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Wikileaks and the Fall of America
American Voice Radio - 12/10/10

Transcribed by Liz Patton

“If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be an agent of injustice to another, then I say, break the law.” and that was said by Henry David Thoreau.

Welcome to Surviving the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen. It's a pleasure to be here once again. My name is Maxwell Igan and I will be host for the next hour.

Now in regards to the breaking of the law, as I just mentioned in that quote by Henry David Thoreau, it would appear that sometimes in order to do what is just, what is true, what is right, and what is proper, one must indeed break the law. After all, as said by Martin Luther King Jr., “We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was legal. And everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was illegal.” So sometimes we simply have to break the law. We have to understand that sometimes laws are not made by just people. In fact, sometimes criminals obtain power within government and then we find that the laws are made by criminals. And indeed we are seeing just this to a great extent in a great many places throughout the world today. In fact, most of the laws that have been put in place anywhere in modern times simply have the effect of dis-empowering the people. I don’t see any laws that have been put in place in the last 10 years that actually serve the people or empower the people or seem to be in the best interests of the people. Most of them are simply unjust pieces of legislation designed to further control the mass's. And call me finicky, but I believe that if a law does not have its basis in justice, then it is no law, and it is entitled to no obedience. I mean, lets get real folks, the entire legal and justice system has been designed to supposedly benefit humanity. So why is it that what we are seeing from this system appears to be the polar opposite?

Now all this talk of law and whether it is the right thing to break the law or uphold the law, and in what circumstances you should do either, is of course leading around to the topic which seems to be the favorite of the month, and that is the Wikileaks and Julian Assange affair. There has been talk on all fronts about what is going on here; whether the whole thing is a big CIA psyop and people saying that Assange is a disinformation person because he doesn't talk about Zionism and he condemns Iran, which are of course both interesting points. But ultimately, whether Assange is a plant, whether he is delivering information or whether he is simply delivering the information he is spoon fed to deliver are all debatable points.

The thing to notice here folks, is that whether you believe in Julian Assange, whether you believe he is a disinformation agent, whether you believe he is a hero; is of no real consequence. Because what is really on trial here; what the core issues are in this case is freedom of speech and censorship. That’s whats really on trial here. Where the people have the right to speak out. And people should absolutely have the right to speak out, because if the people don't speak out when they see an atrocity, then who keeps the governments in check? What prevents these governments from doing anything they want to do?

We've had politicians like Sarah Palin. We've had all sorts of other people. Journalists. People right across the board. People such as Bill O'Reilly, which of course isn't surprising. Rush Limbaugh. All sorts of people basically saying that Assange should be held up as a terrorist or tried for treason, or some people have even been calling for his assassination. This is completely absurd, folks. These people are advocating freedom, while on the other hand calling for the death or prosecution of someone who exposed an atrocity, calling it a breach of national security.

I've said to you many times before on other shows, what is national security? We've been taught to believe that national security is security of government. But don't forget folks, that the government is a government supposedly elected of the people, by the people and for the people. The government is not the nation. The government is simply the government. The duly appointed representatives of the people by the people. What makes up the nation of your country is the people of your country. So the security of the nation really is the security of the people of your country. So how can the nation ever be secure if the people that are elected are free from all scrutiny and accountability for their actions, and are given free reign and unlimited funding to operate outside of the law? National security means that these people need to be exposed when they commit crimes.

And whether you believe in what Julian Assange has done, or is doing or don't, as I said is irrelevant. Because the truth is, every politician. Sarah Palin and the others. Every journalist. Bill O'Reilly. Anybody who has called for Assange to be jailed or tried or executed or tried under terrorism laws. Anybody who has spoken out against what Wikileaks has done by exposing these crimes, whether they realize they are doing it or not, what they are doing is speaking out against everything that America stands for. They are speaking out against the freedom of all people within the world. That’s what these people are doing.

And folks, in the case of politicians and reporters, I would say in each one of these cases it is very likely that the person speaking out has a great deal to hide, and I would also suggest that each one of them very much seems to hate freedom. Because what they are doing is they are supporting the implementation of a fascist state, where government is removed of all accountability for its actions and people are simply not allowed to speak. And if they do speak out against some government atrocity, they are labeled as a criminal.

That’s whats really on trial in the whole Assange case. Whether you believe it's a CIA stunt. Whatever you believe it is, it doesn’t matter. It's simply another case of Hegelian Dialectic – thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Problem, reaction solution. And as said, this is about on the left hand is freedom of speech and censorship. And what it is about on the right hand is, removing government of accountability.

It will be used to stir up a huge outcry and calls of breaches of national security and the safety of the people, and it will be used to impose censorship if the people of the world take the bait and allow it to happen. And that is why no matter what your views on who Julian Assange is, or what his motivations may have been, or who he worked for, he must remain free. He must have the people of the world standing behind him in order that the people of the world retain freedom of speech. Because without freedom of speech, we have a government removed of all accountability, and this must never ever be allowed to happen. Because were that to happen, then there would never be any security for any nation.

Whatever his actions were. Whatever his motivations were. Whether he believed he was spreading information to support Israel. Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. What matters is to understand that he is simply the patsy. He is simply the figurehead, because what this issue is about is freedom of speech and the removal of government accountability.

I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous. The very concept that they would prosecute someone who released information about a crime is absurd. I mean, isn't it about the people who committed the crime? What, so if someone witnesses a crime and then goes and reports it to the police, are we going to see the police arresting the witness from now on? Because that’s essentially whats happening. I mean, what about the people who committed the acts that were being reported? I mean, seriously, under these guidelines, if you were a security guard that worked for Wal-Mart and you happen to find security footage which clearly showed someone committing a crime in the store, and then you took that footage to the police and reported it, then you are the one who should be arrested as the criminal.

I mean, it's absolutely ridiculous, folks. It really is. Because if we don't have watch dogs on the government, then who keeps an eye on these people? Who keeps an eye on these crimes that happen? And obviously we don't have reliable watch dogs within the government, because these crimes happen again, and again, and again, and again. So just considering this fact alone, it becomes obvious that the watchdogs on our government must be and always should be the people. Therefore it is imperative that those people within government, or within industry, or within the military who have knowledge of a crime being carried out and are honest people, and seek to leak that information to the public, it is imperative that they have channels to do so. And it is imperative that the people who leak the information are protected, and the public acts upon this information and holds those people responsible for the crimes that have been leaked, accountable for their actions. And that is national security. That is securing the nation, because it is making sure the people are safe and it is making sure that those criminals within government who carry out or who approve of these atrocities are held accountable. And this is the only way that real and legitimate government is ever maintained, folks. If we don't have the ability to do this, then we have a blatantly unaccountable dictatorship. This is almost what America is now. America is almost lost with what's going on with the TSA. Whats going on with all of this stuff. I mean, it's just blanketed all across America. America is virtually in a state now of Nazi Germany in early 1939.

But getting back to Wikileaks, there is also another aspect to this and another very good reason why the powers that be would be seeking to shut Wikileaks down, and that is the forthcoming release that had been promised by Wikileaks of internal emails and dialogs from organizations such as Bank of America. And when one takes into account that all these governments and politicians and media figures, and most of them all work for these banking cartels anyway, I would suggest that the forthcoming release of this information concerning the Bank of America is also one of the main reasons why Wikileaks is being shut down now, before it has the chance to release this information.

You might recall that for the last few weeks I've been concentrating pretty heavily on the financial system. And a few weeks ago I had a man called Rob Crombie on the show. We had been talking about a legal case that had been held within America called “Wheres the Note?”, where it had been decided by a judge that if the bank does not hold the note for your mortgage, it cannot foreclose on your mortgage. And you might also recall that we saw because of that court case the introduction of a moratorium on mortgages. So folks, what if these Wikileak documents about to be released, show that this bank knew that it did not hold the note and that it had no legal right to foreclose on these peoples houses? I mean, if this were to happen, this would cause one of the most massive lawsuits in all of history. We would have never seen anything like it. The thousands of families who had their homes stolen from them, literally stolen from them by the banks when the banks had no right to do so since they did not hold the note and they knew that they did not hold the note, this would be absolutely devastating. And this is probably a lot of why Wikileaks was shut down now. And again -problem, reaction, solution. We have a problem, we need to react and provide the solution, which is to shut down Wikileaks to prevent this information from ever being released. We can create a media outcry and have the entire situation fall under the cover of national security, and via that we can then implement the solution to the other problem, which is to introduce censorship, ban freedom of speech and remove government of all accountability.

So even if Julian Assange is a plant, as many people say. Even if he is cointelpro as many people say. I don't know folks, I'm on the fence with the whole thing. But even if he is cointelpro and was being fed just enough truthful information to make it interesting and all the while steering attention away from things like Zionism and things like 9-11. Even if this was his purpose. Even if he was working for the bad guys so to speak, now he is simple being used as a fall guy, and he is being used to further the globalist agenda. And so by demonizing him right now (they have a history of doing this to their own people) by demonizing him right at this particular point, they get to introduce censorship, They get to severely curtail freedom of speech. They get to remove the government of all accountability. And they also get to prevent the release of what is potentially the most damning indictment of the banking cartels that has ever been made public. And folks, the banking cartels are the ones who run the whole show. They are the ones who run any government that has a central bank. And they also either directly or indirectly control every person of significance below that in the food chain. People such as politicians and prominent media personalities. So when you take all that into account, it becomes very obvious why all of these people would be speaking out in such loud condemnation of Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

So yes, maybe he' s a plant. Maybe he's an innocent pawn; a puppet. Maybe he's simply a guy trying to do the right thing who is in the wrong place at the wrong time and has simply been set up, but it doesn't really matter at the moment. What matters is what this case is really about. And what it's about is curtailing freedom of speech, removing government accountability, and very likely an attempt to keep some very important information concerning the banks out of the public domain.

You see, as with all of these cases folks, it's very important that you look at things holistically. Nothing is ever the way it seems, nothing is ever the way the media tells you, and certainly nothing is ever the way the government tells you. As I have often said all the government does is lie. So it is important that you don't just believe what you hear. It is important that you research these things yourself. Don't even believe me, go and have a look at it for yourself. But when you look at it, step back and look at the whole thing holistically, because very often there is something there in the background that is usually hidden at first glance. And folks, if it's a major problem, if it's major scandal and there’s a lot of noise being made about it, then it's pretty sure to bet on the fact that its got something to do with the banks. The banks control it all. The banks control all of these organizations anyway. The banks control the governments. The banks control organizations such as the FDA.

And speaking of which, it would appear that Bill S-510 doesn’t want to go away. We had a bit of a reprieve last week as the bill got sent back to the Senate, but now it appears that it may be getting through anyway. So I'm not quite sure, but it would seem from some reports I'm hearing that the bill has actually been changed in the past. And if this is true, then this is extremely dangerous. Because anyone caught not obeying the food guidelines outlined in the food safety bill basically gets dragged off to a court that’s run by the FDA, and you don't get any chance to have any legal representation or anything. It's basically a star-chamber. You get dragged into a star-chamber and agents of the FDA decide your future. That’s basically what happens if you get caught under the food bill. You can't even demand your rights under the Constitution. All rights are revoked. And you’ve got to understand, this is being run by the FDA folks. The FDA are already responsible for the death of millions simply by their promotion of cancer. Through their pushing of GM foods and fungicides and things onto people. The FDA is a disgusting organization. It has nothing to do with food safely, in fact it is quite the opposite. What the FDA actually does is insure that the food is unsafe and that the human race follows the path of genetic manipulation that it's being led down.

Now as I said last week folks, there was going to be a couple of people, or at least one Senator that had said that he would not be voting for the bill, and so that it would not get through the Senate if they tried to get it through again. I kind of got a little bit confident about that. I thought, well okay this guy is not going to let it through. It's not going to get through and they're going to have to wait till next year. But it would appear that what they've actually done in order to hurry it along, the House has attached Bill S510 to another bill. A bill called HR3082 - The Military Construction and Veterans Affair Appropriations Act. It would appear that the bill hasn't changed very much at all from what they tried to get through a week or two ago, but they will probably get it through by tacking it to this Veterans Affair bill. How they've managed to do this, I have no idea. But this would appear to be what's happened. It would appear that the House actually took the Senate bill and rewrote some portions of it, so the provisions to raise revenue came from them, then they sent it back to the Senate and the Senate then attached it to HR3082. So they are trying very hard to get this through, folks. And this is the Nazification of food.

You've got to remember, like I said, if you break these laws outlined by this bill, you don't get to go to court. you get to go to a star-chamber run by the FDA, where they decide your fate. This is basically food gestapo. This is exactly what the Gestapo used to do in Germany. They'd come along and say you'd done something under their rules and then they'd bring you before a Gestapo tribunal to decide your fate. These are called star-chambers. Star-chambers were outlawed by habeas corpus when that was brought in back in the 1600's. And any judge that attempts to erect a star-chamber could be sentenced to 25 years in jail, so they are not doing it with judges, they are doing it with private committees made up of FDA officials. This is the food gestapo. There is nothing else that you could call this.

See, America is putting in place very much like the gestapo like we saw in Germany, but the smaller gestapo divisions. We've got the food gestapo here with the FDA. We've got the transport gestapo with the TSA. Then we've got the main gestapo in the form of the Homeland Security department, which acts like an umbrella gestapo with the smaller gestapo organizations in it. So you can see how America is being set up to be more efficient than Nazi Germany was. The Nazi German counterpart of modern Americas Department of Homeland Security of course took the form of Adolf Hitler's Department of Fatherland Security, which was the umbrella corporation for such organizations as the Gestapo during World War II.

What we are seeing with things such as the Food Safety Modernization Act, if it has been implemented, and even the fact that they are attempting to implement such a bill, what we are seeing is very very much the fall of America. America is becoming a fascist state, and they are putting the systems all in place now. And at the rate they are going, I would expect the entire country to be completely locked down into a high tech version of Nazi Germany within the next 12 months. I mean, just looking at things folks, there can be no denying that this is exactly what is happening to America.

I mean, if they start getting too much backlash from the people, they might stretch it out over a couple of years or even five years, but they have the systems in place now that gives them the potential to completely lock down America within the next 12 months if should they wish to do so. As I said, there is certainly no denying that this is what's happening. Of course, you can take it further. You can bring the FEMA camps into it. There are so many signs to indicate exactly what's happening and it's becoming painfully obvious what the truth is. And all of this loss of freedoms as I have often said, is being presented to the people under the guise of protecting their freedoms. It's the most incredible reversal of logic that I've ever seen. And from an international perspective, it is incredibly apparent what we are seeing happening with America, and it is also a very sad thing to see. Sad and also very frustrating. Frustrating because there is nothing anybody in the world can do for the people of America. Because the only people who can truly save America at this stage are the people themselves.

The world stands on a knife edge at the moment, because America is the most powerful military nation on Earth, and should America fall to fascism, which is what we are seeing right now, then this puts the entire world in danger. If you've got a bunch of paranoid Fascists running the most powerful military machine in history, then after they've locked down America, of course their next move is going to be to lock down the rest of the world. And that is unfortunately what we are facing. And the reality is that the only people who can avert this fate before it manifests, are the citizens of the United States. And they don't need violence to do it. They can do it peacefully. All they have to do is realize what's happening and stand up and protect their Constitution. And it doesn't even take the whole country to do it. After all, the War of Independence was won by around about 3% of the overall population.

Well, I think its getting close to break time here, folks. I'll leave it there for now, and we'll go and have a break. I'll try and come back on a little bit more of a brighter note and try to talk about a few other things on the second half of the show. Thank you very much for spending this time with me today. I'll speak with you again in a few minutes. Thanks for listening.

Welcome back, folks. Now with all of the things that I was talking about in the first half of the show; all of the problems that we are seeing manifest within America's slide into fascism that we are seeing in America, Again, there is a silver lining to all of these this, because all of them are opportunities for change. Opportunities for growth. America is not lost yet. It is still salvageable. All of the problems can be fixed. They can be fixed peacefully and they can be fixed very easily. The main problem is, people don't know there is a problem, and when they do find out that there is a problem, it is usually someone screaming fear at them, and they are never provided any solution.

I know it probably sounds corny, and I've said it to you a million times before, but the solution is to get to know your neighbors. The solution is to build community. The solution is to realize that there is no difference between people. There is no difference between you and your neighbors. All of the division is illusionary. And because our societies have been constructed in such a way that most people within them believe this division exists, then society is therefor unable to stand up against the government and what the government is doing – divide and conquer. When you see someone being harassed by police. If you see for example wee someone perhaps being arrested or confronted by the FDA in regards to Bill S510, it's up to you the community to stand up in defense of that person. To understand that the rules the FDA are attempting to enforce upon this person are fictional. They're just little lines on pieces of paper. They don't bear any relation to reality. They're not even laws, folks. They are statues. Statutes aren't laws. Laws are laws. You don't kill. You don't hurt. You don't steal. You don't damage. This is natural law. But all these other things, they are just statues. And a statute is a piece of legislation that is given the power of law through the consent of the governed. And the only way they are able to enforce these rules upon people is because people simply don't stick together. People don't stand up for their neighbors. People don't realize that when they see their neighbor being abused or arrested, they are allowing for that to be done to themselves. Because if that persons rights can be taken away, then your rights can be taken away. Injustice towards one is injustice towards all.

And it's up to people to realize this. It doesn't take much to work it out. And once people have realized this, then they can simply unify and stand up peacefully in non-compliance to this system. It really is that simple, folks. You've got the strength of numbers. You don't need any guns or wars. You need to evolve the human way of thinking into a way that can accept freedom. Because that's the problem with most people; they find it most difficult to be free. They need someone to depend on. They need something to depend on. They need a system to depend on. Most human beings are terrified of self responsibility. They need government. They need this father figure. Well, that’s okay. If you need government, fine, have government. I don't particularly think we need it, but if you want to do that, have government. But you sure as hell better make sure that you don't have a bunch of criminals running that government that are seeking to take your rights away. Because that's what you have in America at the moment. You have an incredibly powerful military machine that is basically run out of Europe, by a European banking cartel. You have a whole puppet government in place, and the sole function of this governing body is to create conflicts overseas and to remove the rights of the people domestically.

Folks, America is very much being turned into a high tech version of Nazi Germany, and we are going to see exactly the same actions as those that we saw from Nazi Germany. All the FEMA camps are in place. All these things are in place. But this will only happen if the people allow it to happen. You can see it happening. You can be aware that this is what is happening, but it all comes down to choice. It all comes down to whether the people chose to remain in fear, whether they chose to change their energetic state to one of love, and unify with the people around them. Because that is what is going to fix the problem. And that's the only thing that’s going to fix the problem.

It's really important that people stop seeing their neighbors as a threat. It's really important that people start helping each other and supporting each other, and that the communities start standing up for each other. It's really important that human beings start establishing a currency of friendship with each other. Friendship is the greatest currency, folks.

It's important that the human race begin to follow the four rules of Dharma. Do the right thing in the right way at the right time for the right reason. Start understanding that all the people around you are just the same as you. And the more people that you help, then the more people will help you.

There truly is a rise in energy happening on this planet. A great many people are waking up to the true unity that is humanity. And that’s exactly what they are doing, is waking up. It isn't that they are gaining knowledge. It's that they are remembering who they are. The human race has already been through a great forgetting and this time in history is very much a great remembering. The human consciousness has been fractured for a very long time, and it is now very much piecing itself back together and awakening from the dream world that we've been living in. The powers that be know this. They know the world is changing and that people are reawakening to the power that they once had. The power that still lies within them. That’s why all of these systems of control are being put in place. If people weren't waking up, they could just bumble along the way they always have been with people none the wiser. People going to work, getting paid, going home and watching television, just living their mundane little lives. But with the rising frequency that’s happening, with the conscious awareness that’s growing on the planet, the power elite have reached the stage where it is necessary for them to put these systems in place, because once the people wake up to how much they have been scammed, there are going to be a lot of people who are quite disturbed about it, and the elites fear for their own safety.

Personally, I don't wish any harm to them. I don't feel any need to hurt these people. Sure, they have murdered a lot of people. Sure, they’ve got the blood of millions of people on their hands, but that’s their karma, it's not mine. I don't wish to hurt them. I wish to help them. I wish to help them come back to their Dharma. Start treading the path of empathy and compassion. Start seeing the beauty of the world around them, and the oneness and the connection with the human race. I don't wish them any harm at all. I don't wish to harm anybody, but very much wish to heal everybody, or at least help them to heal themselves. I feel that acting in a violent manner simply makes one part of the problem, and I very much want to be part of the solution. Because to me the solution is very easy. The solution is unity. This unity is possible by the removal of fear and its easy to remove fear when one gains a true understanding of what reality is. And that is in a nutshell, everything that I've been trying to tell people since I first started doing this broadcast over two years ago.

Sure we've got a lot of problems folks, but its nothing that can't be fixed. Its nothing that can't be fixed if we would just look within ourselves, find the power that’s there and connect with those around us. That’s what we are here to do. And I absolutely find it fascinating, folks. I mean, even when I look outside and I see chemtrails in the sky I find it fascinating. When I see the propaganda on television. When I see the wars. When I see all of the trouble that the elite is going to to take over this planet and to keep the people in a negative state, I find it fascinating that they have to go to all of this trouble simply to keep people locked down. I really do. That's how powerful we are. If we were to simply unify and stand up together, the entire world would change in three seconds. I've said it so many times. And that's all it would take.

We seem to have these barriers. Its like a wall that we've got in front of ourselves. We can't seem to see over the fence. It truly is a matrix that we are living in, folks. It truly is this illusional fictitious reality where we all act like little drones, we all march along in little formations and we do what we are told. We all go and collect paper all day. And we work hard in order to have some little home and 2.3 kids and a plasma screen TV and all this useless stuff that simply detracts us from being who and what we are and prevents us from ever connecting with our neighbors. We find all these things to occupy ourselves so that we won't ever have to connect with anybody or take responsibility for ourselves. And most of society wonders why they feel incomplete. So they go and do self help courses. And learn to meditate in certain ways. And try to find all kinds of ways to convince themselves that that oneness does actually exist, instead of just looking in themselves and seeing that it is there. That’s all you have to do, folks. Just know that it's there.

I've had a lot of people ask me about meditation techniques. I tell them about the place that I go when I meditate. I've spoken about the meditations that I have on the show sometimes. And people ask me what my technique is. And I say, “Well, I just go there.” Most people have techniques and different methods and all these things that they try, because they are using these methods to convince themselves that they can get there. But you don't have to convince yourself, you just have to know that it is there and go there.

That’s what I find anyway, folks. It's simply knowing what reality is. Once you know it, you can't un-know it. It's simply what reality is. Reality is quite literally a symphony made up of light and sound. That’s all it is. It's a fractal reality, and all that actually exists within reality is consciousness. Consciousness existing with a fractal. And all physical matter within that fractal is simply based on perception.

Sure there are a lot of things going on that are bad in the world, but the way to fix it is so simple it beggars belief that we haven't done it already. The problem is that there are so many people in fear of this reality that’s been created and they are too afraid to do anything about it. They believe that what they have to do is external. That they have to fight against the system. But they don't. The fight is within themselves. The fight is to remove the fear from their lives and connect with their neighbors. To connect with their community. To connect with those around them. Realize that we are each other.

It's very much like the battle in that animated film with the ants and the grasshoppers. The ants really didn’t have to do anything. All they had to do was stand in solidarity and the grasshoppers went away. And that’s all the human race has to do is to stand in solidarity and there is absolutely nothing the authorities can do.

S510. Bill HR875. All of the legislation that these governments are trying to enact. All of the wars that they attempting to send people too. None of these things have to be. None of these laws have to be obeyed. None of these wars have to be fought. None of the new world order plans have to come to pass. And all of it can be prevented by the human race simply uniting as one family and standing in solidarity in a united act of non-compliance to this system. Non-compliance to the police state. Non-compliance to the wars. Non-compliance to the IMF. Non-compliance to the continued enslavement of the human race. The continued degradation of the environment. The continued abuse of foreign lands. Abuse of resources. Abuse of people.

All of this has happened because of a lack of solidarity. All of this has happened because the human race has always looked externally for help. We've always expected governments to fix problems. We've never wanted to fix them ourselves, and the only thing we way to fix them is to realize the connection we have with each other. To stand up when we see the abuse of another. To stand up with solidarity for each other, as a united community. That's all we've ever had to do. You see, the fact is the answer is so simple we've just been never able to see it, but it's always been there right in our face, but sometimes I guess we just can't see the forest for the trees. But it's right there, folks. It's right there. We just have to embrace the opportunity that all of this stuff provides for us.

You know, when you look at it from an energetic perspective and you look at what's happening to the world and you look at it holistically, it is truly a wonderful opportunity. It is truly a wonderful time to be alive. To be here for this awakening. To be here for this shift in consciousness that’s occurring. And when I say we need to be in a state of love and compassion and we can do things non-violently, I absolutely mean that. In the same token, I’m not saying sit there like a pacifist and let storm troopers come to your door. If you have to defend yourself, by all means do so. But don't do so with hatred in your heart. Defend yourself and your family if you need to do so because of the love you have for yourself and your family. I mean, if I was put in a position, I would certainly defend myself, but I would be feeling a great deal of sorrow for anybody I was hurting during that confrontation, because it is truly not my wish to hurt anybody.

I really believe that violence is never going to solve anything. You can't overthrow one form of tyranny with a violent action, because history has shown us that when you do so, all you end up doing is installing a new form of tyranny. It may remain just for a little while, but it won't last for long, and eventually it will lapse back into the situation that we now find ourselves in today.

For those who would deny some of the things that I've said on the show today. For those who would deny that America is on the brink of becoming a full blown Fascist state, I would suggest that they simply look at history. Look at the parallels between modern day America and Nazi Germany. I mean, even some of the speeches made by George W. Bush during the post 9-11 and Afghan and Iraqi invasion period, were incredibly reminiscent of some of the speeches made by Adolf Hitler. And the whole FEMA camps, the whole TSA, FDA, all of this stuff that’s going on, the parallels are striking, folks. And so there really is no denying that this is happening. So an opportunity to reinstate freedom really is there, and really is the responsibility of the American people to do this. It is their duty to defend the Constitution and reinstate the Constitution, because it is pretty well gone at the moment. We really must hope that they don't shirk their responsibility and that they do stand up to reinstate their country into what it was founded as and what it should be. And that is the constitutional republic of the United States of America.

America almost reached its pinnacle and it had the potential to become the greatest nation the world has ever known, but now it has been very obviously taken over by corporate interests. And it is poised to be used as a tool to impose a very tyrannical system across the entire globe. And as I have said, the only people who really can fix the problem at this stage are the citizens of America. So let's just hope that they take up the opportunity, folks.

Now that is not to say of course that the problem only exists within America. The problem with the United States of America is and has always been the military arm of this global elite, but it is also up to the people of other countries to stand in solidarity as well. I mean, we've seen what's going on in Ireland at the moment. We've seen whats going on in England. England is being turned into a surveillance nightmare. We're seeing similar things here in Australia. We're seeing problems in Canada. Were seeing problems in all countries that are run by the crown corporation. America is of course run by the Crown corporation. We are seeing similar problems across Europe. This is what the introduction of the European Union was all about. So that all of the countries could be marginalized together. Everybody wants out of the European Union, which of course would be the best thing that could happen. The European Union should be dissolved. It should never have been created in the first place. It was of course created to fulfill certain banking elites and certain banking cartels wet dream of global government enslaved to one global banking system. This is the absolute fantasy of these people. This is what they have always wanted. That's what they are pointing towards. that’s where the world is heading. The global banking system is what will be used to enslave all of the countries that will join up to the system. As always been done. I am kind of stating the obvious with that, but thought I would throw it in there anyway. So it is very exciting times in the world indeed. Very exciting times indeed.

Look, there are a lot of organizations trying to combat certain problems in certain ways and many of them need a hand. I've had a lot of people contacting me asking if I need help. I do need help, but its hard if you are not actually around here somewhere. I've got someone from I think Poland at the moment who is helping us build a new interactive website that is hopefully going to be used to introduce people to this information. And there’s all sorts of things we can do.

There’s the website run by Clifford Carnicom called The Carnicom Institute. And they are also desperately in need of help at the moment. Clifford Carnicom of course made the film Aerosol Crimes. He is one of the most longstanding researchers on chemtrails that is anywhere on the planet. Clifford and the Carnicom instituted really do need some help at the moment. They need programmers. They need webmasters. They need staff members. They really need some help. So anybody who feels like getting involved and committing themselves to a very worthwhile cause and that is the cause of chemtrails, please go to You’ll see the featured website this week is the Carnicom Institute. If you get there and the link is moved as the featured website, simply check the links page and you’ll find the link there. Please do feel free to offer them your support, as they sorely need it.

Chemtrails is a very important issue, folks. We saw some huge ones here yesterday. Actually, I'll put a picture of one of them with this clip when I post it on to Youtube. They have been kind of hammering us with these things. It is a very important issue, folks. Chemtrails is something that effects everybody, and its simply not going to go away until people start to make noise about it.

Bill S510 is simply not going to go away until people start making noise about it. Things like the TSA simply are not going to go away either until people start making noise about it. The best way to make noise about it is to build community and stand in solidarity against this type of legislation. That’s what has to be done. You all need to go to the airports and all refuse the machines. All just boycott the pat downs. Refuse. Opt out of the pat downs. Opt out of the naked body scanners. Opt out of any regulations being enforced by the FDA. Stand up for your rights now. Preserve your freedoms now. Rights are only good if people chose to exercise this rights. And if you fail to exercise these rights, then they will be taken away from you, because they are being taken away from you right now.

So the time to remove fear from your life. The time to remove fear from your heart is now. The time to break down the division between you and your neighbors, between you and your community is now. By breaking down this division, it is easy to stand up to these people. It's easy to turn your back on the system because you have each other to depend on. But you can't wait until the system crashes. You need to build that currency of friendship now. Start building community now. Start helping your neighbors. Start alerting people to the problems that you face and let the know that they do have your support, and should you see them get in trouble with the authorities over growing food, you are prepared to stand with them in solidarity. It really is important that people stand up and do this in all countries. Because if our countries fall to Fascism and we lose what rights we have, it will be very, very difficult to get them back.

The last time people relay stood up for their rights and actually got any rights at all, came with the introduction of the Magna Carta in 1297, which was later improved with the addition of the Bill of Rights in 1688. Since then it's just been derivations of those documents. But those documents still stand, folks. Rights were given to us in those documents that can never ever be taken away. It doesn't matter what laws, it doesn't matter what statues that are put in place, those documents still stand. The Magna Carta itself stemmed directly from actions of a man called Robin Hood. And all they had to use back them was swords and bows and arrows. We are facing all worse than that, so I think its about time we got onto things while we are still able to do so, because the opportunity is not going to be there forever.

Well, we are getting pretty close to the end of the show here, folks. I hope things haven't been too negative for you today. We are facing a pretty desperate situation with a lot of whats going on in the world, and I do feel it is important to address these issues. But as I have said, they all are opportunities for us. I still see these things are opportunities. I still find it fascinating they have to implement all of these ridiculous legislations. I find it fascinating that they believe they can. And I find it more fascinating that people enforce them and other people chose to go along with them. Sometimes it really is quite mind blowing to see what the human race will do to itself and what it is prepared to take.

Well, that’s pretty well it for me, folks. I'd like to say thank you to everybody who visits Thank you for anybody who has every offered help to The Crowhouse. It is very much needed. When we get this interactive website happening and when mathematically perfected economy is ready to go, which I believe isn't very far away, then I do intend to put a money bomb on The Crowhouse in an attempt to put a full page ad simultaneously in every newspaper across the country. The ad will kind of serve as an article and an advertisement for all three websites. We will hopefully provide people with enough insight into the problems that we face and we will also provide solutions to these problems and a place that we can all meet up online to implement peoples mandates to hopefully change this problem. It's a start anyway, folks. At least it's something. We need to do something, and anything that will help generate public awareness, I am right there folks. that’s just what I do.

Well, thank you very much for listening to the show today. If you ever can make a contribution to the Crowhouse it is very much needed. Thank you for spending this time with me today and taking the time to listen. It's always a pleasure to talk to you, but I will have to say goodbye for now. I'll look forward to speaking to you again next week.

In Lak'ech.