might open in 2012. In order to deal with any possible scenario that you can think of, and in in order to even prevent any of what we may perceive to be worst case scenarios from ever occurring at all, the most important thing is to be in the correct energetic state to heal yourself on the inside, because nothing is ever going to change until we look within and work at performing the healing that is so disparately needed.

Something that I mentioned last week was a friend of mine who practices holographic kinetics. This is something that I'm also going to be looking into soon, simply because I wish to remain objective, and through all the healing modalities that I've looked into, the understanding that I've got of the universe, the understanding that I have of reality, suggests to me that holographic kinetics may be one of the most beneficial of all. Now of course I don't know this for sure, because I haven't participated in it as yet, but it certainly seems extremely interesting, and I feel that it is definitely something that is worth looking into. So I'll keep you posted on that one, folks. I might visit a practitioner sometime within the next month or so, and if it all goes well, then I might bring someone on the show to have a talk to you about it, folks. That might be something to look forward to in the future as well.

I truly think all options need to be looked at. I also think that ancient teachings and the healing modalities of the Australian Aboriginal are perhaps some of the most forgotten and misunderstood in the world. I believe the Australian Aboriginal is the original race of this planet. I've mentioned that to you before. And holographic kinetics is actually an ancient Aboriginal healing modality. So that's something that interests me very much. And I believe that fact alone also suggests that this healing modality warrants a certain amount of investigation, simply due to it's heritage.

As I have often said folks, I don't think anything, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem or far fetched or contrary to your believe system it may be, should simply be discarded without investigation. I mean, you have to look at it all, folks. You really do have to look at it all. And it's certainly is fun looking into all of this stuff as well. I find it fascinating to be quite honest. I find all of these things fascinating. All the research I've done over my life, I've found all of it to be fascinating. I'm not sure that it's actually really got me anywhere as far as healing the world goes, but perhaps this may work. Perhaps this is something that will help that process as well. But as I said before, I believe most of the healing that has to take place, if not all the healing that has to take place, has to happen within. You're never going to change the world outside until you change the world inside. We as a collective species are never truly going to be truly able to heal things until we deal with what's going on inside until we change our energetic state and remove the fear from our psyche. Till we stop seeing other people as a threat.

One of the great questions that's troubled philosophers and poets alike is, what has caused this imbalance in the human psyche that has kept the human family in a state of perpetual fear and perpetual division for so long.

Human beings really are a very strange creature. We simply don't seem to belong on this planet. We certainly don't seem to fit in in many ways, and yet we have so much potential for good. We really do, folks. We have an incredible amount of potential to achieve the most wonderful and vibrant future; the most harmonious future. We can create technology out of the rocks of the ground that can give us the ability to talk to each other with wireless computer systems, and yet we've never learned to be able to get along with each other. We've always been our own worst enemy due to our failure to do the inner work that is so desperately needed.

I think this time is about to change, folks. The inner work that needs to be done is being done now and will continue to be done. We will change this into a wonderful and vibrant future despite all the scenarios we are faced with. This is the cusp, folks. I think we are on the cusp right now. And I think it is very important for humanity to understand what reality they are currently creating; what they are in process of manifesting for the future.

Before me I see an incredible bright future. I see the world going to wonderful places and wonderful heights of enlightenment and wonderful heights of happiness and love. I see a very, very positive evolution of the human psyche about to occur, in fact is occurring right now as more and more people become politically awake and spiritually and consciously aware, the world is changing, folks. And it's very much changing for the better. Sure we have a lot of problems we're still faced with. A lot of problems. And it may take a little while to get over some of the problems that we face, to get past some of the problems that we face. But we can do it. And we do do it. And we are doing it. Yes folks, despite all the negatives that seem to manifest around us, when one views all of these negatives as simply being opportunities for growth, then yes the future looks very bright indeed. As I believe Abraham Lincoln said, “Problems are simply opportunities with thorns on them.”

Well, I think we're getting close to the end of the show, folks. Been a bit of a roundabout sort of a show today. How to prepare for the worst and expect the best. But I did that simply to try to help people deal with some of the fears they may have and see how simple it is to simply prepare yourself a little escape plan and then you can put all of those fears aside. You don't have to have any of those fears. You can just enjoy your life. And if none of the worst case scenarios come to pass, then the worst that can possible come out of it is that you converted your money to gold, and you've got lots of food stashed and you've got a hell of a good camping setup. I don't see the problem with any of that, folks.

Who knows? With the steady demise of the financial system and the amount of tent cities that are appearing these days, well you may be glad you've done it anyway. As I said earlier in this show, it really doesn’t hurt to be prepared for all scenarios. Even if you are expecting the best, you should always prepare for the worst. It's what living is all about, isn't it? So you may as well be prepared.

Well that's about it for me for the day, folks. Thank you very much for continuing to visit Thank you to anybody who has shown support for the site. It's very much appreciated. It's the only thing that keeps the site going. At least I think it's virus free at the moment. I don’t think its been hacked again in the last week. I'm pretty sure the guys in England have fixed all of that up for me. So that is certainly a blessing. I'd also like to put out my most sincere thank to a listener who sent me a backup computer that he had finished with, which is the only reason that I'm actually on the air at the moment folks. If it wasn't for the backup system I probably wouldn't be here today. So that was also an absolute godsend and a real thank you goes out to that person who wished to remain nameless. So I will respect his wishes and not name him for the help that he showed, but I would still like to offer him my deepest gratitude.

Well, that’s about all that I can think of to say today, folks. So I'm going to leave the program here. Please take what I've said today in the spirit that it's intended. Please do keep yourself in a positive energetic state through all the transitions that we're seeing. Time certainly is speeding up, folks. This is most certainly the quickening. And it's a very interesting time to be alive. A hell of a ride, really. I mean, when you consider the options folks, I really wouldn't have any other time to be born into. This is the one. This is the main event. And it's simply great being here for the big show.

So I'll leave it there for now, folks. It's truly been a pleasure talking to you again. I very much enjoy our conversations. A little one sided they are. I will try to get on live soon. I'll try to work out what day I can do my show, because my show has kind of changed times. It's all been shifted around. So I'll have a talk to the boss and I'll figure out when a good time is, and I'll do an evening show maybe on a Tuesday evening or a Sunday evening, or I'm not really sure when it is folks. I'll have to go and look at the schedule an see what works out. So it works out a useable time for me on the opposite side of the world where I am. But I'll figure that out, and once I am going to do a live show, I will announce it the week before, and that would give people an opportunity to actually expect it and then you'll be able to ring up and talk to me during the shows and I won't have to work so hard, will I folks? (laughs). I can let you do most of the talking. So that will be something to look forward to as well.

Well folks, as I said, it's been a pleasure talking to you again. I better go now or I'll just keep prattling on for another hour. I'll look forward to speaking to you again next week. Take care until them.

In Lak'ech.