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Stealing the World with Paper
Max Igan - American Voice Radio - 11/26/10

Transcribed by Liz Patton

"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with their toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men."

That quote comes from Samuel Adams.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Maxwell Igan. It's a pleasure to be with you again, and I will be your host for the next hour.

Now having used that quote from Samuel Adams to start the show, another quote instantly comes to mind from Martin Luther King, who said that the ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people. And this is unfortunately exactly what we are seeing in the world today and most especially in western countries. Our governments are becoming more and more out of control. The so-called police forces and peace officers that inhabit these forces are becoming more and more like domestic terrorists, and the freedom of individuals within our nations is becoming less and less like freedom. And the truly ironic part about the removal of these freedoms is that we are being told that these freedoms must be removed from the people in order to preserve freedom. These actions could be seen as being not dissimilar to someone perhaps painting their windows black in order to allow the sunlight to enter their house.

These types of lapses in sanity and reversals of logic are of course what we have come to expect from our governments who always seem to do things backwards. It seems that whenever they say they are doing something that is going to help us, it always has the effect of hindering us. You see that's the thing folks; everything the government does is backwards. Everything it says is backwards. All the government does is lie. For example, the give us a government funded health system which creates sickness. They give us a government funded education system which produces uneducated people. And my friends, the government always gets what the government pays for, and so there is no chance in the world that these things are not being done by design.

And another thing that they are giving us is a government run and government funded police service which is oppressing the population and most certainly not upholding the laws of the land. And this is very much being demonstrated by the actions of our police forces all around the world. We are now seeing a merging of a global fascist state spread out across the entire globe. It's been quite clearly. I know most people actually thought the Nazis lost the war, but they didn't. Germany did. The Nazis simply went underground and continued to function just fine. But of course, the Nazis themselves were simply an experimental army that was funded by this same European cartel. The same cartel that still holds sway over the world today, and that is currently in the process of setting up the dominoes around the world so it can crash the entire system and transfer all wealth into the hands of those who run the cartel.

We can clearly see now that the Euro is about to fall. Ireland is about to fold. This week, I believe there is a large meeting in Dublin where the people will be gathering to stand in a united act of non-compliance to the IMF and World Bank. My heart goes out to these people, and I wish the people of Ireland every success in these endeavors. Portugal is also about to crash. And a united act of non-compliance to the IMF and World Bank is exactly what we need folks, because the debt that these countries are in, I mean the whole world is in so much debt that it can never be repaid, because the money to pay the debt doesn't exist. It's artificial debt that’s been constructed by the IMF and World Bank in order to transfer all of the resources of all of the countries of the world over to the hands of the same people who control the money supply. And this is of course the 13 Illuminati families and their subsidiary companies. It needs to be understood by the people that all this debt is fictional. The money itself doesn’t exist. It's just promissory notes. They've got the whole world flooded with promissory notes, and people actually think this stuff is real. When the government comes and tells you that the country is in dept to the IMF and we're going to have to sell all of our resources and you're going to have to move out of your home, these people are going to do it. People are just going to go along with this and think “well, I have to do this”. But it's a fictional system, folks. Its like magic. They write these lines on little pieces of paper, and like magic everybody gives up all of their wealth and all their belongings. But it's not reality. In reality, it doesn't exist. It is contrived debt based on an interest based monetary system.

This is exactly what Christ was crucified for, because he tried to prevent this from happening. Very notable that Christ was doing okay, but as soon as he tried to mess with the monetary system; as soon as he overturned the tables of the money changers, he was dead within a week. Who do you think put up the 30 pieces of silver?

The interest based monetary system is absolutely the head of the Illuminati snake; the head of the New World Order snake. All international debt to the IMF and World Bank should be immediately canceled because none of it exists. It only exists on paper, and it's all fictional debt. And all of it should be instantly canceled. What is happening to the world now financially; what is happening to the world politically, and it's happening in all nations. When you look at what's been happening in Iraq and places all around the world in all of these wars once martial law has been imposed. And you look at what's happening in America and even here in Australia as police are becoming more and more brutish. When we have the police in Denver again acting like terrorists as police are prone to do these days and terrorizing a man walking his dog, because the man offered to testify on behalf of a man who was being falsely charged by the same police officers for not stopping at a stop sign which the walker saw him stop at. He stopped and offered the driver his support and said, I saw you stop. I'll be happy to testify for you.” And the police hospitalized him for doing so. I believe they received each 3 days suspension for their actions, which is a good indication that the Denver police department condones this type of terrorism. Because to get 3 days suspension for these officers is disgusting. They should have been removed from the police force, charged with assault and treated the way any other is treated.

So when you look at all these things, it becomes very apparent what is coming. And it also becomes very apparent that these type of actions from our police forces are exactly what our parents fought World War II to prevent from ever happening within our societies. Well, that’s what we are told WWII is about anyway, and that’s what our parents who fought the war believed they were fighting for. Freedom, or something like that.

Another thing we are now seeing more and more over in the United States is pat downs and strip searches at airports by the TSA. This is of course the Transport Security Administration, but looking at their actions I would say that TSA is more likely to stand for The Sexual Assault Administration, they just perhaps forgot one of the A's on the logo. There has been video footage that surfaced of what looks like a 5 year old child being stripped searched. We are seeing nuns get touched on the breasts and genitals. And it would seem that the TSA is a play ground and perhaps the dream job for sexual deviants and pedophiles. The TSA is of course, one of the brainchild’s of Michael Chertoff who is a known Zionist and complete scumbag. Michael Chertoff was of course head of Homeland Security for some time. Folks, looking at his actions, one of the biggest enemies of the American Constitution, and the American way of life and the American people must indeed be Michael Chertoff. The man seems to have either a completely dysfunctional brain or he's just a complete psychopath. But whatever his motivations are, he most certainly does not have the best interest of the American people at heart.

But of course, it's not really Michael Chertoff that's the problem, it's the criminal cabal that he works for. Again, the same criminal cabal that has been controlling the world for a very very long time, and that has been spreading its tentacles out more and more around the world since World War II. And it's the same people. It's the same people who staged World War II. World War II was completely staged, folks. It was done to present a terrible monster to us, then have our governments arrive as the white knight to save us from the terrible menace. And all designed to lull the population of the world into a false sense of security, and to gradually spread its tentacles out around the globe. And via the manipulation of the education system, and the mainstream media and via control of the global monetary system, they’ve brought the world to exactly where it is now. And through the mechanization’s of the IMF and World Bank, the people of the world are on the brink of transferring all global wealth into the hands of those who staged World War II for this very reason. And it goes back a good deal further that that folks. As I've said, World War II was the beta test. That was when they figured out how to extrapolate it out across the world. That was when they ran the tests of all the new chemicals and all the new systems of mind control that they had. And not only were they able to run tests on all of these things, they were also able to lull the world into a false sense of security in order to bring the world to exactly where it is now, and thereby transfer wealth into the hands of those who run the system and enslave the population precisely into the police state that is now being created. And this police state is based on the Nazi model of World War II. I mean, now we have surveillance systems and all sorts of things in place. It is a very high tech version of Nazi Germany. And my friends, this is precisely what will be created should the people of the world fail to stand up and come into the power that they truly have.

And the only way, I believe we will ever be able to do this folks, is by understanding what reality is. Understanding that there is no division among people. It doesn't matter what race, or color, or creed, or anything. It does not matter. What is needed is for people to understand that we are all people. We all have the same needs. I've never met anybody from any nation, from any country or from any walk of life within the common people who wanted war. It's only ever leaders who want war. And they want these wars because they work for banking cartels who puppeteer these wars. The wars are not about bringing freedom. The are about controlling resources and controlling people. That's what every war is about. And the people don't want war. Nobody ever wants war.

We are truly on the brink of huge changes within everything that we have known as reality. Many of these changes are being implemented by our governments by what is known as globalization. They say globalization will be a big thing, it will bring about stability. That’s what we are told. But what they don't tell you is that all the instability is being brought about by the very people who want globalization. Globalization is not about bringing stability to the people; it's about enslaving the people and it's about bringing stability to the system of the elite. That’s what they want. They want a stable system, and we are all little drone workers in the system.

They want the Chinese system all around the world. Chinese are run like robots, folks. They are trained to be robots from birth, if you just look at the way Chinese workers work. The way China works. I mean, the Chinese people as wonderful as they are individually, they have to a great extent already lost their humanity. Not within the common sector, but within the business sector and within the government sector, the corporate sector, there is very little love in China as far as community spirit goes. Everybody is competing against everybody else. Everybody acts like worker drones. That's what they want. If you look at the situation in Africa recently; there were many industries in Africa which operated using slave labor. These industries have now been taken over by the Chinese. And the workers within these industries say now that under Chinese management the conditions have deteriorated and they were better off as slaves. And this is the global system of employment that we can expect if we allow the IMF and the World Bank to remove the wealth of the world and transfer it into the hands of the cartel who runs these organizations, simply because we failed to see that the system that created this debt is wholly fictional and the debt does not exist.

If we allow this to happen on our watch, this will be a huge tragedy, folks, and it will mark one of the darkest moments in human history. And it's not just the monetary system that is the problem. The monetary system is the head of the snake of course, but the human race is being attacked on many other levels, such as we are seeing with Bill S-510, which they are still attempting to get passed through the House. This bill has the potential to put a complete stop to people growing food at home; put a complete stop to seed banking Heritage seeds. You wont be able to give your neighbor a tomato over the fence, because that tomato will have to be approved by the FDA. And again, all of these things are being put in place via the means of a fictional system. Rules and regulations that restrict the ability of human beings to be human beings, and yet these rules have nothing to do with the empowerment of humanity; they have nothing to do with reality. They are fictitious rules that only exist on paper.

Now, ever since I began talking to you on the radio two years ago, I’ve often talked to you about energy. Some people might say that I have a New Age perspective, but it's not true. What I try to present you is an understanding of the universe by basically a scientific perspective. And it's an understanding that I've come to mainly through meditation. I’ve had certain meditations and then started looking at explanations to some of the experiences I’ve had in meditation in the world around me. What I’ve found is the work as such people as Bruce Lipton and Nassim Harriman and other scientists who have clearly explained the things that I have experienced in meditation. And it's given me an understanding of what the universe is made of, how the universe works and how we interact with the universe. All I can do is offer you this perspective. And I do so because having this perspective has provided for me a method for removing fear from my psyche. I mean, sure I still have dark moments. We all have dark moments. We all have moments of anger. We all have moments when we get heated, moments where we get carried away. Everybody does it. There is nothing unusual with that. It's called being a human being. You should always embrace and experience these emotions when they arise. But basically, when I talk about energy, what I mainly talk about is the removal of fear from your life. Because it is fear that keeps the human race in this state of separation, and it is this separation that makes the human race so easy to control.

Now everything that’s about to happen with the financial system. Everything that’s about to happen with the whole global economic collapse that is coming. All of this is, as I have said, designed to transfer all wealth to those who issue the money, but it's also designed to generate fear. And if you can see what's coming, then you can see that all the human race has to do to survive any financial crash is to realize that the system is fictional and to build community. Building community is the only way to deal with any problem that we face, because the most important currency people are going to have through any type of crash, is friendship. And look, I'm not suggesting that everybody gets lovey dovey or anything like that; I am simply pointing out that what we need is solidarity. We need people to understand that all this massive amount of debt that the world is in to the World Bank, it is all fiction. It doesn’t exist. It's a private system that’s been designed to do this. So we can eliminate all of that debt simply by realizing that it's fiction. I would also suggest that the assets of all of the shareholders of the World Bank and IMF be immediately seized so that these assets can be used to rebuild the third world countries and war zones around the world that have all been created by these people.

Now folks, this is what's happening to the world. What we are seeing is a hostile takeover of the world, it's resources and its people by a small banking cartel. They are taking over the world on paper, and they are taking over the world with paper. It's quite remarkable really that they are able to do this when you look at what reality actually is. And yet these people have created a world that exists only on paper, and through the manipulation of the human belief system they are on the verge of gaining possession of anything of any value that exists within the real world through manipulation of a fictional world that they've tricked people into believing is real. And when you can fully grasp the way that they've done this, as I've pointed out to you earlier it is very easy to see why Christ overturned the tables of the money changers, and why he then became such a treat to the powers that be. The usury based monetary system, the methodology behind fractional reserved banking, and the practice of adding interest to not only the loans, but to the money itself, is without a doubt, the most corrupt, inhuman and dishonest system that has every been perpetrated against the human race. We are indeed on the verge of witnessing its magnificent finally, should we allow this travesty of justice and sanity to continue.

It's amazing really that there would be anyone within our society that supports such a system of slavery, and yet our politicians appear to do so. Our politicians appear very much to world for this international banking cartel. It's obvious to see that they do due to their failure to disclose the information concerning this monetary system to the general public. When you understand the true implications of this, this system is designed to eventually transfer all wealth into the hands of a corporate run government, and enslave and impoverish the people, and you being to realize how close this cabal is to actually pulling this off, then it becomes apparent how urgent it is that the human race wake up to reality and unite around the world in a peaceful act of non-compliance to this corporate system. Any artificial debt that is owed to the World Bank or International Monetary Fund.

A united act of global non-compliance would work wonders, ladies and gentlemen. It would be better than protesting against what's going on. It would be better than buying up silver and attempting to crash the banking system. A lot of people are wishing to crash the banking system. And all I can say to these people is, then you had better have a good supply of food stored somewhere, and have a good garden growing, ready for the crash of the system. And you would be well advised to have also established a strong currency of friendship within your community. And for people who also say we need to go back to a gold standard at the moment, that’s all very well, but if we were to go back to a gold standard right now, well who's got all the gold? Because it would appear that the answer to that question is the same cartel who currently holds all the money. Sometimes it's the devil in the details that we just fail to take into account.

The society that we have is not yet completely lost. Our society is still repairable, but this restoration of our society and this restoration of our freedoms can only occur if people consciously chose to make that decision. The best way to make that decision; the best way to see how obvious this choice must be, is to understand what reality is. I know I keep coming back to this folks, but when you understand this, and when you can see the connection between yourself and your neighbors the barriers break down. And it is by establishing this connection that the people gain the strength to stand up against the system in a peaceful non-violent manner and we can simply stand up and walk away. It is so simple that people just can't see it.

If people understand the connection that we have to each other and they establish a connection with the people around them simply by helping the people around them, then it would suddenly become very easy to meet this system head on and to come out the victors. But should we fail to take the opportunity that all this corruption provides for us, the outcome could very well be different. But the good part about it, ladies and gentlemen, is the choice with what that outcome will be ultimately lies with us. And I believe that when push truly comes to shove, the human race will make the right decision.

I think its break time, ladies and gentlemen, so I'll leave it there for now. Thank you very much for spending this time with me today. I will return in a few minutes. Thanks for listening.

Welcome back, folks. When you see all of these laws being put in place. When you see full body scanners and pat downs at airports. When you see raw food stores being raided by police with guns drawn. When you see the FDA seizing health supplements and raw cheese from people. It's extremely important to understand that these things are being perpetrated against you. All of these devices have been put in place. All these systems of control that have been put in place. These are all being put in place to control you. All of the people that are going through these scanners. All these people subject to these pat downs. All the people who have been picked up in the governments rendition programs that have been taken overseas and dropped in jails God knows where. All of the people who have lost their houses and been forced to go and live in tents because they've been unable to pay the fictitious interest on a fictitious mortgage. Any one of these people could be you, because there is no division among any people.

You see, that’s the thing folks, it doesn't matter if you are rich, it doesn’t matter if you are poor; the system is designed to eat up your wealth either way. It just starts at the bottom. If you are a poor person, then you are easy prey. You end up on the street first. But as the currency gets more and more devalued, it doesn’t matter how much you've got, eventually it all ends up going into the hands of those who issue the money. That’s just the way it works. Under the current system, ultimately the only people who get to own anything are those who issue the money.

So this makes you wonder why the governments support these people. This makes you wonder why the police support the laws that these governments put in place, because ultimately they get eaten up as well. They can't survive in the system that they are creating. Their children won't be able to survive. Their families won't be able to survive. As I have said, the only people who come out on top are the ones who issue the money. And this is solely because the currency that we have in circulation in our countries at this present time is a privately run, profit based currency, where the very money itself is based on interest bearing debt.

Now when you first hear about all of this information. When you first see what's been done to the world and you see whats happening, you learn about the monetary system, and the whole lot, it can be quite overwhelming. You think well, wow now I know all this. What can I do about it.? And yet the answer has always been there for all to see. All through history, all the great teachers have always told people to look within; to follow the path of the heart. All have said that once you find your heart you will find your way. And it is through finding the path of the heart that you can change the world. But what is the path of the heart? Well, as I believe I've said to you before, what does the heart do? What does your heart do in your body? It doesn't just pump blood around. It doesn't just generate an electromagnetic field. What is does is, it gives unconditionally to the environment in which it lives. It gives unconditionally to your body. It gives life to everything in your body. It never asks for anything in return; it simply gives. It gives all of its energy to keeping the rest of your body alive. And in return, the rest of your body keeps it alive, and it also works to keep itself alive just as much as it keeps the rest of the body alive. If every person on the planet gave all of their energy with the intention of keeping the human race and the environment and the planet and themselves alive, where would the problem lie?

When I talk to you about energy and the nature of reality and the nature of consciousness, what I'm attempting to do is to help you find this path within yourself. When you follow this path and remove the fear from your life and connect with those around you, it becomes easy to face the system and to deal with everything that we are facing very peacefully. And it doesn’t matter what your belief system is. It doesn't matter whether you are a Christian or Muslim or Jew. It doesn't matter whether you are New Age. It doesn't matter what your belief system is. All the great teachers all throughout history have all said the same thing. Find your heart, and you will find your way.

If you are someone who follows a particular religious belief, ask yourself if you are actually following the path of the teacher of your belief, or whether you are simply following the doctrines that have been constructed around their teachings and essentially someone else interpretation of their teachings. Because many great people have offered us the message, but very often their teachings have been perverted to hide the true message and to use the doctrine as a means of controlling others. This is something that we've seen all too often all through our history both within religious systems, and even within education and political and social systems.

With what's happening in the world; the impending crash of the global economy. The introduction of genetically modified foods that appear on all supermarket shelves unlabeled. The toxins in the water supply. The chemtrails. Domestic surveillance and body scanners. The brutish actions of our police forces. The poverty and homelessness and tent cities. The wars and strife going on all around the world. And all the things that humanity is facing as a species. It becomes very clear that the time for the people of the world to stand united and to take matters in hand is now.

And the greatest challenge that we face in this is, that the only way such an action will ever succeed with a positive outcome is if it is carried out peacefully. And why this is such a challenge is that in order to carry it out peacefully, it needs to be one en mass, and even preferably by the entire population. And this can only be achieved through public awareness. So we need to get this message out viral to people. We need to find a way of getting this message into the mainstream. We need to find a way of waking up the sleeping masses to what is going on. Because once people do wake up, then we will as a collective be able to change the world in about 3 seconds flat without a shot ever being fired. And therein lies humanities greatest challenge. The choice that we currently face between love and fear. But I have every faith that we will rise to the occasion, my friends. We will do this. Unfortunately, it may have to get a little worse yet though, because there are still a lot of people who are asleep. And that’s why it's important to spread information. Because as more and more people wake up, then we gain the strength of numbers to bring about positive change a lot sooner than later. And that would be a very good thing to save the suffering that is occurring and will occur if we do not take peaceful action against this corrupt system. And as I've said on many occasions, one of the biggest difficulties we face in all of this is, waking up all of those members of our police force, because they have for the most part been totally indoctrinated into believing that legal fiction is real and that power is real, money is real. These people truly do believe in this fictitious system and that’s one of the greatest challenges we face in all of our societies.

Another challenge that we face is the influence that the mainstream media has over the belief systems of the general population. And unfortunately, most of the general population are kept in a constant state of fear and are therefor quite easy to manipulate. For example, we have recently seen a quite substantial backlash towards the TSA and their naked body scanners and their pat downs at airports. And the government is very eager for people to accept this type of intrusive behavior. So if the backlash continues and they are forced to remove some of these naked body scanners or perhaps stop the intrusive pat downs, then it would be very likely that the government would stage another terror attack probably involving an airport and then blame it on the people, because the people opted out of these naked body scanners. In fact it is very likely that we will see a terror attack in and airport anyway, simply because of the amount of backlash they are getting from the people. Because a terror attack would be a good way of stopping that backlash. This is exactly what we saw in Australia when the Australian people were protesting against the illegal invasion of Afghanistan. They simply had the Bali bombing, then all the protesting in Australia stopped and suddenly everybody hated Muslims.

And speaking of Muslims, an interesting thing with body scanners and pat downs that are happening at airports is that these activities are apparently put in place because America is so scared of being attacked by Muslim extremists, or so we are told. Interesting thing about that is that they are patting down nuns. They are patting down everybody. They are strip searching 5 year old children. But if you are a Muslim woman in a burqa, apparently they will only touch your neck and head area. And that’s kind of interesting isn't it, since these were supposed to be Muslim terrorists, not that they were of course. We know that it wasn't Muslim terrorists at all. Quite interesting that Muslim women are exempt from these pat downs. But you've got to understand that this is being done just to annoy the hell out of all the other people. They seem to typically wish to create as much discomfort as possible. This really does seem to be the main purpose of this activity. When one looks at the actions of the TSA, it would very much look like its done simply to create an air of stress and discomfort and indignation, and of course to further promote division. This is why Muslim women are exempt from searching. This is obviously going to annoy a lot of people. So we get to see a few angry people in the line and a few disturbances. And they get to show that it is necessary that they are there, because people are obviously so stressed that we need guns around. They are very clever they way they do this, folks. They need guards around because you are in a stressful situation and usually the only reason you are in a stressful situation in the first place is because you have guards around who are trained to make sure that the situation remains stressful. Catch-22.

When you truly stand back and really take the time to look at the world holistically, it soon becomes glaringly apparent that all the world is indeed a stage. And that every major event that happens within the world happens by design. And all of these events are designed to lead the world towards the one goal of total world domination in the hands of a few. But the human race is now waking up to the realizations of this. And the human race is beginning to learn and clearly understand just how fragile this house of cards that makes up the prison that we call society actually is. It's really standing on a very frail foundation folks, and it would not take a lot to bring the entire house down. And it would be a far better world were we to do so, and we are indeed on the verge of this occurring within our lifetimes. We are however on the tipping point. We could go either way. There is still a possibility that there will be an attempt to achieve this revolution in a violent manner. Should this occur, we will undoubtedly find some type of short reprieve, but the only true revolution that will ever bring workable and lasting change to the world is a revolution of the mind. Essentially an evolution of human consciousness. We need to change the way we think. In order to change the world without, we need to change the world within. We need to change our energetic state and come into the power that we truly have within our hearts. To achieve this is our ultimate goal. It is our destiny. It is the reason that we are here, and we now have an opportunity to fulfill this destiny. This is what the great struggle, the trials and tribulations of the human family has been all about. It's all been leading to this opportunity and the time has come for us now to make our choice.

We truly have reached a turning point in history, my friends. Very exciting times. Very exciting times indeed. For my part, I see a very positive and very vibrant future for the human race. I see that we still have many trials and tribulations to overcome, but I have every confidence in us doing so. And I find the challenges involved in overcoming these obstacles to be invigorating. In fact, I wouldn’t wish to be born into any other time. I think that this is the most exciting time in the entire history of the world. Because never before has mankind been presented with such a unique opportunity for positive change, and all that is left for us to do is to choose to take up the challenge.

All of the things that we see happening in the world today. All of the legislation that has been put in place. All of the wars. The body scanners. The domestic surveillance. The brutish actions of our police forces. All of these things are opportunities for the human race. And all of these things are necessary so the human race receives the opportunities that these things provide. If we didn't have these opportunities, we would simply bumble along the way we have been for the last few hundred years. We would continue to allow ourselves to be controlled. We would continue to believe that money is real. We would still believe that we need governments to dictate what we can or cannot to. And all these governments do is actually restrict what we can and cannot do. And a government that restricts what you can and cannot do, really has to ceased to act in the best interest of the people it is supposed to be in care of. As said by author Robert Heinlein, “When any government or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, 'This you may not read. This you must not see. This you are forbidden to know', the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives.” And that quote certainly holds a great deal of relevance to people of modern times.

I love a good quote, folks. I could read quotes all day. Maybe one day I should do a whole show of quotes. That would be interesting, wouldn't it? There is also another one by Michael Elmer which also comes to mind which is also very relevant today. And he said, “Just look at us. Everything is backwards. Everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health. Lawyers destroy justice. Universities destroy knowledge. Governments destroy freedom. The major media destroys information. And religions destroy spirituality.” That is a wonderful quote.

Maybe I could do a show of George Bush quotes, folks. It would be like a comedy special, wouldn't it? I miss George W. Bush. Even though he was a murderous black heated scumbag, he certainly was good for a laugh. It was almost like having one of the Marx brothers as president. But I guess it's not a good idea to delve into that topic at this late stage of the show. If I was to begin talking about George W. Bush now, we might find ourselves running a few hours overtime, as there is such a wealth of conversation to be had discussing the man. Very different to Obama. There's not really a lot to say about Obama. I mean, he is blatantly corrupt and completely stupid, but as far as personality goes, he really doesn't seem to have any. Well, he certainly not as much fun as George W. Bush was anyway.

Well we are getting close to windup time here, folks. I hope I haven't babbled on too much for you today. I really should prepare a little more before I do these shows, but sometimes it's just things on my mind that I would like to get out to you and so that’s what I do.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has emailed me and everybody who has ever shown support for the website. It's very much needed. It's very much appreciated. And as I’ve said on many occasions previously, it is only through the generosity and support of the listeners that I am able to continue doing what I do. And so I thank you very much for helping me continue to get the world out to people. I can only hope that you will continue to show me the support that you have, because it is extremely important that we do get this message out to the world.

We are very much at a crossroads here, folks. We have a beautiful and wonderful future right there available for us, but we still have the choice to walk down the corridor into darkness should we choose to do so. And most people don't understand the choices that they are making. They don't even understand that the choice is there for them to make. They are unbeknownst to themselves simply being directed towards the dark corridor by those who control our governments. And it is extremely important that we help people become aware that we actually do have a choice to walk a very different path than the one that they have been lead down by government and by the corrupt financial institutions that control these governments.

I still believe we can do it though, folks. I do believe we can wake up the entire world. I still believe that I can wake up Australia. I'd love to put a full page ad in every newspaper in Australia, telling them about whats going on. I’m sure that if I could do that, it would make a huge impact. So if anyone wants to help me do that, it would be great if someone made a specific donation with that in mind. I somehow don't think that the $32 that I have in the bank will cover the cost of a full page ad in every newspaper in Australia. I seriously do believe that waking up Australia is a very viable possibility. We have less people in the whole of Australia than there is in one city in the United States. Therefore statistically it would be easier to wake up the entire continent of Australia than it would be to wake up one city in America. And if we could wake up the people of Australia, even through we have a low population count here, it would still have the effect of waking up an entire country. And I believe that this would create a landslide. It would start a ripple effect that would be felt around the entire world. And that is still my mission, folks. So anybody who would like to help me do that, that would be a great thing to do.

So here we are, folks. We've made it this far and now we are standing at the crossroads. The choices are still open to us and we can still choose to go in either direction. We can choose freedom, or we can choose enslavement. But there really is only those two choices. And though the choice of energy that we chose to embrace is an individual one, the real choice that will determine what the outcome will be and which road the human race takes will be a collective choice.

Well, we are getting close to the end of this show, folks. That is about it for me for the day. But before we go today, there is something that I would very much like to read to you. It's something that I’m sure that you’ve heard before, but I wonder how many have paused to truly consider the importance of the following words:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. “

And that’s it for the show today, folks. Thank you very much for spending this time with me today. It's been a pleasure speaking to you once again. And I will look forward to the show next week.

Take care until then.

In Lak'ech.